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Line count limit problems in Additional Info field

Posted: 2014.06.02.

Line count limit problems in Additional Info field


In the process of transferring my scripts over from userscripts.org, I've noticed a problem with the additional info field. If I enter more than 208 lines of text into this field and then preview it, I get an alert box popping up containing the text "[object Object]" and an OK button.

Given the lack of human-readable text in this alert box to give any suggestion as to what the problem might be, if I then assume the preview is failing for some random server-glitch-related reason and just try posting the script anyway, I then get a server error.

Given that there's nothing in the server error message to suggest the post attempt succeeded to any extent, and given prior experience of similar errors during the script posting process over on userscripts, I then attempt to post the script again, and get the same result.

I then wonder if there's something about the script name which is causing problems, so change that and try posting again, with the same result.

After a few other changes of script data, I eventually realise the problem is, as noted above, the info field line count. Reducing this down to or below the magic 208 figure finally allows the script to be posted without any errors. Result!

However... when I then go to my profile page to view the list of scripts I've posted, I now see half a dozen entries for this same script. Uh-oh. It seems that, instead of each of the previous post attempts failing when the server error was generated, each attempt has actually generated a new entry in the script list, however it's only the most recent entry (i.e. the one where the post attempt was a success) which is accessible - clicking on any of the others generates another server error, and so I can't delete any of the unwanted copies. Sorry about the mess :-/

Posted: 2014.06.03.
I think you brought the whole server down!

Nice! :)

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