Greasy Fork is available in English.

Mangadex Autocomplete

Autocompletes @mentions and :titles. Maintains a small history of user posts and manga you recently viewed and searches that for matches. Example image shown in additional info

התקן את הסקריפט?
סקריפטים מומלצים של יוצר זה

אולי תאהב גם את Mangadex Preview Post.

התקן את הסקריפט
// ==UserScript==
// @name        Mangadex Autocomplete
// @description Autocompletes @mentions and :titles. Maintains a small history of user posts and manga you recently viewed and searches that for matches. Example image shown in additional info
// @namespace
// @author      Christopher McGinnis
// @license     MIT
// @icon
// @version  0.0.13
// @grant    unsafeWindow
// @grant    GM.getValue
// @grant    GM.setValue
// @grant    GM_getValue
// @grant    GM_setValue
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @match*
// ==/UserScript==
// FIXME: Move away from dead atwho. Considing
/* global XPath ,XPath2 ,getUserValues ,setUserValue ,dbg ,$ */
/* global SettingsUI ,SettingsUIValidationError */

'use strict'

const xp = new XPath()
/* *************************************
 * Functions That ought to go in a library
function insertStylesheet(cssText) {
  // const cssId = `css_${cssText.toString().replace(/\W/g ,'_')}`
  const style = document.createElement('style')
  style.type = 'text/css'
  if (style.styleSheet) {
    // This is required for IE8 and below.
    style.styleSheet.cssText = cssText
  else {
  return style.sheet
// For using AtWho's CSS. Disabled since it is difficault to make it use mangadex's active theme
function addCssLink(css_url) {
  const cssId = `css_${css_url.toString().replace(/\W/g ,'_')}`
  if (!document.getElementById(cssId)) {
    const link = document.createElement('link') = cssId
    link.rel = 'stylesheet'
    link.type = 'text/css'
    link.href = css_url
    // = 'all';
    return link.sheet
function insertIntoStylesheet({ stylesheet ,selector ,css_text }) {
  if (stylesheet.insertRule) {
    css_text = `${selector} {${css_text}}`
    stylesheet.insertRule(css_text ,stylesheet.cssRules.length)
  else if (stylesheet.addRule) {
    stylesheet.addRule(selector ,css_text)
function findCSS_Rules({ classID ,exactProperties = [] ,matchProperties = [] ,ignoredStylesheets = [] }) {
  let resultRule = {}
  let resultCssText = ''
  let exactCssText = ''
  let matchCssText = ''
  let result_stylesheet
  for (let i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++) {
    // Object.keys(document.styleSheets).forEach((i) => {
    try {
      const stylesheet = document.styleSheets[i]
      if (ignoredStylesheets.indexOf(stylesheet) >= 0) continue
      const style_rules = stylesheet.cssRules ? stylesheet.cssRules : stylesheet.rules
      if (style_rules) {
        result_stylesheet = stylesheet
        // for (let r = 0; r < style_rules.length; r++) {
        Object.keys(style_rules).forEach((r) => {
          if (style_rules[r].selectorText && style_rules[r].selectorText === classID) {
            resultRule = style_rules[r]
            Object.values(style_rules[r].style).forEach((key) => {
              const v = style_rules[r].style[key]
              resultCssText += `${key}: ${v}; `
              if (exactProperties.indexOf(key) >= 0) {
                exactCssText += `${key}: ${v}; `
              matchProperties.forEach((reg) => {
                if (key.startsWith(reg)) matchCssText += `${key}: ${v}; `
            // return { stylesheet, rule: style_rules[r] }
    catch (e) {
      // Rethrow exception if it's not a SecurityError. Note that SecurityError
      // exception is specific to Firefox.
      if ( !== 'SecurityError') throw e
      // continue // on as normal
    // })
  // let css_text = Object.enresultRule.reduce( (accum='',[k,v]) => { accum+=v  } )
  return {
    stylesheet: result_stylesheet ,rule: resultRule ,matchCssText ,exactCssText ,resultCssText
function duplicate_cssRule({ origSelector ,newSelector ,exactProperties ,matchProperties ,ignoredStylesheets ,targetStylesheet: insertInto }) {
  // if(findCSS_Rule(new_selector)) return true;  // Must have already done this one
  const { stylesheet: origStylesheet ,rule ,matchCssText ,exactCssText ,resultCssText } = findCSS_Rules({
    classID: origSelector ,exactProperties ,matchProperties ,ignoredStylesheets
  let cssText = matchProperties ? matchCssText : resultCssText
  if (!cssText) return false
  let targetStylesheet = insertInto
  if (targetStylesheet == null) targetStylesheet = origStylesheet
  if (targetStylesheet.insertRule) {
    cssText = `${newSelector} {${cssText}}`
    targetStylesheet.insertRule(cssText ,targetStylesheet.cssRules.length)
  else if (targetStylesheet.addRule) {
    targetStylesheet.addRule(newSelector ,cssText)
  return true
function stableSort(arr ,cmp = (a ,b) => {
  if (a < b) return -1
  if (a > b) return 1
  return 0
}) {
  const stabilizedThis = ,index) => [el ,index])
  const stableCmp = (a ,b) => {
    const order = cmp(a[0] ,b[0])
    if (order !== 0) return order
    return a[1] - b[1]
  for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    arr[i] = stabilizedThis[i][0]
  return arr
/* *************************************
 * Our crap
function mangadexStyleURIComponent(str) {
  // replace all non-alpha-numeric characters with dashing dashes
  return str.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g ,'-')
function clipText(text ,max_length) {
  return (text.length > max_length) ? `${text.substr(0 ,max_length - 1)}&hellip;` : text
function getVisibleText(node) {
  if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) return node.textContent
  const style = getComputedStyle(node)
  if (style && style.display === 'none') return ''
  let text = ''
  for (let i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) text += getVisibleText(node.childNodes[i])
  return text
// iill use classes once we get private variables
