Ce script ne doit pas être installé directement. C'est une librairie destinée à être incluse dans d'autres scripts avec la méta-directive // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/433681/1129359/diepAPI.js
// ==UserScript==
// @name diepAPI
// @description https://github.com/Cazka/diepAPI
// @version 3.2.0
// @author Cazka
// @match https://diep.io/*
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=diep.io
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/541070
// @run-at document-start
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(() => {
const _window = 'undefined' == typeof unsafeWindow ? window : unsafeWindow;
if (_window.diepAPI) return;
//diepAPI start
var diepAPI;
/******/ (() => {
// webpackBootstrap
/******/ 'use strict';
/******/ // The require scope
/******/ var __webpack_require__ = {};
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/define property getters */
/******/ (() => {
/******/ // define getter functions for harmony exports
/******/ __webpack_require__.d = (exports, definition) => {
/******/ for (var key in definition) {
/******/ if (__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) {
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] });
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand */
/******/ (() => {
/******/ __webpack_require__.o = (obj, prop) => Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop);
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/make namespace object */
/******/ (() => {
/******/ // define __esModule on exports
/******/ __webpack_require__.r = (exports) => {
/******/ if (typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
var __webpack_exports__ = {};
__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
apis: () => /* reexport */ apis_namespaceObject,
core: () => /* reexport */ core_namespaceObject,
extensions: () => /* reexport */ extensions_namespaceObject,
tools: () => /* reexport */ tools_namespaceObject,
types: () => /* reexport */ types_namespaceObject,
// NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./src/apis/index.ts
var apis_namespaceObject = {};
__webpack_require__.d(apis_namespaceObject, {
arena: () => arena,
camera: () => camera,
game: () => game,
input: () => input,
minimap: () => minimap,
player: () => player,
playerMovement: () => playerMovement,
scaling: () => scaling,
// NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./src/core/index.ts
var core_namespaceObject = {};
__webpack_require__.d(core_namespaceObject, {
CanvasKit: () => CanvasKit,
EventEmitter: () => EventEmitter,
Movement: () => Movement,
Vector: () => Vector,
// NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./src/extensions/index.ts
var extensions_namespaceObject = {};
__webpack_require__.d(extensions_namespaceObject, {
debugTool: () => debugTool,
entityManager: () => entityManager,
// NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./src/tools/index.ts
var tools_namespaceObject = {};
__webpack_require__.d(tools_namespaceObject, {
backgroundOverlay: () => backgroundOverlay,
overlay: () => overlay,
// NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./src/types/index.ts
var types_namespaceObject = {};
__webpack_require__.d(types_namespaceObject, {
Entity: () => Entity,
EntityColor: () => EntityColor,
EntityType: () => EntityType,
}); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/core/vector.ts
class Vector {
constructor(x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
static len(v) {
return Math.sqrt(v.x ** 2 + v.y ** 2);
static round(v) {
return new Vector(Math.round(v.x), Math.round(v.y));
static scale(r, v) {
return new Vector(r * v.x, r * v.y);
static unscale(r, v) {
return new Vector(v.x / r, v.y / r);
static add(u, v) {
return new Vector(u.x + v.x, u.y + v.y);
static subtract(u, v) {
return new Vector(u.x - v.x, u.y - v.y);
static multiply(u, v) {
return new Vector(u.x * v.x, u.y * v.y);
static divide(u, v) {
return new Vector(u.x / v.x, u.y / v.y);
static distance(u, v) {
return Vector.len(Vector.subtract(u, v));
* Calculates the [centroid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centroid)
static centroid(...vertices) {
const sum = vertices.reduce((acc, vec) => Vector.add(acc, vec), new Vector(0, 0));
const centroid = Vector.scale(1 / vertices.length, sum);
return centroid;
* Calcutes the radius from a set of vertices that are placed on a circle
static radius(...vertices) {
const centroid = Vector.centroid(...vertices);
const distance = vertices.reduce((acc, vec) => acc + Vector.distance(centroid, vec), 0);
const radius = distance / vertices.length;
return radius;
} // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/core/canvas_kit.ts
class CanvasKit {
* If you need a canvas then create it with this method.
static createCanvas() {
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.className = 'CanvasKit-bypass';
canvas.style.pointerEvents = 'none';
canvas.style.position = 'fixed';
canvas.style['z-index'] = 1;
canvas.style.top = '0px';
canvas.style.left = '0px';
canvas.style.right = '0px';
canvas.style.bottom = '0px';
canvas.style.width = '100%';
canvas.style.height = '100%';
return canvas;
* The consumer will be called before.
static hookRAF(consumer) {
_window.requestAnimationFrame = new Proxy(_window.requestAnimationFrame, {
apply(target, thisArg, args) {
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
* The consumer will be called before
static hookCtx(method, consumer) {
const target = _window.CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype;
target[method] = new Proxy(target[method], {
apply(target, thisArg, args) {
if (thisArg.canvas.className !== 'CanvasKit-bypass') consumer(target, thisArg, args);
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
* replaces the function. Use `return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);` in
* your function to call the original function.
