[TS] deviantART Gallery Pager

Auto-pager for DeviantArt gallery/favourites. On-top of FireFox, it now works with G-Chrome and Opera. NOW: With sticky paging button switch.

< Commentaires sur [TS] deviantART Gallery Pager

Avis: Bon - le script fonctionne correctement

Posté le: 04/04/2015

Repetitive Pages?

Hi! Love your scripts! Just wanted to tell you, though, that, sometimes, the autopager will show the same pages in galleries and favorites, over and over. Could you please fix it? Thanks! :)

Posté le: 04/04/2015


Are you able to reproduce it on demand? I have yet to come across this bug, so please provide sample links.

Also what browser and addon (GreaseMonkey?) version are you running?

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