function Manga({ id ,title ,description ,image ,isFollowing ,lastViewedDate }) {
  const manga = this
  if (!(manga instanceof Manga)) {
    return new Manga()
  const privateObject = {
    ,title: title ? title.trim() : undefined
    ,description: description ? description.trim() : undefined
    ,lastViewedDate: lastViewedDate || 0
  Object.defineProperties(this ,{
    id: {
      get() {
      ,enumerable: true
    ,title: {
      get() {
        return privateObject.title
      ,set(val) {
        return privateObject.title = val.trim()
      ,enumerable: true
    ,description: {
      get() {
        return privateObject.description
      ,set(val) {
        return privateObject.description = val.trim()
      ,enumerable: true
    ,excerpt: {
      get() {
        return clipText(privateObject.description ,100)
      ,enumerable: true
    ,thumbnail: {
      get() {
        return `${MANGADEX_BASE_URI}/images/manga/${}.thumb.jpg`
      ,enumerable: true
    ,image: {
      get() {
        return privateObject.image || this.thumbnail
      ,set(val) {
        return privateObject.image = val
      ,enumerable: true
    ,isFollowing: {
      get() {
        return privateObject.isFollowing === true
      ,set(val) {
        return privateObject.isFollowing = val
      ,enumerable: true
    ,url: {
      get() {
        // TODO make this gnerate a nicer link. nothing after the id really maters, but its nice to have a readable link
        return `${MANGADEX_BASE_URI}/title/${}/${mangadexStyleURIComponent(privateObject.title)}`
      ,enumerable: true
    ,lastViewedDate: {
      get() {
        return privateObject.lastViewedDate
  this.updateViewedTime = () => {
    privateObject.lastViewedDate =
  this.savable = () => privateObject
  return this
function AttemptParseMangaTitlePage(mangaList) {
  let id
  try {
    [,id] = window.location.href.match(/^https:\/\/mangadex\.org\/title\/(\d+)/)
  catch (e) {
    return undefined
  // return if this is not a tile page
  if (id == null) return undefined
  // Bulild manga entry
  const titleElm =`//*[${XPath2.containsClass('card-header')} and ./span[${XPath2.containsClass('fa-book')}] ]`).getElement()
  const title = titleElm.textContent
  // At the least, we need to know the extention
  const imgElm =`//*[${XPath2.containsClass('card-body')}]//img[starts-with(@src,'/images/manga/${id}')]`).getElement()
  const image = imgElm.src
  const descriptionElm =`//*[${XPath2.containsClass('card-body')}]//div[./div[1][text() = 'Description:']]/div[2]`).getElement()
  const description = descriptionElm.textContent
  const followingElm =`//*[${XPath2.containsClass('card-body')}]//div[./div[1][text() = 'Actions:']]/div[2]/div[${XPath2.containsClass('btn-group')}]/div[${XPath2.containsClass('dropdown-menu')} and ./a/span[@title='Follow'] ]/a[${XPath2.containsClass('disabled')}]`).getElement()
  let isFollowing = false
  if (followingElm) {
    isFollowing = true
    ,updateViewedTime: true
function AttemptParseMangaFollowsPage(mangaList) {
  // NOTE id was probably suppose to be titles. Expect it to change
  const entryXpath = `./div[${XPath2.containsClass('row')}]/div[${XPath2.attrHasValueStartingWith('@class' ,'col')}]`
  const titleXpath = `.//a[${XPath2.containsClass('manga_title')} and starts-with(@href,'/title/')]`
  const descXpath = `./div[preceding-sibling::ul[${XPath2.containsClass('list-inline')}] and @style]`
  // const chaptersElm ="//div[@id='chapters']").getElement()
  // return if this is not a tile page
  // if (chaptersElm == null) return undefined
  //`./div[${XPath2.containsClass('row')}]/div[${XPath2.attrHasValueStartingWith('@class' ,'col')}]`)
  //  .forEachElement((chapterElm) => {
  // generic over follows, search, titles, featured pages.`//div/${entryXpath}[${titleXpath} and ${descXpath}]`)
    .forEachElement((chapterElm) => {
      // Bulild manga entry
      try {
        const titleElm =`.//a[${XPath2.containsClass('manga_title')} and starts-with(@href,'/title/')]`).getElement(chapterElm)
        const title = titleElm.textContent
        const match = titleElm.getAttribute('href').match(/\/title\/(\d+)\//)
        if (match == null) return undefined
        const [,id] = match
        if (id == null) return undefined
        const descriptionElm =`./div[preceding-sibling::ul[${XPath2.containsClass('list-inline')}] and @style]`).getElement(chapterElm)
        const description = descriptionElm.textContent
        let isFollowing
        if (window.location.href.match(/^https:\/\/mangadex\.org\/follows\//)) {
          isFollowing = true
          ,updateViewedTime: false
      catch (e) {
        throw e
      return undefined
function AttemptParseMangaFollowUpdates(mangaList) {
  const isHome = window.location.href.match(/^https:\/\/mangadex\.org(\/[^/]*)?$/) != null
  // return if this is not on home page
  if (!isHome) return undefined
  const entries =`//div[@id='follows_update']/div[${XPath2.containsClass('row')}]/div`)
  entries.forEachElement((entry) => {
    const titleElm =`.//a[${XPath2.containsClass('manga_title')} and starts-with(@href,'/title/')]`).getElement(entry)
    const [,id] = titleElm.getAttribute('href').match(/\/title\/(\d+)\//)
    if (id == null) return undefined
    const title = titleElm.textContent
    // NOTE No point getting images for thumbnails ATM. we can generate those links
    const isFollowing = true
  // Bulild manga entry
function MangaList({
  list: loadableList = {
    followed: {} ,unfollowed: {}
  } ,titleHistLimit = 200
}) {
  const mangaList = this
  if (!(mangaList instanceof MangaList)) {
    return new MangaList()
  this.maxSize = titleHistLimit
  mangaList.list = {
    followed: {} ,unfollowed: {}
  const cleanupHistory = () => {
    if (Object.keys(this.list.unfollowed).length <= this.maxSize) return false
    let cnt = 0
    this.list.unfollowed = Object.entries(this.list.unfollowed).sort(([,a] ,[,b]) => a.lastViewedDate > b.lastViewedDate).filter(() => {
