PTC 1 2023

Multi WEB AutoRotasi

Ce script ne doit pas être installé directement. C'est une librairie destinée à être incluse dans d'autres scripts avec la méta-directive // @require

// ==UserScript==
// @name         PTC 1 2023
// @namespace    Multi WEB PTC With Manual Captcha
// @version      1.7
// @description  Multi WEB AutoRotasi
// @author       Saputra
// @license      MIT
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest

// ==/UserScript==
(function() {

    'use strict';
    window.alert = function() {};
    window.confirm = function() {};

    //Do not execute if window is a pop up

    var count = 0;
    var clicked = false;

    //Enter your login and password below, if you like to Autologin. Be careful while providing passwords,
    //else you may get your accounts locked
   var websiteData = [
        {url : "", login: "", password: ""},
        {url : "", login: "", password: ""},
        {url : "", login: "", password: ""},


    var websiteMap = [{

            website: "",
            defaultButtonSelectors: [".card.claim-card"],
            loginSelectors: ["input[type=text]", "input[type=password]", "button[type=submit]"],
            captchaButtonSubmitSelector: [".modal-body .btn.btn-success.btn-block"],
            allMessageSelectors: [".mx-4.alert.alert-warning.text-center"],
            messagesToCheckBeforeMovingToNextUrl: ["There is No PTC Ad left"],
            additionalFunctions: bithub,
            timeoutbeforeMovingToNextUrl: 60000

            website: [""],
            defaultButtonSelectors: [".divgc.card-body .button-33"],
            timeoutbeforeMovingToNextUrl: 55000

            website: [""],
            defaultButtonSelectors: [".card-body.p-4"],
            allMessageSelectors: [".text-center.text--base"],
            messagesToCheckBeforeMovingToNextUrl: ["No More Available Ads, Come back later!"],
            timeoutbeforeMovingToNextUrl: 65000


    //HtmlEvents dispatcher
    function triggerEvent(el, type) {
            var e = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
            e.initEvent(type, false, true);

    function toggleCaptcha(selector, index){
        if( document.querySelector(selector)){
            document.querySelector(selector).selectedIndex = index;
            var targetNode = document.querySelector(selector);
            if (targetNode) {
                setTimeout(function() {
                    triggerEvent(targetNode, 'change');
                }, 5000);

    //Check if a string is present in Array
    String.prototype.includesOneOf = function(arrayOfStrings) {

        //If this is not an Array, compare it as a String
        if (!Array.isArray(arrayOfStrings)) {
            return this.toLowerCase().includes(arrayOfStrings.toLowerCase());

        for (var i = 0; i < arrayOfStrings.length; i++) {
            if (this.toLowerCase().includes(arrayOfStrings[i].toLowerCase())) {
                return true;
        return false;

    var websiteDataValues = {};

    //Get selector details from the websiteMap
    for (let value of Object.values(websiteMap)) {
        if (window.location.href.includesOneOf( {
            websiteDataValues.inputTextSelector = value.inputTextSelector;
            websiteDataValues.inputTextSelectorButton = value.inputTextSelectorButton;
            websiteDataValues.defaultButtonSelectors = value.defaultButtonSelectors;
            websiteDataValues.claimButtonSelector = value.claimButtonSelector;
            websiteDataValues.captchaButtonSubmitSelector = value.captchaButtonSubmitSelector;
            websiteDataValues.loginSelectors = value.loginSelectors;
            websiteDataValues.loginCaptcha = value.loginCaptcha;
            websiteDataValues.allMessageSelectors = value.allMessageSelectors;
            websiteDataValues.messagesToCheckBeforeMovingToNextUrl = value.messagesToCheckBeforeMovingToNextUrl;
            websiteDataValues.withdrawPageUrl = value.withdrawPageUrl;
            websiteDataValues.withdrawEnabled = value.withdrawEnabled;
            websiteDataValues.balanceSelector = value.balanceSelector;
            websiteDataValues.withdrawMinAmount = value.withdrawMinAmount;
            websiteDataValues.successMessageSelectors = value.successMessageSelectors;
            websiteDataValues.toggleCaptchaSelector = value.toggleCaptchaSelector;
            websiteDataValues.toggleCaptchaSelectorIndex = value.toggleCaptchaSelectorIndex;
            websiteDataValues.additionalFunctions = value.additionalFunctions;
            websiteDataValues.timeoutbeforeMovingToNextUrl = value.timeoutbeforeMovingToNextUrl;

    var login = "";
    var password = "";

    for (let value of Object.values(websiteData)) {
        count = count + 1;
        if (value.url.includes(window.location.hostname)) {
            websiteDataValues.url = value.url;
            login = value.login;
            password = value.password;

