// ==UserScript==
// @name Neon theme
// @author Nimdac#0648, rewritten by Shädam
// @description Neon theme for diep.io. Press G to change glow layers count (less glow layers = less lag). This theme currently works only in FFA, Maze and Sandbox.
// @version 1.4.11
// @match *://diep.io/*
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/422425
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
var int = window.setInterval(function() {
if(window.input != null) {
}, 100)
function onready() {
const regexpC = new RegExp(`^(${[
"Score: ([0-9]{1,3})(,[0-9]{1,3})?(,[0-9]{1,3})?",
"[0-9]+\\.[0-9] ms vultr-(amsterdam|miami|la|singapore|sydney)",
"[0-9]+\\.[0-9] FPS",
"([0-9]+h )?([0-9]{1,2}m )?[0-9]{1,2}s",
"You were killed by:",
"\\(press enter to continue\\)",
"\\(they seem to prefer to keep an air of mystery about them\\)",
"You've killed [^]+",
"Game mode"
const regexpR = new RegExp(`^(${[
"Health Regen",
"Max Health",
"Body Damage",
"(Bullet|Drone) Speed",
"(Bullet|Drone) (Health|Penetration)",
"(Bullet|Drone) Damage",
"Drone Count",
"Movement Speed",
"More games"
const fillColors = [
{ color: "#000001", cmd: ["net_replace_color 2", "net_replace_color 3"] },
{ color: "#000002", new: "#00c0ff" },
{ color: "#000100", cmd: ["net_replace_color 0", "net_replace_color 1", "net_replace_color 10"] },
{ color: "#000200", new: "#cf33ff" },
{ color: "#010000", cmd: ["net_replace_color 8", "net_replace_color 12", "net_replace_color 6"] },
{ color: "#000003", cmd: ["net_replace_color 4", "net_replace_color 9", "net_replace_color 15", "ren_health_fill_color"] },
{ color: "#000006", new: "#ff0080" },
{ color: "#010001", cmd: ["net_replace_color 11"] },
{ color: "#010100", cmd: ["net_replace_color 14"], new: "#030006" },
{ color: "#030000", cmd: ["net_replace_color 17"] },
{ color: "#020000", new: "#ffff33" },
{ color: "#000300", cmd: ["net_replace_color 7"] },
{ color: "#000101", cmd: ["net_replace_color 16"] },
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{ color: "#010002", cmd: ["net_replace_color 5"] },
{ color: "#020004", new: "#ca80ff" }
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{ color: "#123456", cmd: ["ren_xp_bar_fill_color"] },
{ color: "#123321", cmd: ["ren_health_background_color"] },
{ color: "#010101", cmd: ["ren_score_bar_fill_color", "net_replace_color 13"] },
{ color: "#000200", new: "#cf33ff" },
{ color: "#321123", cmd: ["ren_bar_background_color"] },
{ color: "#000002", new: "#00c0ff" },
{ color: "#020000", new: "#ffff33" },
{ color: "#000003", new: "#ff0080" },
{ color: "#000006", new: "#ff0080" },
{ color: "#020002", new: "#ff33bb" },
{ color: "#020200", new: "#cf33ff" },
{ color: "#060000", new: "#ffffff" },
{ color: "#000600", new: "#00ff00" },
{ color: "#000202", new: "#ff8000" },
{ color: "#020004", new: "#ca80ff" }
const darkenColor = (color, m) => {
m = m || 1;
let result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(color);
return result ? `rgb(${parseInt(result[1], 16) / (2.5*m)},${parseInt(result[2], 16) / (2.5*m)},${parseInt(result[3], 16) / (2.5*m)})` : null;
strokeColors[1].new = darkenColor(strokeColors[7].new, 2);
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const realFillRect = cc.fillRect;
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apply: function(to, what, args) {
if(["#888888", "#eeeeee"].includes(what.fillStyle)) return;
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if(what.fillStyle == "#4c4c4d") what.fillStyle = fillColors[1].new;