static overrideCtx(method, func) {
const target = _window.CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype;
target[method] = new Proxy(target[method], {
apply(target, thisArg, args) {
if (thisArg.canvas.className !== 'CanvasKit-bypass') return func(target, thisArg, args);
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
* Calls the callback method when a polygon with `numVertices` is being drawn.
static hookPolygon(numVertices, cb) {
let index = 0;
let vertices = [];
const onFillPolygon = (ctx) => {
cb(vertices, ctx);
CanvasKit.hookCtx('beginPath', (target, thisArg, args) => {
index = 1;
vertices = [];
CanvasKit.hookCtx('moveTo', (target, thisArg, args) => {
if (index === 1) {
vertices.push(new Vector(args[0], args[1]));
index = 0;
CanvasKit.hookCtx('lineTo', (target, thisArg, args) => {
if (index >= 2 && index <= numVertices) {
vertices.push(new Vector(args[0], args[1]));
index = 0;
CanvasKit.hookCtx('fill', (target, thisArg, args) => {
if (index === numVertices + 1) {
index = 0;
} // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/core/event_emitter.ts
class EventEmitter extends EventTarget {
* @param {string} eventName The name of the event
* @param {...any} args The arguments that will be passed to the listener
emit(eventName, ...args) {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(eventName, { detail: args }));
* @param {string} eventName The name of the event
* @param {EventCallback} listener The callback function
on(eventName, listener) {
this.addEventListener(eventName, (e) => Reflect.apply(listener, this, e.detail));
* @param {string} eventName The name of the event
* @param {EventCallback} listener The callback function
once(eventName, listener) {
this.addEventListener(eventName, (e) => Reflect.apply(listener, this, e.detail), { once: true });
* @param {string} eventName The name of the event
* @param {EventCallback} listener The callback function
off(eventName, listener) {
this.removeEventListener(eventName, listener);
} // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/apis/game.ts
* Events:
* - frame: Emitted every frame. Can be used for things that should be executed on every frame
* - frame_end: Emitted after `frame` and is mainly used internally to update position variables
* - state => (state): Emitted whenever the game changes its state: 'home', 'game', 'stats', 'loading', 'captcha
* - s_home: Emitted when the game changes its state to home
* - s_game: Emitted when the game changes its state to game
* - s_stats: Emitted when the game changes its state to stats
* - s_loading: Emitted when the game changes its state to loading
* - s_captcha: Emitted when the game changes its state to captcha
class Game extends EventEmitter {
#ready = false;
constructor() {
CanvasKit.hookRAF(() => this.#onframe());
#onframe() {
if (!this.#ready && _window.input !== undefined) {
this.#ready = true;
#onready() {
setTimeout(() => super.emit('ready'), 100);
this.#shadowRoot = document.querySelector('d-base').shadowRoot;
new MutationObserver((mutationList, observer) => {
mutationList.forEach((mutation) => {
if (mutation.addedNodes.length === 0) {
super.emit('state', this.state);
}).observe(this.#shadowRoot, { childList: true });
get state() {
return this.#shadowRoot.querySelector('.screen').tagName.slice(2).toLowerCase();
get inHome() {
return this.state == 'home';
get inGame() {
return this.state == 'game';
get inStats() {
return this.state == 'stats';
get inLoading() {
return this.state == 'loading';
get isCaptcha() {
return this.state == 'captcha';
const game = new Game(); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/apis/minimap.ts
* The Minimap API
class Minimap {
#minimapDim = new Vector(1, 1);
#minimapPos = new Vector(0, 0);
#viewportDim = new Vector(1, 1);
#viewportPos = new Vector(1, 1);
#arrowPos = new Vector(0.5, 0.5);
#drawViewport = false;
constructor() {
game.once('ready', () => {
_window.input.set_convar('ren_minimap_viewport', 'true');
_window.input.set_convar = new Proxy(_window.input.set_convar, {
apply: (target, thisArg, args) => {
if (args[0] === 'ren_minimap_viewport') {
this.#drawViewport = args[1];
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
get minimapDim() {
return this.#minimapDim;
get minimapPos() {
return this.#minimapPos;
get viewportDim() {
return this.#viewportDim;
get viewportPos() {
return this.#viewportPos;
get arrowPos() {
return this.#arrowPos;
#minimapHook() {
CanvasKit.hookCtx('strokeRect', (target, thisArg, args) => {
const transform = thisArg.getTransform();
this.#minimapDim = new Vector(transform.a, transform.d);
this.#minimapPos = new Vector(transform.e, transform.f);
#viewportHook() {
CanvasKit.overrideCtx('fillRect', (target, thisArg, args) => {
const transform = thisArg.getTransform();
if (thisArg.globalAlpha !== 0.1) {
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
if (
Math.abs(transform.a / transform.d - _window.innerWidth / _window.innerHeight) >
(_window.innerWidth / _window.innerHeight) * 0.000_05
) {
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
this.#viewportDim = new Vector(transform.a, transform.d);
this.#viewportPos = new Vector(transform.e, transform.f);
if (this.#drawViewport) {
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
#arrowHook() {
CanvasKit.hookPolygon(3, (vertices, ctx) => {
const side1 = Math.round(Vector.distance(vertices[0], vertices[1]));
const side2 = Math.round(Vector.distance(vertices[0], vertices[2]));
