// ==UserScript==
// @name WaniKani Phonetic-Semantic Composition Rebirth
// @namespace wk_phon_rebirth
// @include http://www.wanikani.com/kanji/*
// @include http://www.wanikani.com/review/session*
// @include http://www.wanikani.com/lesson/session*
// @include https://www.wanikani.com/kanji/*
// @include https://www.wanikani.com/review/session*
// @include https://www.wanikani.com/lesson/session*
// @author acm
// @description Adds information to Wanikani about kanji that use Phonetic-Semantic Composition.
// @version 1.1.1
// @license GPL version 3 or any later version; http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @grant unsafeWindow
// @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/34328-wanikani-phonetic-semantic-composition-original-database/code/Wanikani%20Phonetic-Semantic%20Composition%20Original%20Database.js
// ==/UserScript==
* ==== Wanikani Phonetic-Semantic Composition ====
* == by ruipgpinheiro ==
* = modifications by acm =
* It seems that many kanji were created using a process called phonetic-semantic
* composition. This process joins two (or more) kanji (radicals), one (or more of them)
* usually called the bushu or dictionary section header establishes the meaning of the
* kanji, and another one, the phonetic component that establishes the (on'yomi) sound.
* This means that a lot of kanji have a built-in mnemonic that I haven't seen being
* referred to in Wanikani, and so it's quite useful to know some of them, especially
* when having trouble with a specific reading!
* For example (using non-Wanikani kanji names):
* 反・はん "to rebel" ("anti" by Wanikani mnemonics)
* 飯・はん "rice"
* 版・はん "print"
* 板・はん "a board"
* 坂・はん "slope"
* 販・はん "sale"
* 叛・はん "to betray"
* As you can notice, these kanji all use the first one as a phonetic component, placing it
* to the right of the semantic component (mostly, phonetic components are drawn right-most).
* Due to the evolution of the language, many such kanji have since then slightly changed
* pronunciation (仮・か "temporary"), but knowing this information can be a major help.
* This script imports a database of over 100 phonetic components with over 400 regular Kanji
* that use their on'yomi reading onto Wanikani. This means that over a fourth of Wanikani's
* Kanji should be included in here somewhere and have a "built-in mnemonic" of sorts.
* Depending on how you study, it could be a huge help (or no help at all - you decide what's
* best for your brain). The information will be shown on the Kanji info page, during reviews
* (if you check the details for a Kanji) and during lessons, provided the relevant Kanji is
* included in the database.
* Note that the database used in this script was automatically generated from a PDF file,
* and even though I tried to check it for mistakes, it is possible that it contains an error or two.
* This userscript contains the whole Kanji table from Hiroko Townsend's Thesis about phonetic
* components, which means the script's database includes 143 different phonetic components
* encompassing 417 regular kanji (kanji that use the on'yomi reading from the phonetic component)
* and 210 irregular ones (kanji that use a different reading, though with - supposedly - similar
* roots). Some of these Kanji aren't available on Wanikani, though, even though they'll be shown
* by the userscript as they are part of its database.
* This script contains a database of phonetic components adapted under Fair Use
* (for nonprofit educational purposes) from
* Phonetic Components in Japanese Characters
* by Hiroko Townsend
* Master of Arts in Linguistics, San Diego State University, 2011
* Obtain a complete copy of the Thesis at http://sdsu-dspace.calstate.edu/bitstream/handle/10211.10/1203/Townsend_Hiroko.pdf
* Thank you Hiroko for the very useful thesis!
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* === Changelog ===
* 1.1.1 (21 October 2017)
* - Snatched some code from WaniKani Stroke Order userscript:
* -- Use of built-in MutationObserver instead of custom code
* -- A single function to extract a kanji instead of 3
* 1.1.0 (19 October 2017)
* - Cleaned up code
* - Fixed an issue with GreaseMonkey and onClick events in Firefox
* 1.0.5 (11 March 2014)
* - Relicensed under the GPLv3.
* 1.0.4 (23 January 2014)
* - Now supports the HTTPS protocol.
* 1.0.3 (24 November 2013)
* - Corrected 症, which has the wrong reading in the thesis used for creating the DB.
* It's now listed as irregular with the reading しょう, even though its phonetic component can also (rarely) be read the same way.
* 1.0.2 (24 November 2013)
* - Fixed a bug in the code that automatically generated the DB, which would misread phonetic components with a single,
* irregular kanji, like 刃, and put them inside the DB entry of the previous phonetic component.
* Therefore, the DB was regenerated from scratch. Updated the DB count in the description accordingly.
* 1.0.1 (23 November 2013)
* - Kanji links now open in a new tab, to fix a bug where clicking them would just restart the current reviews/lessons session.
* 1.0.0 (22 November 2013)
* - First release.