    //Get the next Url from the website data map
    async function getNextUrl() {

        //Go to the beginning if the end of the array is reached
        if (count >= websiteData.length) {
            websiteDataValues.nextUrl = websiteData[0].url;
        } else {
            websiteDataValues.nextUrl = websiteData[count].url;

        //Use case for overrding next Url
        if (websiteDataValues.overrideNextUrl) {
            websiteDataValues.nextUrl = websiteDataValues.overrideNextUrl;

        //Ping Test to check if a website is up before proceeding to next url

    var isNextUrlReachable = false;
    //Get the next Url from the website
    function pingTest(websiteUrl) {
            method: "GET",
            url: websiteUrl,
            headers: {
                "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
            timeout: 5000,
            onload: function(response) {
                //Website is reachable
                isNextUrlReachable = true;
            onerror: function(e) {
                count = count + 1;
            ontimeout: function() {
                count = count + 1;


    async function delay(ms) {
        return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms))

    var movingToNextUrl = false;
    async function goToNextUrl() {
        if (!movingToNextUrl) {
            movingToNextUrl = true;
            while (!isNextUrlReachable) {
                await delay(3000);
            window.location.href = websiteDataValues.nextUrl;

    //Default Setting: After 180 seconds go to next Url
    var delayBeforeMovingToNextUrl = 180000;
    if (websiteDataValues.timeoutbeforeMovingToNextUrl) {
        delayBeforeMovingToNextUrl = websiteDataValues.timeoutbeforeMovingToNextUrl;

    setTimeout(function() {
    }, delayBeforeMovingToNextUrl);

    //Wait for 5 seconds if it's in dashboard,
    if ((!window.location.href.includes("coinpayu")) && (window.location.href.includes("dashboard") || window.location.href.includes("page/user-admin"))) {
        setTimeout(function() {
            if (websiteDataValues.url) {
                window.location.href = websiteDataValues.url;
        }, 5000);

    //Returns true if message selectors are present
    function messageSelectorsPresent() {
        if (websiteDataValues.allMessageSelectors) {
            for (var j = 0; j < websiteDataValues.allMessageSelectors.length; j++) {
                for (var k = 0; k < document.querySelectorAll(websiteDataValues.allMessageSelectors[j]).length; k++) {
                    if (document.querySelectorAll(websiteDataValues.allMessageSelectors[j])[k] &&
                        (document.querySelectorAll(websiteDataValues.allMessageSelectors[j])[k].innerText.includesOneOf(websiteDataValues.messagesToCheckBeforeMovingToNextUrl) ||
                         (document.querySelectorAll(websiteDataValues.allMessageSelectors[j])[k].value &&
                          document.querySelectorAll(websiteDataValues.allMessageSelectors[j])[k].value.includesOneOf(websiteDataValues.messagesToCheckBeforeMovingToNextUrl)))) {
                        return true;
        return false;

    function closeRepeatingAds() {

        //Check if previous Ad is Same as Current Ad and Skip the Ad
        if (unsafeWindow.viewurl) {
            if (GM_getValue("adUrl") && GM_getValue("adUrl") == unsafeWindow.viewurl) {
                //Skip the Ad
                document.querySelector(".card > a").click();
                movingToNextUrl = true;
            } else {
                GM_setValue("adUrl", unsafeWindow.viewurl);



    function bithub() {

        //Block Pop Ups = function(){};

        if(document.querySelector("body").innerText.includes("This ad does not exist or has expired")){
            window.location.href = "";


    function dogemate() {

        //Block Pop Ups = function(){};

        if(document.querySelector("body").innerText.includes("This ad does not exist or has expired")){
            window.location.href = "";