const side3 = Math.round(Vector.distance(vertices[1], vertices[2]));
if (side1 === side2 && side2 === side3) return;
const centroid = Vector.centroid(...vertices);
const arrowPos = Vector.subtract(centroid, this.#minimapPos);
const position = Vector.divide(arrowPos, this.#minimapDim);
this.#arrowPos = position;
const minimap = new Minimap(); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/apis/camera.ts
class Camera {
constructor() {
game.on('frame_end', () => {
const center = Vector.add(minimap.viewportPos, Vector.unscale(2, minimap.viewportDim));
const cameraPos = Vector.subtract(center, minimap.minimapPos);
const normalized = Vector.divide(cameraPos, minimap.minimapDim);
this.#position = arena.scale(normalized);
get position() {
return this.#position;
const camera = new Camera(); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/apis/scaling.ts
class Scaling {
#scalingFactor = 1;
#drawSolidBackground = false;
constructor() {
// TODO: game.on('ready')
setTimeout(() => {
_window.input.set_convar = new Proxy(_window.input.set_convar, {
apply: (target, thisArg, args) => {
if (args[0] === 'ren_solid_background') this.#drawSolidBackground = args[1];
else Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
}, 1000);
CanvasKit.overrideCtx('stroke', (target, thisArg, args) => {
if (thisArg.fillStyle !== '#cdcdcd') {
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
if (thisArg.globalAlpha === 0) {
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
this.#scalingFactor = thisArg.globalAlpha * 10;
if (!this.#drawSolidBackground) {
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
get windowRatio() {
return Math.max(_window.innerWidth / 1920, _window.innerHeight / 1080);
get scalingFactor() {
return this.#scalingFactor;
get fov() {
return this.#scalingFactor / this.windowRatio;
* @param {Vector} v The vector in canvas units
* @returns {Vector} The vector in arena units
toArenaUnits(v) {
return Vector.round(Vector.unscale(this.#scalingFactor, v));
* @param {Vector} v The vector in arena units
* @returns {Vector} The vector in canvas units
toCanvasUnits(v) {
return Vector.round(Vector.scale(this.#scalingFactor, v));
* Will translate coordinates from canvas to arena
* @param {Vector} canvasPos The canvas coordinates
* @returns {Vector} The `canvasPos` translated to arena coordinates
toArenaPos(canvasPos) {
const direction = Vector.subtract(canvasPos, this.screenToCanvas(new Vector(_window.innerWidth / 2, _window.innerHeight / 2)));
const scaled = this.toArenaUnits(direction);
const arenaPos = Vector.add(scaled, camera.position);
return arenaPos;
* Will translate coordinates from arena to canvas
* @param {Vector} arenaPos The arena coordinates
* @returns {Vector} The `arenaPos` translated to canvas coordinates
toCanvasPos(arenaPos) {
const direction = Vector.subtract(arenaPos, camera.position);
const scaled = this.toCanvasUnits(direction);
const canvasPos = Vector.add(scaled, this.screenToCanvas(new Vector(_window.innerWidth / 2, _window.innerHeight / 2)));
return canvasPos;
screenToCanvasUnits(n) {
return n * _window.devicePixelRatio;
canvasToScreenUnits(n) {
return n / _window.devicePixelRatio;
* Will translate coordinates from screen to canvas
* @param v The screen coordinates
* @returns The canvas coordinates
screenToCanvas(v) {
return Vector.scale(_window.devicePixelRatio, v);
* Will translate coordinates from canvas to screen
* @param v The canvas coordinates
* @returns the screen coordinates
canvasToScreen(v) {
return Vector.scale(1 / _window.devicePixelRatio, v);
const scaling = new Scaling(); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/apis/arena.ts
class Arena {
#size = 1;
constructor() {
setInterval(() => {
const ratio = Vector.divide(minimap.minimapDim, minimap.viewportDim);
const arenaDim = Vector.multiply(ratio, scaling.screenToCanvas(new Vector(_window.innerWidth, _window.innerHeight)));
const arenaSize = scaling.toArenaUnits(arenaDim);
this.#size = arenaSize.x;
}, 16);
* @returns {number} The Arena size in arena units
get size() {
return this.#size;
* @param {Vector} vector The vector in [0, 1] coordinates
* @returns {Vector} The scaled vector in [-Arena.size/2, Arena.size/2] coordinates
scale(vector) {
const scale = (value) => Math.round(this.#size * (value - 0.5));
return new Vector(scale(vector.x), scale(vector.y));
* @param {Vector} vector - The scaled vector in [-Arena.size/2, Arena.size/2] coordinates
* @returns {Vector} The unscaled vector in [0, 1] coordinates
unscale(vector) {
const unscale = (value) => value / this.#size + 0.5;
return new Vector(unscale(vector.x), unscale(vector.y));
const arena = new Arena(); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/apis/input.ts
const sleep = (ms) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
class Input {
constructor() {
game.once('ready', () => {
this.#gameCanvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
keyDown(key) {
if (typeof key == 'string') {
key = this.#toKeyCode(key);
const keydown = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {
key: '',
code: '',
keyCode: key,
which: key,
cancelable: true,
composed: true,
bubbles: true,
keyUp(key) {
if (typeof key == 'string') {
key = this.#toKeyCode(key);
const keyup = new KeyboardEvent('keyup', {
key: '',
code: '',
keyCode: key,
which: key,
cancelable: true,
composed: true,
bubbles: true,
async keyPress(key) {
await sleep(200);