      if (this.maxSize > cnt++) return true
      return false
    }).reduce((accum ,[k ,o]) => {
      accum[k] = o
      return accum
    } ,{})
    return true
  this.load = (val) => {
    Object.entries(val.followed).forEach(([k ,v]) => {
      this.list.followed[k] = new Manga(v)
    Object.entries(val.unfollowed).forEach(([k ,v]) => {
      this.list.unfollowed[k] = new Manga(v)
  this.savable = () => {
    const obj = {
      followed: {} ,unfollowed: {}
    Object.entries(mangaList.list.followed).forEach(([k ,v]) => {
      obj.followed[k] = v.savable()
    Object.entries(mangaList.list.unfollowed).forEach(([k ,v]) => {
      obj.unfollowed[k] = v.savable()
    return obj
  this.push = ({ id ,description ,image ,title ,isFollowing ,updateViewedTime = false ,...mangaArgs }) => {
    const manga = this.list.followed[id] || this.list.unfollowed[id] || new Manga({
      id ,...mangaArgs
    if (description) manga.description = description
    if (image) manga.image = image
    if (title) manga.title = title
    if (isFollowing != null) manga.isFollowing = isFollowing
    if (updateViewedTime) manga.updateViewedTime()
    if (manga.isFollowing) {
      this.list.followed[] = manga
      delete (this.list.unfollowed[])
    else {
      this.list.unfollowed[] = manga
      delete (this.list.followed[])
  this.autoComplete = (partial_name ,{ case_sensitive = false ,fuzzy = true ,showUnfollowed = 0 } = {}) => {
    let matches = Object.values(this.list.followed).concat(showUnfollowed === 0 ? Object.values(this.list.unfollowed) : []).filter((e) => {
      // If this user is already marked as the highest priority match, dont process them anymore.
      const regex_partial_name = new RegExp(`${fuzzy ? '' : '^'}${partial_name}` ,`${case_sensitive ? '' : 'i'}`)
      if (e.title.match(regex_partial_name)) {
        return true
      return false
    matches = stableSort(matches ,(a ,b) => {
      // List people whos names start with partial before those with partial anywhere in name
      if (fuzzy) {
        const regex_partial_name = new RegExp(`^${partial_name}` ,`${case_sensitive ? '' : 'i'}`)
        const am = a.title.match(regex_partial_name) != null
        const bm = b.title.match(regex_partial_name) != null
        if (am !== bm) {
          return bm
      // List those we are following before those we are not
        const am = a.isFollowing
        const bm = b.isFollowing
        if (am !== bm) {
          return bm
        const am = a.lastViewedDate
        const bm = b.lastViewedDate
        if (am > bm) return -1
        if (am < bm) return 1
      return 0
    return matches
  return this
function History({ history: loadedHistory = [] ,historySize = 200 } = {}) {
  const uhist = this
  if (!(uhist instanceof History)) {
    return new History()
  function clipText(text ,max_length) {
    return (text.length > max_length) ? `${text.substr(0 ,max_length - 1)}&hellip;` : text
  function getVisibleText(node) {
    if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) return node.textContent
    const style = getComputedStyle(node)
    if (style && style.display === 'none') return ''
    let text = ''
    for (let i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) text += getVisibleText(node.childNodes[i])
    return text
  const cleanupHistory = () => {
    if (this.history.size > this.max_size) {
      // delete(this.history.entries().next().value[0]);
  this.max_size = historySize
  this.history = loadedHistory
  this.push = (item) => {
    function array_move(arr ,old_index ,new_index) {
      arr.splice(new_index ,0 ,arr.splice(old_index ,1)[0])
      return arr
    let exists = false
    this.history.some((e ,k) => {
      if ( === {
        exists = true
        array_move(this.history ,k ,0)
        return true
      return false
    if (exists) {
      return false
  this.autoComplete = (partial_name ,{ case_sensitive = false ,fuzzy = true } = {}) => {
    let matches = this.history.filter((e) => {
      // If this user is already marked as the highest priority match, dont process them anymore.
      const regex_partial_name = new RegExp(`${fuzzy ? '' : '^'}${partial_name}` ,`${case_sensitive ? '' : 'i'}`)
      if (e.user_name.match(regex_partial_name)) {
        return true
      return false
    matches = stableSort(matches ,(a ,b) => {
      // List those from this thread before other threads
        const am = a.thread_id === thread_id
        const bm = b.thread_id === thread_id
        if (am !== bm) {
          return bm
      // List people whos names start with partial before those with partial anywhere in name
      if (fuzzy) {
        const regex_partial_name = new RegExp(`^${partial_name}` ,`${case_sensitive ? '' : 'i'}`)
        const am = a.user_name.match(regex_partial_name) != null
        const bm = b.user_name.match(regex_partial_name) != null
        if (am !== bm) {
          return bm
      // List those who mentioned us before those who did not.
      if (a.did_mention !== b.did_mention) {
        return b.did_mention
    const seen = {}
    matches = matches.filter((e) => {
      if (seen[e.user_id]) {
        return false
      seen[e.user_id] = true
      return true
    return matches
  return this
const posts ='//tr').with('@class' ,'post'))
// Because Javascript's does not require .sort to be Stable.
// Currently Chrome alone uses Unstable sort. They are now moving to Stable.
// This returns the same results for all browsers,
// userid = Your user ID
function User({ name ,id ,img }) {
  const user = this
  if (!(user instanceof User)) {
    return new User()
  } = name = id
  user.img = img
  return user
function UserList({ list = {} }) {
  const userList = this
  if (!(userList instanceof UserList)) {
    return new UserList()
  userList.list = list
  userList.push = (user) => {
    userList.list[] = user
  return userList
