Link Untracker

Remove tracking elements from links

< Feedback on Link Untracker


Posted: 20.07.2019.

How does this compare to other UTM cleaning scripts?

Right now, I'm using this script:

Would you say you script is more powerful? Cleaner code? Works exactly the same way? Is it a fork?

Just wondering... thanks for posting updates!

Posted: 20.07.2019.

I haven't used any other – wrote this as I missed one. Just took a look at the script you've linked: that only deals with utm_ parameters.

So yes, I'd say mine is more powerful, as it deals with a bunch of additional tracker parameters. Please take a look at the script's code. Right at the top you find the badp variable listing the tracker specs this script deals with. Next to utm, there are 15 more.

Still, it's far from being perfect, and there might be better ones around. As I wrote, I created this script as I didn't find one but needed one – and didn't search much when I had mine :wink:

Enjoy it – and thanks for your feedback!

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