GOTA Extender

Game of Thrones Ascent Extender

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Question / commentaire

Posté le: 21/08/2015
Édité le: 26/08/2015

Help with bruting

Sometimes when I want to send SS to go bruting and it doesn't work it says bruting terminated then a pop up that said all SS have been bruted to maximum wounds but all my SS have no wounds. I tried setting the brute until X wound from 0-4 and still doesn't work. Sometimes it'll work, I don't actually know how I did it, but I just kept refreshing the page or manually send them then use the extender. Also sometimes send all in PtP don't work? once in a while I have 3-4 SS left.

Nevermind turns out I have to send them to one adventure first.

Posté le: 27/08/2015

This feature repeats the last done adventure of a sworn sword instantly.
-- bruting terminates when a certain amount of wounds have been reached.
-- you can terminate the bruting process at any given point with the ESC key.
-- set specific sworn sword for bruting or brute them all (the sworn swords that were not on adventure will be skipped)
-- for convenience the brute button has been integrated in the user interface when you view results from an adventure (and if the result is successful). Note that the button will appear with a few seconds delay.
-- while using bruting every adventure is done instantly.

So in short the steps are quite simple: Send all your sworn swords to rock some adventure and then, when they have finished, go to the tab and brute all or a specific sworn sword.

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