function Post({ post_id ,time ,user_id ,thread_id }) {
  const post = this
  if (!(post instanceof Post)) {
    return new Post()
  post.user_id = user_id
  post.thread_id = thread_id = post_id
  post.time = time
  return post
function Thread({ id ,title ,manga_id }) {
  const thread = this
  if (!(thread instanceof Thread)) {
    return new Thread()
  } = id
  thread.title = title
  thread.manga_id = manga_id
  return thread
function UserHistory({ read_posts_history = [] ,user_id ,username ,historySize = 200 } = {}) {
  const uhist = this
  if (!(uhist instanceof UserHistory)) {
    return new UserHistory()
  const cleanupHistory = () => {
    while (this.history.length > this.max_size) {
      // delete(this.history.entries().next().value[0]);
  this.user_id = user_id
  this.username = '' // get from userid
  this.max_size = parseInt(historySize)
  this.history = read_posts_history
  this.push = (post) => {
    const post_id = parseInt(^post_/ ,''))
    // this.history.delete(post_id);
    // this.history.set(post_id,{user_id:user_id,user_img:user_img,excerpt:excerpt});
    // this.history.filter((e)=> { e.thread_id === thread_id } );
    function array_move(arr ,old_index ,new_index) {
      arr.splice(new_index ,0 ,arr.splice(old_index ,1)[0])
      return arr
    let exists = false
    this.history.some((e ,k) => {
      if (e.post_id === post_id) {
        exists = true
        array_move(this.history ,k ,0)
        return true
      return false
    if (exists) {
      return false
    let time
    let thread
    let thread_id
    let user
    let user_name
    let user_level
    let user_color
    let user_img
    let postContents
    let did_mention
    try {
      time ='.//span').with('./span').with('@class' ,'fa-clock'))).getElement(post).title
      thread ='./td/span/a').with('preceding-sibling::span').with('@class' ,'fa-clock'))).getElement(post).href
      thread_id = parseInt(thread.match(/\/thread\/(\d+)\//)[1])
      user ='.//a[contains(@class,"user_level") and starts-with(@href,"/user/")]').getElement(post)
      user_name = user.textContent
      // TODO: actualy store user level
      user_level = user.className
      user_color =
      user_id = parseInt(user.href.match(/\/user\/(\d+)\//)[1])
      user_img =`.//img[${XPath2.containsClass('avatar')}]`).getElement(post).src
      postContents ='.//div').with('@class' ,'postbody')).getElement(post)
      did_mention = Boolean(`.//a[@href="${uhist.user_id}"]`).getElement(postContents))
    catch (e) {
      dbg('Error occured while trying to parse post.')
      // an error occured
      return undefined
    // cleanText. Hide spoilers and other invisible crap
    const cleanText = getVisibleText(postContents)
    const excerpt = clipText(cleanText ,100)
  this.autoComplete = (partial_name ,{ thread_id = 0 ,case_sensitive = false ,fuzzy = true ,showUsersWho = 3 } = {}) => {
    let matches = this.history.filter((e) => {
      // If this user is already marked as the highest priority match, dont process them anymore.
      const regex_partial_name = new RegExp(`${fuzzy ? '' : '^'}${partial_name}` ,`${case_sensitive ? '' : 'i'}`)
      if (e.user_name.match(regex_partial_name)) {
        if (showUsersWho === 2) return true
        if (showUsersWho === 1 && e.did_mention) return true
        if (showUsersWho <= 1 && e.thread_id === thread_id) return true
        return false
      return false
    matches = stableSort(matches ,(a ,b) => {
      // List those from this thread before other threads
        const am = a.thread_id === thread_id
        const bm = b.thread_id === thread_id
        if (am !== bm) {
          return bm
      // List people whos names start with partial before those with partial anywhere in name
      if (fuzzy) {
        const regex_partial_name = new RegExp(`^${partial_name}` ,`${case_sensitive ? '' : 'i'}`)
        const am = a.user_name.match(regex_partial_name) != null
        const bm = b.user_name.match(regex_partial_name) != null
        if (am !== bm) {
          return bm
      // List those who mentioned us before those who did not.
      if (a.did_mention !== b.did_mention) {
        return b.did_mention
    const seen = {}
    matches = matches.filter((e) => {
      if (seen[e.user_id]) {
        return false
      seen[e.user_id] = true
      return true
    return matches
  return this
function getCurrentUserID() {'id("navbarSupportedContent")').with('@class' ,'navbarSupportedContent'))
  const current_user_id ='id("navbarSupportedContent")//a[contains(@href,"/user/")]').getElement().href.match(/\/user\/(\d+)\//)[1]
  return parseInt(current_user_id)
function initSettingsDialog({ loaded_settings ,atWhoMethods }) {
  const settingsUi = new SettingsUI({
    groupName: 'Auto-Complete'
    ,settingsTreeConfig: {
      saveLocation: 'settings' ,autosave: true
  const autocompleteTypes = settingsUi.addMultiselect({
    title: 'Autocompletes'
    ,key: 'autocompleteTypes'
    ,titleText: 'What all should we will autocomplete?'
    ,placeholder: 'Autocompletion disabled! Click here to re-enable...'
    key: 'usernames'
    ,title: '@Mentions'
    ,settingsTreeConfig: {
      defaultValue: true
      ,onchange: () => {
    key: 'titles'
    ,title: ':Title'
    ,settingsTreeConfig: {
      defaultValue: true
      ,onchange: () => {
  /* const userCompletionCharCount = settingsUi.addTextbox({
      key: 'userCompletionCharCount'
      ,title: 'Minimum username length'
      ,settingsTreeConfig: {
        defaultValue: 0
        ,corrector: newNumberCorrector(0 ,10)
      ,min: 0
      ,max: 10
      ,titleText: 'Mnimum number of characters in the Username you must type before autocompletion starts. Default: 0'
      ,type: 'number'
    }) */
  const showUsersWho = settingsUi.addSelect({
    title: 'Show users who'
    ,key: 'showUsersWho' // ,placeholder: 'Are in this thread'
    // ,branchingSingleselect: true

