קיימות ספריות שפורסמו על-ידי משתמשי Greasy Fork שתוכל לכלול באמצעות @require
בסקריפטים שלך. עבור סוגים אחרים של ספריות שהינך יכול לכלול באמצעות @require
, קרא את חוקי Greasy Fork על @require
lib_GamdomNotifications JS (ספריה) - Lib needed for running Gamdom Notificator
Core JS (ספריה) - CoreCode
Configure JS (ספריה) - A library to help you set up configure in greasemonkey script.
core JS (ספריה) - corrreee
GM storage wrapper JS (ספריה) - simple wrapper for GM_storage with added functions
bv7_jpeg2array_b JS (ספריה) - jpeg -> array
Wanikani Open Framework - Apiv2 module JS (ספריה) - Apiv2 module for Wanikani Open Framework
Wanikani Open Framework - ItemData module JS (ספריה) - ItemData module for Wanikani Open Framework
Wanikani Open Framework - Menu module JS (ספריה) - Menu module for Wanikani Open Framework
Wanikani Open Framework - Progress module JS (ספריה) - Progress module for Wanikani Open Framework
Wanikani Open Framework - Settings module JS (ספריה) - Settings module for Wanikani Open Framework
grant-none-shim.js JS (ספריה) - https://gist.github.com/arantius/3123124
MonkeyConfig JS (ספריה) - Easy configuration dialog builder for user scripts
style JS (ספריה) - biblioteca script
WME Utils - NavigationPoint JS (ספריה) - NavigationPoint class necessary for creating an entryExitPoint in code. Instantiate the class and pass the OL.Geometry.Point in the constructor then add the NavigationPoint object to the entryExitPoints array.
save as for browser JS (ספריה) - fix for original version
vue.js JS (ספריה) - Vue
Little Site Icons JS (ספריה) - 16x16 site icons for use in other userscripts.
WME Utils - HoursParser Beta JS (ספריה) - Parses a text string into hours, for use in Waze Map Editor scripts
MSCSTSTS-TOOLS JS (ספריה) - 自用工具库,命名空间mscststs
BilibiliAPI JS (ספריה) - BilibiliAPI,PC端抓包研究所得
百度网盘批量离线 JS (ספריה) - 批量离线辅助脚本
Nhung con giap de trung so nam 2018 nhat JS (ספריה) - Mệnh của mỗi người đều không thoát khỏi 12 con giáp, vì vậy, trong năm 2018 đặc biệt là vào tháng chập âm lịch này, có một vài con giáp được xếp vào danh sách may mắn, dễ trúng số. Đó là những người mang tuổi: Sửu, tuổi Thìn, tuổi Tuất, tuổi Dần. XSMT trực tiếp nhanh nhất
Những con giáp dễ trúng số năm 2018 nhất JS (ספריה) - Mệnh của mỗi người đều không thoát khỏi 12 con giáp, vì vậy, trong năm 2018 đặc biệt là vào tháng chập âm lịch này, có một vài con giáp được xếp vào danh sách may mắn, dễ trúng số. Đó là những người mang tuổi: Sửu, tuổi Thìn, tuổi Tuất, tuổi Dần. XSMT trực tiếp nhanh nhất
WME Utils - HoursParser JS (ספריה) - Parses a text string into hours, for use in Waze Map Editor scripts
wus_uic JS (ספריה) - wus UI 控制管理
wusconfig JS (ספריה) - WebUiSys 云端配置信息
htmlparser2 JS (ספריה) - 提供html文本内容解码,并提供类似python bs4的快速检索访问形式
Underdollar jQuery replacement JS (ספריה) - Replaces jQuery, which causes lots of conflicts, with a framework that is largely cross-compatible
mean.cloud Eternity Tower common library JS (ספריה) - Common Eternity Tower-specific code
mean.cloud common library JS (ספריה) - Common functions I use for most of my scripts
Batch delete qzone shuoshuo. JS (ספריה) - Batch delete qzone shuoshuo. (run in web browser console, only tested in firefox)
TagCoinsAPI JS (ספריה) - Enables you to send TGC, receive feedback, and get update events
Tinycon JS (ספריה) - A small library for manipulating the Favicon
he.js JS (ספריה) - https://mths.be/he version for GF
UpdateChck_GamdomRainNotif JS (ספריה) - Lib for update checking of Gamdom Rain Notificator.
back to top JS (ספריה) - back to top bibiliothek
Sortable.js JS (ספריה) - Sortable — is a JavaScript library for reorderable drag-and-drop lists on modern browsers and touch devices. No jQuery. Supports Meteor, AngularJS, React, Polymer, Knockout and any CSS library, e.g. Bootstrap. http://rubaxa.github.io/Sortable/
My jQuery Plugin JS (ספריה) - 获取URL参数
lib-GamdomNotifications JS (ספריה) - Lib needed for running Gamdom Notificator
HManager JS (ספריה) - scri
TESTE GRANT VALUE JS (ספריה) - Script para Test de Value
Pogdesign-Widgets.js JS (ספריה) - Add the core object for the Pogdesign-Widgets.user.js
GM.addStyle Polyfill JS (ספריה) - Polyfill for GM.addStyle, for some reason their script doesn't work?
eisbehr jquery lazy JS (ספריה) - lazy load page elements
ztreeCss JS (ספריה) - ztreeToc stylesheet
WaniKani API JS (ספריה) - Tools for accessing the WaniKani API without having to use jQuery.
