Perpetual pages - powerful auto-pager script. Auto fetching next paginated web pages and inserting into current page for infinite scroll. Support thousands of web sites without any rule.
Take it.
{ "name": "gog", "action": 1, "url": "^https://www\\.gog\\.com/", "pageElement": "", "nextLinkByUrl": [ "(&page=(\\d+))?$", "&page={$2+1}" ], "pageAction": "[], ele=>{[]'source[lazyload]'), source=>{source.setAttribute('srcset',source.getAttribute('lazyload'))})})" }
I remember asking about and you helped make the rule for it however seem to be having issues when narrowing down search results. for instance on going to store, on sale now, then narrowing search results to lets say 0.74 - 8.00 wpagetual doesnt work.
Seems anytime there's a filter narrowing results I have issues on this website.
As always thanks for your updates.