    ,settingsTreeConfig: { defaultValue: 0 }
    // key: 'areInThread'
    // key: 0
    title: 'Are in this thread'
    // ,settingsTreeConfig: { defaultValue: true }
    // key: 'haveMentionedYou'
    title: 'Have @mentioned you'
    // ,settingsTreeConfig: { defaultValue: true }
    // key: 'everyone'
    title: 'We know exist'
    // ,settingsTreeConfig: { defaultValue: true }
  function newNumberValidator(min ,max) {
    return (textVal) => {
      const val = parseInt(textVal)
      if (textVal.match(/[^0-9]/) || typeof val !== 'number' || val < min || val > max) {
        throw new SettingsUIValidationError({ feedback: `Must be a number between ${min} and ${max}` })
      return true
  function newNumberCorrector(min ,max) {
    return (textVal) => {
      const val = parseInt(textVal)
      if (textVal == null
                || (typeof textVal === 'string' && (textVal.length === 0 || textVal.match(/[^0-9]/)))
                || typeof val !== 'number') {
        return undefined
      if (val < min) return min
      if (val > max) return max
      // dont triger callback via type change.
      return textVal
  const userHistLimit = settingsUi.addTextbox({
    key: 'max_post_history'
    ,title: 'User History Size'
    ,settingsTreeConfig: {
      defaultValue: 200
      ,corrector: newNumberCorrector(20 ,2000)
    ,min: 20
    ,max: 2000
    ,titleText: 'Maximum number of user posts we should remember. Used for @mention autocompletion'
    ,type: 'number'
  const titleCompletionChar = settingsUi.addTextbox({
    key: 'titleCompletionChar'
    ,title: 'Title Completion Trigger'
    ,settingsTreeConfig: {
      defaultValue: ':'
      ,onchange: () => {
      // ,corrector: newNumberCorrector(0 ,2000)
    ,titleText: 'Character(s) you must type in order to trigger Manga Title auto completion. default: colon character <:>'
  /* const titleCompletionCharCount = settingsUi.addTextbox({
      key: 'titleCompletionCharCount'
      ,title: 'Minimum title length'
      ,settingsTreeConfig: {
        defaultValue: 200
        ,corrector: newNumberCorrector(0 ,10)
      ,min: 0
      ,max: 10
      ,titleText: 'Mnimum number of characters in the Title you must type before autocompletion starts. Default: 0'
      ,type: 'number'
    }) */
  const showUnfollowed = settingsUi.addSelect({
    title: 'Unfollowed manga is'
    ,key: 'showUnfollowed' // ,placeholder: 'Are in this thread'
    // ,branchingSingleselect: true