GMCommonAPI.js JS (ספריה) - GM Common API (GMC) is a simple library designed for easily adding Greasemonkey 4 compatibilty to existing userscripts
Notification.js JS (ספריה) - Notification.js by Andrew Dodson
Common Framework JS (ספריה) - Framework to be used by most DF requesters/scripts
Inventory requester JS (ספריה) - Inventory framework
Market requester JS (ספריה) - Market Framework
Wanikani Phonetic-Semantic Composition Original Database JS (ספריה) - Original composition database for the WK Phonetic-Semantic Userscript
sequence-diagrams JS (ספריה) - JS sequence diagrams 2.0.1 || (c) 2012-2017 Andrew Brampton (bramp.net) || @license Simplified BSD license.
grant none shim JS (ספריה) - https://gist.githubusercontent.com/arantius/3123124/raw/grant-none-shim.js
KaTeX JS (ספריה) - KaTeX 修改版, 可以工作与 兼容模式.可能会出现Bug.效果未知
prism23.js JS (ספריה) - prism.js 这个版本包含了 highlight.js 里面推荐的 23 中最常见的语言 的语法高亮功能
docCodeStyle JS (ספריה) - Doc Theme Style & Code Theme Style for MarkDown Viewer Lite
debug JS (ספריה) - 用于调试的脚本库
marked.js JS (ספריה) - @require in Markdown Viewer Lite
ACGN-Stock股票事件監聽 JS (ספריה) - 監聽ACGN網頁變化並給予Addevent
ACGN-Stock股票事件監聽 JS (ספריה) - 監聽ACGN網頁變化並給予Addevent
Debugger JS (ספריה) - A helper class for debugging
Load external script JS (ספריה) - Tool to let you load external scripts
AutoCookie2 Upgrade Details JS (ספריה) - Definitions for Cookie Cliker's Upgrades
NyQuery JS (ספריה) - Makes Money
red fun JS (ספריה) - 121
Izi 2 JS (ספריה) - Noice
Izi JS (ספריה) - GG
Favicon JS (ספריה) - favicon
grant-none-shim.js JS (ספריה) - undefined
Edited JS (ספריה) - Private
videoControls JS (ספריה) - 适用于资源网助手
YouTube Black Theme Library JS (ספריה) - YTBT Library
Bank Requester JS (ספריה) - Helper to withdraw/deposit
Testa Alerta JS (ספריה) - Testa Alerta 2
GM_context JS (ספריה) - A html5 contextmenu library
PajHome MD5 JS (ספריה) - Calculate MD5 of string. Different encodings possible. Taken from "Paj's Home" (Paul Johnston), under BSD license.
Blowfish cipher JS (ספריה) - Encrypt and decrypt data using Blowfish block cipher. This library uses arrays of 8-bit numbers for data, key and init vector (IV).
MD5 Hash JS (ספריה) - MD5 hashing framework
Append Script JS (ספריה) - Easier way to write scripts as dom
base64 JS (ספריה) - base64 encode decode
Zepto.js + selector JS (ספריה) - Zepto.js 增加了 selector 模块
extención JS (ספריה) - Extención para los bots
WaveSurfer - Tampermonkey JS (ספריה) - WaveSurfer
缓存資料庫 JS (ספריה) - Bili+缓存資料庫
Super Light AJAX plugin JS (ספריה) - Super Light AJAX plugin by IvanSkvortsov
Light AJAX plugin JS (ספריה) - Light AJAX plugin by IvanSkvortsov
AJAX plugin - SkIvLib JS (ספריה) - AJAX plugin by Ivan Skvortsov
jquery.qrcode.js JS (ספריה) - The original author jeromeetienne https://github.com/jeromeetienne/jquery-qrcode
qrcode.js JS (ספריה) - The original author jeromeetienne https://github.com/jeromeetienne/jquery-qrcode
zjyong JS (ספריה) - zjyongde
JMUL JS (ספריה) - utilities for monkey scripts
CaretCode JS (ספריה) - Xossip CaretCode
WME_Assist_Analyzer JS (ספריה) - Waze Map Editor Assist Analyzer
WME_Assist_Scanner JS (ספריה) - Waze Map Editor Assist Scanner
data-cache.js JS (ספריה) - A Map sub-class backed by a persistant store
PRF - Lib - Valida CPF CNPJ JS (ספריה) - Biblioteca para valida CPF e CNPJ