await sleep(10);
mouse(x, y) {
const mousemove = new MouseEvent('mousemove', {
clientX: x,
clientY: y,
cancelable: true,
composed: true,
bubbles: true,
#toKeyCode(key) {
if (key.length != 1) {
throw new Error(`diepAPI: Unsupported key: ${key}`);
return key.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0);
const input = new Input(); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/apis/gamepad.ts
class Gamepad {
* Emulates a Gampad
* when `gamepad.connected` is set to `true` the game will
* ignore following keyboard inputs:
* W, A, S, D, upArrow, leftArrow, downArrow, rightArray
* leftMouse, rightMouse, Spacebar, Shift,
* MouseMovement to change tank angle
* these are also the only keys we emulate with this gamepad
constructor() {
this.#axes = [0, 0, 0, 0];
this.#buttons = [...Array(17)].map((x) => {
return { pressed: false };
this.connected = false;
_window.navigator.getGamepads = new Proxy(_window.navigator.getGamepads, {
apply: (target, thisArg, args) => {
if (this.connected) return [this.#toGamepad()];
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
set x(value) {
this.#axes[0] = value;
set y(value) {
this.#axes[1] = value;
set mx(value) {
this.#axes[2] = value;
set my(value) {
this.#axes[3] = value;
set leftMouse(value) {
this.#buttons[7].pressed = value;
set rightMouse(value) {
this.#buttons[6].pressed = value;
get x() {
return this.#axes[0];
get y() {
return this.#axes[1];
get mx() {
return this.#axes[2];
get my() {
return this.#axes[3];
get leftMouse() {
return this.#buttons[7].pressed;
get rightMouse() {
return this.#buttons[6].pressed;
#toGamepad() {
return {
axes: this.#axes,
buttons: this.#buttons,
mapping: 'standard',
const gamepad = new Gamepad(); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/core/movement.ts
class Movement {
#position = new Vector(0, 0);
#velocity = new Vector(0, 0);
* used for average velocity calculation
#velocitySamplesSize = 10;
#velocitySamples = [];
#velocitySamplesIndex = 0;
#velocityLastNow = performance.now();
get position() {
return this.#position;
* Velocity in [diep_]units / second
get velocity() {
return this.#velocity;
* Predict where this object will be after `time`
* @param time The time in ms.
predictPos(time) {
const duration = (time + performance.now() - this.#velocityLastNow) / 1000;
return Vector.add(this.#position, Vector.scale(duration, this.#velocity));
updatePos(newPos) {
this.#position = newPos;
#updateVelocity(newPos) {
const now = performance.now();
const time = (now - this.#velocityLastNow) / 1000;
if (time === 0) return;
this.#velocityLastNow = now;
const velocity = Vector.unscale(time, Vector.subtract(newPos, this.#position));
// add current velocity to our samples array
this.#velocitySamples[this.#velocitySamplesIndex++] = velocity;
this.#velocitySamplesIndex %= this.#velocitySamplesSize;
// calculate the average velocity
this.#velocity = Vector.unscale(
this.#velocitySamples.reduce((acc, x) => Vector.add(acc, x))
} // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/apis/player_movement.ts
class PlayerMovement extends Movement {
* Using the minimap arrow to get the player position and velocity
constructor() {
game.on('frame_end', () => super.updatePos(arena.scale(minimap.arrowPos)));
const playerMovement = new PlayerMovement(); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/apis/player.ts
const player_sleep = (ms) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
class Player extends EventEmitter {
#isDead = true;
#mouseLock = false;
#mouseCanvasPos = new Vector(0, 0);
#mousePos = new Vector(0, 0);
#username = _window.localStorage.name;
#gamemode = _window.localStorage.gamemode;
#level = 1;
#tank = 'Tank';
constructor() {
game.once('ready', () => {
//Check dead or alive
game.on('frame', () => {
const isDead = !_window.input.should_prevent_unload();
if (this.#isDead == isDead) return;
this.#isDead = isDead;
if (this.#isDead) this.#ondead();
else this.#onspawn();
//update mouse position
game.on('frame', () => {
this.#mousePos = scaling.toArenaPos(this.#mouseCanvasPos);
//Mouse events
const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
canvas.onmousemove = new Proxy(canvas.onmousemove, {
apply: (target, thisArg, args) => {
if (this.#mouseLock) return;
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
canvas.onmousedown = new Proxy(canvas.onmousedown, {
apply: (target, thisArg, args) => {
if (this.#mouseLock) return;
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
canvas.onmouseup = new Proxy(canvas.onmouseup, {
apply: (target, thisArg, args) => {
if (this.#mouseLock) return;
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
//Key events
_window.onkeydown = new Proxy(_window.onkeydown, {
apply: (target, thisArg, args) => {
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
_window.onkeyup = new Proxy(_window.onkeyup, {
apply: (target, thisArg, args) => {
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
// username
_window.input.trySpawn = new Proxy(_window.input.trySpawn, {
apply: (target, thisArg, args) => {
this.#username = args[0];
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
// tank and level event listener
CanvasKit.hookCtx('fillText', (target, thisArg, args) => {
const text = args[0];
const match = text.match(/^Lvl (\d+) (\w+\s?\w*)$/);
if (match == null) {
const newLevel = Number(match[1]);
const newTank = match[2];
// make sure to trigger events for all levels in between.
