Wanikani Open Framework

Framework for writing scripts for Wanikani

< Commentaires sur Wanikani Open Framework

Question / commentaire

The latest update makes the synonyms added in wanikani fail, correcting them as bad even if you have written it exactly the same as the synonym.

Posté le: 26/04/2023

Thanks for the heads-up, but this is a WaniKani issue unrelated to Open Framework.
See: https://community.wanikani.com/t/user-synonyms-broken/61354

It is supposedly fixed now.

Gracias por el aviso, pero este es un problema de WaniKani que no está relacionado con Open Framework.
Consulte: https://community.wanikani.com/t/user-synonyms-broken/61354

Se supone que ya está solucionado.

Thanks for the warning, it works now.

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