    ,settingsTreeConfig: { defaultValue: 0 }
    title: 'Shown'
    // ,value: true
    title: 'Hiden'
    // ,value: false
  const autocompleteTitleInto = settingsUi.addMultiselect({
    title: 'Title to bbcode'
    ,key: 'autocompleteTitleInto'
    ,titleText: 'Autocompleted Manga titles can be transformed into bbcode!'
    ,placeholder: 'No Magic! ...Just a title please'
    // ,branchingSingleselect: true
    // ,settingsTreeConfig: { defaultValue: 0 }
    key: 'thumbnail'
    ,title: 'Thumbnail'
    ,settingsTreeConfig: { defaultValue: false }
    key: 'link'
    ,title: 'Link'
    ,settingsTreeConfig: { defaultValue: true }
    key: 'description'
    ,title: 'Description Spoiler' // potentialy way to long to put outside a spoiler
    ,settingsTreeConfig: { defaultValue: false }
  const autocompleteTitleStyle = settingsUi.addMultiselect({
    title: 'Title style'
    ,key: 'autocompleteTitleStyle'
    ,titleText: 'BBCode formating style'
    ,placeholder: 'Let me format it myself!'
    // ,branchingSingleselect: true
    // ,settingsTreeConfig: { defaultValue: 0 }
    key: 'center'
    ,title: 'Center'
    ,settingsTreeConfig: { defaultValue: false }
  const titleHistLimit = settingsUi.addTextbox({
    key: 'max_title_history'
    ,title: 'Unfollowed memory size'
    ,settingsTreeConfig: {
      defaultValue: 10
      ,corrector: newNumberCorrector(0 ,2000)
    ,min: 0
    ,max: 2000
    ,titleText: 'Maximum number of Non-Followed titles we should remember. Used for :Title autocompletion. Added to history when you visit the title page.'
    ,type: 'number'
  // Load our saved settings object into the ui
  // settingsUi.settingsTree.load_all()
  settingsUi.settingsTree.value = loaded_settings
  // return new settings object which is bound to the UI.
  const settings = settingsUi.settingsTree.value
  return settings
function formatMangaItem(item) {
  // When getters/setters are present, the object is assigned to name. For some reason
  const obj =
  // TODO text carosel for long names
  return `<li class="dropdown-item px-0 " style="">
  <div class="d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center px-2" style="height:50px; max-width: 400px;"
  title="${obj.description != null ? clipText(obj.description ,1000) : 'Description unavailible until you visit the title page'}">
    <div class="h-100">
    <span class="${obj.isFollowing ? 'far fa-bookmark' : ''}"></span>
    <img src="${obj.image}" class="mh-100 rounded avatar"/>
    <span class="manga_title d-inline-block text-truncate" style="">${obj.title}</span>
function main({ read_posts_history ,mangaTitleHistory ,settings: loaded_settings }) {
  const atWhoMethods = { rebuild: () => undefined }
  const settings = initSettingsDialog({
    loaded_settings ,atWhoMethods
  // Manga  History
  const mangaList = new MangaList({
    list: mangaTitleHistory ,titleHistLimit: settings.max_title_history
  setUserValue('mangaTitleHistory' ,mangaList.savable())
  unsafeWindow.mangaList = mangaList
  // User History
  const user_id = getCurrentUserID()
  const uhist = new UserHistory({
    ,user_id // NOTE History size changes will only take effect once a new post is seen.

