iTunes - subtitle downloader

Allows you to download subtitles from iTunes

< Commentaires sur iTunes - subtitle downloader

Avis: OK - le script fonctionne, mais souffre de quelques problèmes

Posté le: 18/05/2024

There is an error in this line:
const playable = playables[Object.keys(playables)[0]];
Item 0 does not always contain the appropriate playable.
For example, in this movie proper item is 1 (item 0 is D+ garbage):
You need to check if playable.isItunes === true. If not, check the next item...

Posté le: 18/05/2024

No. This one has isItunes set to false.

I fixed it properly in 1.3.9.

Posté le: 19/05/2024
Édité le: 19/05/2024

No. This one has isItunes set to false.

Because this is ATV+ stuff. I meant iTunes movies.
Anyway, thanks for the fix.

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