MTurk HIT Database Mk.II

Keep track of the HITs you've done (and more!). Cross browser compatible.

< Feedback on MTurk HIT Database Mk.II


Posted: 02.12.2015.

Lost database for no apparent reason

after a couple of weeks of using this new hit database all my old history disappeared. I restored it from a backup and lost a couple months of data. But now when I search for data it doesn't show anything past 11/23.

But my projected earnings and weekly earnings show up correctly.

How can I fix this? I would hate to lose anymore data.

Posted: 03.12.2015.

Did you clear your cache prior to losing your database? Clearing the cache has a tendency to wipe out the database in Chrome.

When you update, does the projected earnings update automatically after it completes? If so, it's a sign the writing was successful. I'm not sure why nothing would show up on a search. Do the more current dates show up in the Daily Overview? If so, do the HITs show up when you expand the date?

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