    ,historySize: settings.max_post_history
  unsafeWindow.uhist = uhist
  unsafeWindow.settings = settings
  // Add current page's posts to history.
  let thread ='//td/span/a').with('preceding-sibling::span').with('@class' ,'fa-clock'))).getElement()
  if (thread) {
    thread = thread.href
    const thread_id = parseInt(thread.match(/\/thread\/(\d+)\//)[1])
    if (window.location.pathname.startsWith('/thread/')) {
      posts.forEachOrderedElement((post) => {
    else {
      // Consider more efficient approch
      const snap = posts.getOrderedSnapshot()
      for (let i = snap.snapshotLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    setUserValues({ read_posts_history: uhist.history })
    // NOTE there can be more than one textarea. but they all use the same id :O
    function autoComplete(partial_name ,render_view) {
      const r = uhist.autoComplete(partial_name ,{
        thread_id ,case_sensitive: false ,fuzzy: true ,showUsersWho: settings.showUsersWho
    function autoCompleteManga(partial_name ,render_view) {
      const r = mangaList.autoComplete(partial_name ,{
        case_sensitive: false ,fuzzy: true ,showUnfollowed: settings.showUnfollowed
    function formatDisplayItem(item) {
      return `<li class="dropdown-item px-0 " style=""><div class="d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center px-2" style="height:50px;" title="${item.excerpt}">
        <div class="h-100">
        <span class="">${item.did_mention ? '@' : ''}</span>
        <span class="${item.thread_id === thread_id ? 'far fa-comments' : ''}"></span>
        <img src="${item.user_img}" class="mh-100 rounded avatar"/>
        <span class="${item.user_level}" style="color:${item.user_color};">${item.user_name}</span>
    atWhoMethods.rebuild = () => {
      if (settings.autocompleteTypes.usernames) {
          at: '@'
          ,displayTpl: formatDisplayItem
          ,insertTpl: '${atwho-at}${user_name}'
          ,searchKey: 'user_name' // We don't want to use your filter or sorter. remoteFilter is a better fit for us.

