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Disney+ Subtitles Downloader

Télécharger les sous-titres de Disney+

< Commentaires sur Disney+ Subtitles Downloader

Avis: OK - le script fonctionne, mais souffre de quelques problèmes

Posté le: 25/06/2022
Édité le: 25/06/2022

Hi. Disney Plus was recently launched in Israel, and so I signed up, downloaded the script for both subtitles and audio downloader (through both TamperMonkey and ViolentMonkey), and neither of the scripts seem to be working through neither of the tools.
After investigating the matter closly, the conclusion I came up with is that it does not work as we in Israel have a different Disney Plus (instead of the regular we have
Is there a way of changing the script so it'll work on the Israeli domain?

Posté le: 25/06/2022

Hi, you can try to edit the script and change the line // @match* to // @match https://**

If it works I'll publish an update.

Posté le: 26/06/2022
Édité le: 26/06/2022

When I change it, it does show as if the code recognizes the site (tampermonkey is showing two scripts running), but when I try to download anything, I don't even see the download button in the menu as I should be seeing... so scripts are running, but theres no download option.

Posté le: 28/06/2022

Hi, you can try to edit the script and change the line // @match* to // @match https://**

If it works I'll publish an update.

You have any other solution for me to try?

Posté le: 16/07/2022

Are you still here developer? It's been three weeks since your last response...

Posté le: 01/08/2022

i also want middleeast to work

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