while (newLevel > this.#level + 1) {
super.emit('level', ++this.#level);
if (newLevel !== this.#level) super.emit('level', newLevel);
if (newTank !== this.#tank) super.emit('tank', newTank);
this.#level = newLevel;
this.#tank = match[2];
get position() {
return playerMovement.position;
get velocity() {
return playerMovement.velocity;
get mouse() {
return this.#mousePos;
get isDead() {
return this.#isDead;
get gamemode() {
return this.#gamemode;
get level() {
return this.#level;
get tank() {
return this.#tank;
* Predict where this object will be after `time`
* @param time The time in ms
predictPos(time) {
return playerMovement.predictPos(time);
async #ondead() {
await player_sleep(50);
async #onspawn() {
this.#gamemode = _window.localStorage.gamemode;
await player_sleep(50);
useGamepad(value) {
gamepad.connected = value;
async spawn(name = this.#username) {
if (!this.#isDead) {
async upgrade_stat(id, level) {
if (id < 1 || id > 8) throw `diepAPI: ${id} is not a supported stat`;
for (let i = 0; i < level; i++) {
await input.keyPress(48 + id);
await player_sleep(250);
async upgrade_tank(index) {
index -= 1;
const x_index = index % 2;
const y_index = Math.floor(index / 2);
const x = scaling.screenToCanvasUnits(scaling.windowRatio * (x_index * 115 + 97.5));
const y = scaling.screenToCanvasUnits(scaling.windowRatio * (y_index * 110 + 120));
this.#mouseLock = true;
input.mouse(x, y);
await input.keyPress(1);
// wait 200 ms before disabling mouselock
await player_sleep(200);
this.#mouseLock = false;
// wait 1500 ms for the animation to finish
await player_sleep(1500);
moveTo(arenaPos) {
if (gamepad.connected) {
const direction = Vector.subtract(arenaPos, this.position);
const distance = Vector.len(direction);
if (distance === 0) {
gamepad.x = 0;
gamepad.y = 0;
//max speed
const velocity = Vector.scale(1 / distance, direction);
gamepad.x = velocity.x;
gamepad.y = velocity.y;
} else {
const direction = Vector.subtract(arenaPos, this.position);
if (direction.x > 0) {
} else if (direction.x < 0) {
} else {
if (direction.y > 0) {
} else if (direction.y < 0) {
} else {
lookAt(arenaPos) {
const position = scaling.toCanvasPos(arenaPos);
input.mouse(position.x, position.y);
this.#onmousemove({ clientX: position.x, clientY: position.y });
#onmousemove(e) {
this.#mouseCanvasPos = scaling.screenToCanvas(new Vector(e.clientX, e.clientY));
if (gamepad.connected) {
const arenaPos = scaling.toArenaPos(this.#mouseCanvasPos);
const direction = Vector.subtract(arenaPos, this.position);
let axes = Vector.scale(scaling.fov / 1200 / 1.1, direction);
const length = Vector.len(axes);
if (length !== 0 && length < 0.15) {
axes = Vector.scale(0.15 / length, axes);
gamepad.mx = axes.x;
gamepad.my = axes.y;
#onmousedown(e) {
if (gamepad.connected) this.#onkeydown({ keyCode: e.which });
#onmouseup(e) {
if (gamepad.connected) this.#onkeyup({ keyCode: e.which });
#onkeydown(e) {
super.emit('keydown', e.keyCode);
if (gamepad.connected) {
switch (e.keyCode) {
case 37:
case 65:
gamepad.x = -1;
case 40:
case 83:
gamepad.y = 1;
case 38:
case 87:
gamepad.y = -1;
case 39:
case 68:
gamepad.x = 1;
case 1:
case 32:
gamepad.leftMouse = true;
case 3:
case 16:
gamepad.rightMouse = true;
#onkeyup(e) {
super.emit('keyup', e.keyCode);
if (gamepad.connected) {
switch (e.keyCode) {
case 37:
case 65:
gamepad.x = 0;
case 40:
case 83:
gamepad.y = 0;
case 38:
case 87:
gamepad.y = 0;
case 39:
case 68:
gamepad.x = 0;
case 1:
case 32:
gamepad.leftMouse = false;
case 3:
case 16:
gamepad.rightMouse = false;
