AO3 Bookmarking Records

To keep track of bookmarks. Automatically adds on the current date and most recent chapter of the fic you are reading into the bookmark notes. Used for keeping track of when you last read a fic, and what chapter you were on.

< Commentaires sur AO3 Bookmarking Records

Avis: OK - le script fonctionne, mais souffre de quelques problèmes

Posté le: 24/01/2023

Unfortunately does not work for mobile (iOS, Safari), but does work on desktop!

Posté le: 26/02/2023

Ah, because this is a userscript, it requires the greasymonkey or similar extension to run. Safari doesn't really like users interfering with its browser on mobile, so until they add add-ons, no extension is really going to work with AO3. Same with Chrome. If you do want this on mobile, the only way is to use firefox, and install the greasymonkey add-on from there. You could still even read on Safari, and then copy the url over to firefox, quickly bookmark on there, and then move back. Thank you for using!

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