          ,data: [] // data: uhist.history,

          ,limit: 200
          ,callbacks: {
            remoteFilter: autoComplete // NoOp

            ,sorter: (_ ,i) => i
      if (settings.autocompleteTypes.titles) {
          at: settings.titleCompletionChar
          ,displayTpl: formatMangaItem
          ,insertTpl: ({ 'atwho-at': atwhoat ,name: item }) => {
            const link = ? {
              open: `[url=${item.url}]` ,close: '[/url]'
            } : {
              open: '' ,close: ''
            const alignment =
              ? {
                open: '[center]' ,close: '[/center]'
              : {
                open: '' ,close: ''
            const img = settings.autocompleteTitleInto.thumbnail ? `\n${}${}[img]${item.thumbnail}[/img]${link.close}${alignment.close}` : ''
            const desc = settings.autocompleteTitleInto.description && item.description != null ? ` | Description: [spoiler]${item.description}[/spoiler]` : ''
            return `${}${}${item.title}${link.close}${alignment.close}${desc}${img}`
          ,searchKey: 'title'
          ,data: [] // ,data: [...Object.values(mangaList.list.followed) ,...Object.values(mangaList.list.unfollowed)]

          ,limit: 200
          ,callbacks: {
            remoteFilter: autoCompleteManga // NoOp

            ,sorter: (_ ,i) => i
      $('.atwho-container').addClass('container ')
      $('.atwho-view').css({ display: 'none' })
      $('.atwho-view-ul').addClass('pre-scrollable d-inline-flex flex-column')
    // HACK make atwho use flex instead of block
    // This also works instead of inline flex on ul, but it makes the container visible until atwho is invoked
    // Hide now. atwho changes display between none and whatever it is already set to automaticly
    // $('.atwho-view').css({display:'flex'})
    // $('.atwho-view-ul').addClass('pre-scrollable ')
    // These make atwho dropdown menu use the same color theme as the site
    // const atwhoStylesheet = addCssLink('')
    const customStylesheet = insertStylesheet('')
    // HACK dropdown-menu breaks atwho autoscroll somehow. lets just copy parts of the theme
      origSelector: '.dropdown-menu'
      ,newSelector: '.atwho-view-ul'
      ,matchProperties: ['background' ,'color' ,'border' ,'margin' ,'padding'] // ,ignoredStylesheets: [atwhoStylesheet]

      ,targetStylesheet: customStylesheet
      origSelector: ''
      ,newSelector: '.atwho-view-ul'
      ,matchProperties: ['background' ,'color' ,'border' ,'margin' ,'padding'] // ,ignoredStylesheets: [atwhoStylesheet]

      ,targetStylesheet: customStylesheet
    // make the selected atwho user be highlighted using the same color theme as the site.
      origSelector: '.dropdown-item:hover, .dropdown-item:focus'
      ,newSelector: '.atwho-view .cur'
      ,matchProperties: ['background' ,'color'] // ,ignoredStylesheets: [atwhoStylesheet]

      ,targetStylesheet: customStylesheet
    // For debugging
    // unsafeWindow.uhist = uhist
// setTimeout( () => {
  read_posts_history: []
  ,mangaTitleHistory: {
    followed: {} ,unfollowed: {}
  ,settings: {}