const player = new Player(); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/apis/index.ts // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/core/index.ts // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/types/entity.ts
var EntityType;
(function (EntityType) {
EntityType[(EntityType['Player'] = 0)] = 'Player';
EntityType[(EntityType['Bullet'] = 1)] = 'Bullet';
EntityType[(EntityType['Drone'] = 2)] = 'Drone';
EntityType[(EntityType['Trap'] = 3)] = 'Trap';
EntityType[(EntityType['Square'] = 4)] = 'Square';
EntityType[(EntityType['Triangle'] = 5)] = 'Triangle';
EntityType[(EntityType['Pentagon'] = 6)] = 'Pentagon';
EntityType[(EntityType['AlphaPentagon'] = 7)] = 'AlphaPentagon';
EntityType[(EntityType['Crasher'] = 8)] = 'Crasher';
EntityType[(EntityType['UNKNOWN'] = 9)] = 'UNKNOWN';
})(EntityType || (EntityType = {}));
var EntityColor;
(function (EntityColor) {
EntityColor['TeamBlue'] = '#00b2e1';
EntityColor['TeamRed'] = '#f14e54';
EntityColor['TeamPurple'] = '#bf7ff5';
EntityColor['TeamGreen'] = '#00e16e';
EntityColor['Square'] = '#ffe869';
EntityColor['Triangle'] = '#fc7677';
EntityColor['Pentagon'] = '#768dfc';
EntityColor['AlphaPentagon'] = '#768dfc';
EntityColor['Crasher'] = '#f177dd';
EntityColor['NecromancerDrone'] = '#fcc376';
})(EntityColor || (EntityColor = {}));
const TeamColors = [EntityColor.TeamBlue, EntityColor.TeamRed, EntityColor.TeamPurple, EntityColor.TeamGreen];
* Represents an ingame Entity.
* Holds minimal information currently.
class Entity extends Movement {
constructor(type, parent, extras) {
this.type = type;
this.parent = parent;
this.extras = extras;
updatePos(newPos) {
} // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/extensions/extension.ts
class Extension {
#loaded = false;
constructor(onload) {
this.onload = onload;
load() {
if (this.#loaded) {
this.#loaded = true;
} // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/extensions/entity_manager.ts
const random_id = () => Math.random().toString(36).slice(2, 5);
* Entity Manager is used to access the information about the entities, that are currently drawn on the screen.
* To access the entities the EntityManager exposes the EntityManager.entities field.
class EntityManager extends Extension {
#entities = [];
#entitiesLastFrame = this.#entities;
constructor() {
super(() => {
game.on('frame_end', () => {
this.#entitiesLastFrame = this.#entities;
this.#entities = [];
//when is a bullet being drawn?
//when is a player being drawn?
get entities() {
return this.#entities;
* @returns The own player entity
getPlayer() {
const player = this.#entities.filter(
(entity) => entity.type == EntityType.Player && Vector.distance(entity.position, playerMovement.position) < 28
return player[0];
* Adds the entity to `#entities`.
* Will either find the entity in `#entitiesLastFrame` or create a new `Entity`.
#add(type, position, extras = {}) {
let entity = this.#findEntity(type, position);
if (!entity) {
const parent = this.#findParent(type, position);
entity = new Entity(type, parent, {
id: random_id(),
timestamp: performance.now(),
//TODO: remove radius from extras
entity.extras.radius = extras.radius;
* If an entity is newly created, try to find it's parent entity.
#findParent(type, position) {
if (type == EntityType.Bullet) {
// TODO: do we want to change the parent entity to EntityType.Barrel in the future?
return this.#findEntity(EntityType.Player, position, 300);
* Searches `#entitiesLastFrame` for the entity that is closest to `position`
* @returns the entity or null if there is no match.
