Bonk Commands

Adds lots of commands to Type /? or /help in bonk chat to get started.

< Commentaires sur Bonk Commands

Question / commentaire

Posté le: 17/03/2024

Hello Please fix the script some of them are not working now. please fix the script as fast as possible. jukebox not working and sandbox also.

Posté le: 19/03/2024

It works for me, maybe tell me more in detail

Posté le: 31/03/2024

Thanks for Fixing! Everything Working Properly but lagbot not working for me. I guess you should see jukebox also because its working but when i put any link it says failed but its working at later.

Posté le: 03/04/2024

for lagbot, make sure you are doing "/lagbot [1-10]"
also for jukebox, it uses some random websites to collect youtube data, and those websites might be down at some times, so not guaranteed to work all the time.

Posté le: 03/04/2024

I am doing that

Posté le: 06/04/2024

What other mods you have

Secret Slayer... you use lagbot???

Posté le: 02/05/2024


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