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if(what.fillStyle == "#4c4c4e") what.fillStyle = fillColors[6].new;
if(UIColors.includes(what.fillStyle)) {
let i = UIColors.indexOf(what.fillStyle);
let color = [
strokeColors[3].new, strokeColors[7].new,
darkenColor(strokeColors[3].new), darkenColor(strokeColors[7].new),
strokeColors[3].new, strokeColors[7].new,
strokeColors[3].new, strokeColors[7].new
if(i < UIColors.length - 4) {
what.strokeStyle = color;
what.lineWidth *= 0.4;
what.fillStyle = color;
for(let x of fillColors) {
if(x.color == what.fillStyle) {
what.fillStyle = (x.new || "#000000");
if(what.fillStyle == "#030006") {
what.strokeStyle = strokeColors[3].new;
what.lineWidth = c.height/100;
what.globalCompositeOperation = "lighten";
return to.apply(what, args);
cc.stroke = new Proxy(cc.stroke, {
apply: function(to, what, args) {
if(!strokeColors.map(x => x.color).includes(what.strokeStyle)) return;
if(["#123456", "#321123", "#010101"].includes(what.strokeStyle)) return;
for(let x of strokeColors) {
if(x.color == what.strokeStyle) {
what.strokeStyle = (x.new || "#000000");
return to.apply(what, args);
cc.fillText = new Proxy(cc.fillText, {
apply: function(to, what, args) {
if(regexpR.test(args[0])) return;
let i;
if(regexpC.test(args[0]) || what.fillStyle == "#ffff90") {
what.fillStyle = strokeColors[7].new;
i = 1;
} else {
what.fillStyle = strokeColors[3].new;
i ^= 1;
if(/^[0-9]+(\.[0-9][km])?$/.test(args[0])) what.fillStyle = [strokeColors[3].new, strokeColors[7].new][i];
return to.apply(what, args);
cc.strokeText = new Proxy(cc.strokeText, {
apply: function(to, what, args) {
cc.fillRect = new Proxy(cc.fillRect, {
apply: function(to, what, args) {
if(["#456654", "#321123", "#0000ff", "#f3f1a9", "#c1adb8", "#aec1b7", "#becdc5", "#cdbdc6", "#8b9a92", "#9a8a93", "#adadad", "#bdbdbd", "#8a8a8a", "#ff0000"].includes(what.fillStyle)) return;
return to.apply(what, args);
cc.setTransform = new Proxy(cc.setTransform, {
apply: function(to, what, args) {
if(what.fillStyle == "#456654") return realFillRect.apply(ctx7, [args[4], args[5], args[0], args[3]]);
if(["#8b9a92", "#9a8a93", "#8a8a8a"].includes(what.fillStyle)) {
what.shadowColor = "#ff0000";
what.shadowBlur = 1;
return to.apply(what, args);
cc.drawImage = new Proxy(cc.drawImage, {
apply: function(to, what, args) {
if(args[0].src == `https://static.diep.io/title.png`) args[0].src = `https://i.imgur.com/hTy66ES.png`;
return to.apply(what, args);
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"ui_replace_colors" + " 0x987789 0x789987".repeat(4),
"ren_fps true",
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"ren_achievements false",
"ren_background_solid_color true",
"ren_background_color 0x000000",
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"ren_stroke_soft_color_intensity -1"
].forEach(x => window.input.execute(x));
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if(!x.cmd) continue;
x.cmd.forEach(cmd => window.input.execute(`${cmd} 0x${x.color.slice(1)}`));
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if (mode === undefined) {
mode = contexts.length-1;
localStorage.setItem("diepNeonMode", contexts.length-1);
let loop;
const getLoop = (e, f) => {
if(e.code === "KeyG") {
!f && mode++;
if(mode > contexts.length) mode = 0;
localStorage.setItem("diepNeonMode", mode);
loop = () => {
contexts.slice(0, mode).forEach(ctx => ctx.drawImage(c, 0, 0));
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document.addEventListener("keydown", getLoop);