#findEntity(type, position, tolerance = 42) {
let result = null;
let shortestDistance = Infinity;
this.#entitiesLastFrame.forEach((entity, i) => {
if (entity.type !== type) return;
const distance = Vector.distance(entity.position, position);
if (distance < shortestDistance) {
shortestDistance = distance;
result = entity;
if (shortestDistance > tolerance) {
return null;
return result;
#triangleHook() {
CanvasKit.hookPolygon(3, (vertices, ctx) => {
const side1 = Math.round(Vector.distance(vertices[0], vertices[1]));
const side2 = Math.round(Vector.distance(vertices[0], vertices[2]));
const side3 = Math.round(Vector.distance(vertices[1], vertices[2]));
//ignore Minimap Arrow
if (side1 !== side2 || side2 !== side3) return;
//ignore Leader Arrow
if ('#000000' === ctx.fillStyle) return;
vertices = vertices.map((x) => scaling.toArenaPos(x));
const position = Vector.centroid(...vertices);
const radius = Math.round(Vector.radius(...vertices));
const color = ctx.fillStyle;
let type;
switch (radius) {
case 23:
//battleship drone
if (TeamColors.includes(color)) type = EntityType.Drone;
case 30:
//base drone
if (TeamColors.includes(color)) type = EntityType.Drone;
case 35:
//small crasher
if (EntityColor.Crasher === color) type = EntityType.Crasher;
case 40:
case 41:
case 42:
case 43:
case 44:
case 45:
case 46:
//overseer/overlord drone
if (TeamColors.includes(color)) type = EntityType.Drone;
case 55:
//big crasher
if (EntityColor.Crasher === color) type = EntityType.Crasher;
if (EntityColor.Triangle === color) type = EntityType.Triangle;
if (type === undefined) type = EntityType.UNKNOWN;
this.#add(type, position, { color, radius });
#squareHook() {
CanvasKit.hookPolygon(4, (vertices, ctx) => {
vertices = vertices.map((x) => scaling.toArenaPos(x));
const position = Vector.centroid(...vertices);
const radius = Math.round(Vector.radius(...vertices));
const color = ctx.fillStyle;
let type;
switch (radius) {
case 55:
if (EntityColor.Square === color) type = EntityType.Square;
//necromancer drone
if (TeamColors.includes(color) || EntityColor.NecromancerDrone === color) type = EntityType.Drone;
if (type === undefined) type = EntityType.UNKNOWN;
this.#add(type, position, { color, radius });
#pentagonHook() {
CanvasKit.hookPolygon(5, (vertices, ctx) => {
vertices = vertices.map((x) => scaling.toArenaPos(x));
const position = Vector.centroid(...vertices);
const radius = Math.round(Vector.radius(...vertices));
const color = ctx.fillStyle;
let type;
switch (radius) {
case 75:
if (EntityColor.Pentagon === color) type = EntityType.Pentagon;
case 200:
if (EntityColor.AlphaPentagon === color) type = EntityType.AlphaPentagon;
if (type === undefined) type = EntityType.UNKNOWN;
this.#add(type, position, { color, radius });
#playerHook() {
let index = 0;
let position;
let color;
let radius;
const onCircle = () => {
position = scaling.toArenaPos(position);
radius = scaling.toArenaUnits(new Vector(radius, radius)).x;
let type = EntityType.UNKNOWN;
if (radius > 53) {
type = EntityType.Player;
} else {
type = EntityType.Bullet;
this.#add(type, position, {
//Sequence: beginPath -> arc -> fill -> beginPath -> arc -> fill -> arc
CanvasKit.hookCtx('beginPath', (target, thisArg, args) => {
if (index !== 3) {
index = 1;
if (index === 3) {
index = 0;
//check when a circle is drawn.
CanvasKit.hookCtx('arc', (target, thisArg, args) => {
if (index === 1) {
const transform = thisArg.getTransform();
position = new Vector(transform.e, transform.f);
radius = transform.a;
if (index === 4) {
color = thisArg.fillStyle;
//last arc call
if (index === 6) {
index = 0;
CanvasKit.hookCtx('fill', (target, thisArg, args) => {
if (index === 2) {
if (index === 5) {
index = 0;
const entityManager = new EntityManager(); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/tools/overlay.ts
class Overlay {
constructor() {
this.canvas = CanvasKit.createCanvas();
this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
_window.addEventListener('resize', () => this.#onResize());
game.on('frame', () => this.#onFrame());
#onResize() {
this.canvas.width = _window.innerWidth * _window.devicePixelRatio;
this.canvas.height = _window.innerHeight * _window.devicePixelRatio;
#onFrame() {
this.canvas.width = _window.innerWidth * _window.devicePixelRatio;
this.canvas.height = _window.innerHeight * _window.devicePixelRatio;
this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
this.ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
const overlay = new Overlay(); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/extensions/debug_tool.ts
class DebugTool extends Extension {
#drawBoundingBox = false;
#drawVelocity = false;
#drawParent = false;
#drawInfo = false;
#drawStats = false;
constructor() {
super(() => {
game.on('frame', () => {
entityManager.entities.forEach((entity) => {
