Youtube - Right Side Description

Moves the video description to the right of the video, adds options for smaller video, retro player, retro style, and more

< Commentaires sur Youtube - Right Side Description

Avis: Bon - le script fonctionne correctement

Posté le: 11/04/2016
Édité le: 11/04/2016

Hands down one of my favorite YouTube userscripts. (and more)

Pretty great. I'd say you did a pretty good job.

I would love to recommend something though. Remember to "Top Comments" section on YouTube? Perhaps if its possible (I'm fairly new to the basics of userscripts) you can add an option in Retro Mode to separate the 2 top comments into a separate section. Just an idea, not a "please do it I'm begging you".

Again, thank you very much for this script. I love it very much.

Posté le: 13/04/2016

Thank you for the feedback, I'm glad you like the script.

For the comments, Youtube currently has 2 sorting modes (newest first, top first) but doesn't allow for both at the same time. It would be possible to do but I think it'd be likely to break which is something I try to avoid so the script is easier to maintain.
There may be scripts out there though that have comment customisation options, Youtube+ is a pretty big one and could have it but I haven't had a full look through the options

Youtube+ will mostly work with this script however I think the "prevent autoplay" option may cause some player size issues when used together with Retro Mode.

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