    function bits() {

        //Block Pop Ups = function(){};

        if(document.querySelector("body").innerText.includes("This ad does not exist or has expired")){
            window.location.href = "";


    function mad() {

        //Block Pop Ups = function(){};

        if(document.querySelector("body").innerText.includes("This ad does not exist or has expired")){
            window.location.href = ["",""];


    var stopSolvingCaptcha = false;

    function checkLoginSelectors() {

        if (websiteDataValues.loginSelectors) {
            //Check if all login selectors are present
            let count = 0;
            for (let i = 0; i < websiteDataValues.loginSelectors.length; i++) {
                if (document.querySelector(websiteDataValues.loginSelectors[i])) {


            if (count == websiteDataValues.loginSelectors.length) {

                if (login.length > 0 && password.length > 0) {
                    //Input Login
                    document.querySelector(websiteDataValues.loginSelectors[0]).value = login;

                    //Input Password
                    document.querySelector(websiteDataValues.loginSelectors[1]).value = password;
                } else {
                    stopSolvingCaptcha = true;

            } else {
                stopSolvingCaptcha = true;

        } else {
            stopSolvingCaptcha = true;


    setTimeout(function() {


        if (websiteDataValues.additionalFunctions) {

        //Look for all the default messages or errors before proceeding to next url
        //For other languages difference in the length of the strings can be compared or visibility of the style element
        if (!movingToNextUrl && messageSelectorsPresent()) {

        //Check for all the default button selectors and click
        //This will only click the first selector found, so mention the selectors with parent element wherever required
        if(!movingToNextUrl && websiteDataValues.defaultButtonSelectors){
            for(var i=0;i<websiteDataValues.defaultButtonSelectors.length ;i++){
                    triggerEvent(document.querySelector(websiteDataValues.defaultButtonSelectors[i]), 'mousedown');
                    triggerEvent(document.querySelector(websiteDataValues.defaultButtonSelectors[i]), 'mouseup');

        if(!movingToNextUrl && websiteDataValues.toggleCaptchaSelector && Number.isInteger(websiteDataValues.toggleCaptchaSelectorIndex)){

        //Input the address and click the login button
        if (!movingToNextUrl && document.querySelector(websiteDataValues.inputTextSelector)) {
            document.querySelector(websiteDataValues.inputTextSelector).value = websiteDataValues.address;
            setTimeout(function() {
                if (websiteDataValues.inputTextSelectorButton && document.querySelector(websiteDataValues.inputTextSelectorButton)) {

            }, 5000);

        //Click the form button after solving captcha
        //Works for both recaptcha and hcaptcha
        var clicked = false;
        var captchaInterval = setInterval(function() {
            if (!stopSolvingCaptcha || !window.location.href.includes("login")) {
                try {
                    if (!clicked && unsafeWindow.grecaptcha && unsafeWindow.grecaptcha.getResponse().length > 0) {
                        for (let i = 0; i < websiteDataValues.captchaButtonSubmitSelector.length; i++) {
                            if (document.querySelector(websiteDataValues.captchaButtonSubmitSelector[i])) {
                        clicked = true;

                        setTimeout(function() {
                            if (messageSelectorsPresent()) {
                        }, 5000);
                } catch (e) {


                for (var hc = 0; hc < document.querySelectorAll("iframe").length; hc++) {
                    if (!clicked && document.querySelectorAll("iframe")[hc] &&
                        document.querySelectorAll("iframe")[hc].getAttribute("data-hcaptcha-response") &&
                        document.querySelectorAll("iframe")[hc].getAttribute("data-hcaptcha-response").length > 0) {
                        for (let i = 0; i < websiteDataValues.captchaButtonSubmitSelector.length; i++) {
                            if (document.querySelector(websiteDataValues.captchaButtonSubmitSelector[i])) {
                        clicked = true;
                        setTimeout(function() {
                            if (messageSelectorsPresent()) {
                        }, 5000);

        }, 5000);

    }, 5000);

    window.onbeforeunload = function() {
        if (unsafeWindow.myWindow) {
        if (unsafeWindow.coinwin) {
            var tmp = unsafeWindow.coinwin;
            unsafeWindow.coinwin = {};