const position = scaling.toCanvasPos(entity.position);
const futurePos = scaling.toCanvasPos(entity.predictPos(1000));
const dimensions = scaling.toCanvasUnits(new Vector(2 * entity.extras.radius, 2 * entity.extras.radius));
if (this.#drawBoundingBox) {
this.#_drawboundingBox(entity, position, dimensions);
if (this.#drawVelocity) {
this.#_drawVelocity(position, futurePos);
if (this.#drawParent) {
this.#_drawParent(entity, position);
if (this.#drawInfo) {
this.#_drawInfo(entity, position, dimensions);
if (this.#drawStats) {
drawAll(v) {
this.#drawBoundingBox = v;
this.#drawVelocity = v;
this.#drawParent = v;
this.#drawInfo = v;
this.#drawStats = v;
drawBoundingBox(v) {
this.#drawBoundingBox = v;
drawVelocity(v) {
this.#drawVelocity = v;
drawParent(v) {
this.#drawParent = v;
drawInfo(v) {
this.#drawInfo = v;
drawStats(v) {
this.#drawStats = v;
#_drawboundingBox(entity, position, dimensions) {
overlay.ctx.strokeStyle = entity.type === EntityType.UNKNOWN ? '#ffffff' : entity.extras.color;
overlay.ctx.lineWidth = scaling.toCanvasUnits(new Vector(5, 5)).x;
overlay.ctx.strokeRect(position.x - dimensions.x / 2, position.y - dimensions.y / 2, dimensions.x, dimensions.y);
#_drawVelocity(position, futurePos) {
overlay.ctx.strokeStyle = '#000000';
overlay.ctx.lineWidth = scaling.toCanvasUnits(new Vector(5, 5)).x;
overlay.ctx.moveTo(position.x, position.y);
overlay.ctx.lineTo(futurePos.x, futurePos.y);
#_drawParent(entity, position) {
if (entity.parent == null) {
const parentPos = scaling.toCanvasPos(entity.parent.position);
overlay.ctx.strokeStyle = '#8aff69';
overlay.ctx.lineWidth = scaling.toCanvasUnits(new Vector(5, 5)).x;
overlay.ctx.moveTo(position.x, position.y);
overlay.ctx.lineTo(parentPos.x, parentPos.y);
#_drawInfo(entity, position, dimensions) {
const fontSize = scaling.toCanvasUnits(new Vector(30, 30)).x;
overlay.ctx.font = fontSize + 'px Ubuntu';
overlay.ctx.fillStyle = `#ffffff`;
overlay.ctx.strokeStyle = '#000000';
overlay.ctx.lineWidth = fontSize / 5;
`${entity.extras.id} ${Math.floor((performance.now() - entity.extras.timestamp) / 1000)}`,
position.y - dimensions.y * 0.7
`${entity.extras.id} ${Math.floor((performance.now() - entity.extras.timestamp) / 1000)}`,
position.y - dimensions.y * 0.7
#_drawStats() {
const text = `Debug Tool:
Game Info:
gamemode: ${player.gamemode}
entities: ${entityManager.entities.length}
Player Info:
Is dead: ${player.isDead}
level: ${player.level}
tank: ${player.tank}
position: ${Math.round(player.position.x)},${Math.round(player.position.y)}
mouse: ${Math.round(player.mouse.x)},${Math.round(player.mouse.y)}
velocity [units/seconds]: ${Math.round(Math.hypot(player.velocity.x, player.velocity.y))}`;
const fontSize = 20 * _window.devicePixelRatio;
overlay.ctx.font = `${fontSize}px Ubuntu`;
overlay.ctx.fillStyle = `#ffffff`;
overlay.ctx.strokeStyle = '#000000';
overlay.ctx.lineWidth = fontSize / 5;
text.split('\n').forEach((x, i) => {
overlay.ctx.strokeText(x, 0, _window.innerHeight * 0.25 + i * fontSize * 1.05);
overlay.ctx.fillText(x, 0, _window.innerHeight * 0.25 + i * fontSize * 1.05);
const debugTool = new DebugTool(); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/extensions/index.ts // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/tools/background_overlay.ts
class BackgroundOverlay {
constructor() {
this.canvas = CanvasKit.createCanvas();
this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
_window.addEventListener('resize', () => this.#onResize());
game.on('frame', () => this.#onFrame());
game.once('ready', () => {
this.#gameCanvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
this.#gameContext = this.#gameCanvas.getContext('2d');
#onResize() {
this.canvas.width = _window.innerWidth * _window.devicePixelRatio;
this.canvas.height = _window.innerHeight * _window.devicePixelRatio;
#onFrame() {
this.canvas.width = _window.innerWidth * _window.devicePixelRatio;
this.canvas.height = _window.innerHeight * _window.devicePixelRatio;
this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
this.ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
#hookBackground() {
CanvasKit.overrideCtx('fillRect', (target, thisArg, args) => {
if (typeof thisArg.fillStyle !== 'object') {
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
const result = Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
this.#gameContext.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
this.#gameContext.globalAlpha = 1;
this.#gameContext.drawImage(this.canvas, 0, 0);
return result;
const backgroundOverlay = new BackgroundOverlay(); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/tools/index.ts // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/types/index.ts // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/index.ts
diepAPI = __webpack_exports__;
//diepAPI end
_window.diepAPI = diepAPI;