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Youtube Ad Cleaner(Include Non-Skippable Ads- works)

(Be Tested Daily) Bypass all youtube ads (skippable and non-skippable Ads) plus download youtube video on the fly

< Commentaires sur Youtube Ad Cleaner(Include Non-Skippable Ads- works)

Avis: OK - le script fonctionne, mais souffre de quelques problèmes

Posté le: 18/10/2023

blocks ads, but the ads infinitely reload sometimes as of 18/10/23

dumb dumbAuteur
Posté le: 20/10/2023

I can't replicate your case on my pc. It is hard to tell what was happening.

Posté le: 25/10/2023

I can't replicate your case on my pc. It is hard to tell what was happening.

Generally speaking it works perfectly fine for me, but I experienced this once (it kept trying to load and show ads over and over for around 20 to 30 seconds, but after that it stopped). Something that happens sometimes as well is the video completely restarting when youtube tries to show an ad (happens somewhat frequently, maybe around once every 30 to 50 ads).

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