Dailymotion: "Playback Quality Control" Feature

Add some site-wide video playback quality control settings to Dailymotion.

< Feedback on Dailymotion: "Playback Quality Control" Feature


David TosoAuthor
Posted: 13-09-2014

Scriptish / GreaseMonkey support, Dailymotion embedded player API.

Hi All,

This script was developed with Scriptish, and now that Scriptish is very broken with Firefox 32.0+, that deployment target is very broken.

I'd never tested "Dailymotion - Playback Quality Control" with GreaseMonkey before last week (long story, see thread in other my Dailymotion userscript), and I now recognise that it never worked on GreaseMonkey. Dispite superficial similarities, GM and Scriptish have grown apart in implementations.

I *had* been using the *current* Dailymotion Player API which dropped a lot of features from it's old Flash-only player API (which in turn was a fork of the Youtube embedded player API -- but not a fork of the Flash player object itself).

This newer API had a *much* suckier interface which means that I couldn't deploy chromeless (minus controls), couldn't pause & resume from script (i.e: control autoplay in a reasonable manner), and couldn't ask it what resolutions were available on the fly. That forced me to use the Dailymotion REST API which is *much* slower for this kind of thing.

Also the newer API (and Player) has very bad behaviour with respect to Auto resolution selection -- it degrades to the worst resolution and get's stuck there -- the very reason for this userscript -- and my userscript only had limited success it preventing it from occurring.

I'd mentioned most of these problems on StackOverflow where a Dailymotion rep acknowldeged most of the issues and said they were still developing the embedded API; this was month's ago and there's been no chage in the *current* API.

Interestingly, however, the *old* Flash-old DM Player API now seems to work again (I've re-tested a bunch of my older scripts), so given that it has much better control, and given that the HTML5 player on DM *suuuuuucks*, I've decided to switch back to the older player for this userscript.

It'll take a little while to get it right, so please bear with me if you were using it it.

On a separate note, wow is the Dailymotion site slow. There's just a *lot* of crap loaded with each page, and a lot of JavaScript code auto-executes with each load. And there's lots of async widget crap (Facebook, Twitter, etc) loaded every time, too. Rather than trying to cut it down, I'm thinking about making a new userscript which entirely replaces the DM user-interface with a task-oriented approach: Playing and discovering videos + maintaining playlists (without all the other unnecessary crap) -- stay tuned.

-David Toso.

Posted: 01-09-2017

I know this was posted a long time ago, but I put this here to help anyone passing by. But you can check this page about Dailymotion:http://www.videoconverterfactory.com/tips/save-video-from-dailymotion.html

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