* Debug Settings
var debugLogEnabled = false;
var debugAlwaysUseFirstDBEntry = false;
var scriptShortName = "WKPSC";
scriptLog = debugLogEnabled ?
if (typeof msg === "string")
console.log(scriptShortName + ": " + msg);
} :
function() {};
* Global Variables/Objects/Classes
// Stores the current Wanikani page we're on
var PageEnum = Object.freeze({ unknown:0, kanji:1, reviews:2, lessons:3 });
var curPage = PageEnum.unknown;
// Use the jQuery of the page itself to access storage
$ = unsafeWindow.$;
* Database Functions
* Searches the DB for a Kanji
* If found, returns an object of the form {entry, regular, irregular}, where:
* entry - reference to the DB entry containing the Kanji
* type - 'regular' or 'irregular', specifies in which DB sub-array the kanji was found
* kanji - Kanji found (same as the input kanji)
* If not found, returns null
function searchDBForKanji(kanji)
for (var i = 0; i < database.length; i++)
var cur = database[i];
if (kanji == cur.phonetic)
return {entry:cur, type:"phonetic", kanji:cur.phonetic};
if ("regular" in cur)
for(var j = 0; j < cur.regular.length; j++)
if (kanji == cur.regular[j])
return {entry:cur, type:"regular", kanji:cur.regular[j]};
if ("irregular" in cur)
for (var k = 0; k < cur.irregular.length; k++)
if (kanji == cur.irregular[k][0])
return {entry:cur, type:"irregular", kanji:cur.irregular[k][0], irregular:cur.irregular[k]};
return null;
* Injected Elements and Related Functions
// Toggles the "More Information" button
function WKPSC_moreInformation_onClick(e)
var obj = e.target || e.srcElement;
var elem = obj.nextSibling;
if (elem.getAttribute('class') == "WKPSC-more-information-hidden")
obj.innerHTML = 'Less Information <i class="icon-chevron-up">';
elem.setAttribute('class', "WKPSC-more-information-show");
obj.innerHTML = 'More Information <i class="icon-chevron-down">';
elem.setAttribute('class', "WKPSC-more-information-hidden");
// Generates HTML for the injected Element
function generateHTML(dbEntry)
var html;
var regularText;
// Detect whether mostly regular or not
var regularCount = 0;
var irregularCount = 0;
if ("regular" in dbEntry.entry)
regularCount = dbEntry.entry.regular.length;
if ("irregular" in dbEntry.entry)
irregularCount = dbEntry.entry.irregular.length;
if (regularCount >= irregularCount)
if (irregularCount === 0)
regularText = "completely regular";
regularText = "mostly regular";
if (regularCount === 0)
regularText = "completely irregular";
regularText = "mostly irregular";
var totalCount = regularCount + irregularCount;
// Generate correct HTML from templates
var htmlTemplateThisKanji = '<span rel="tooltip" class="kanji-highlight" data-original-title="This Kanji" lang="ja">{0}</span>';
html = htmlTemplateThisKanji.format(dbEntry.kanji);
var htmlTemplatePhonetic = '';
if(dbEntry.type == "phonetic")
htmlTemplatePhonetic = ' is a <b>{1}</b> phonetic component used in {2} Kanji to represent the <i>on\'yomi</i> reading <text class="WKPSC-hiragana">{3}</text>.';
html += htmlTemplatePhonetic.format(dbEntry.entry.phonetic, regularText, totalCount, dbEntry.entry.reading);
if(dbEntry.entry.phonetic == "obsolete")
htmlTemplateNonPhonetic = ' was formed using phonetic-semantic composition. However, with the passing of time, the phonetic component used became obsolete as a Kanji, so the radical cannot be shown here. Nevertheless, this kanji contains a <b>{1}</b> phonetic component, also used in {2} other Kanji to represent the <i>on\'yomi</i> reading <text class="WKPSC-hiragana">{3}</text>. You should be able to compare Kanji beloging to the same set to figure out what it looks like.';
htmlTemplateNonPhonetic = ' was formed using phonetic-semantic composition. Therefore it contains the <b>{1}</b> phonetic component <a href="http://www.wanikani.com/kanji/{0}" target="_blank"><span rel="tooltip" class="kanji-highlight" data-original-title="Phonetic Component" lang="ja">{0}</span></a>, also used in {2} other Kanji to represent the <i>on\'yomi</i> reading <text class="WKPSC-hiragana">{3}</text>.';
html += htmlTemplateNonPhonetic.format(dbEntry.entry.phonetic, regularText, totalCount-1, dbEntry.entry.reading);
if (dbEntry.type == "irregular")
html += ' <u>Make sure to note that this Kanji is irregular!</u>';
var htmlTemplateMoreInformation = '</p><span id="WKPSC_info_btn" class="WKPSC-more-information-button WKPSC-more-information-button-margin">More Information <i class="icon-chevron-down"></i></span><span class="WKPSC-more-information-hidden">This series of phonetic-semantically composed Kanji consists of the ';
html += htmlTemplateMoreInformation;
var entryLength = 0;
var cur = "";
var i = 0;
// Generate the list of 'regular' Kanji from templates, if any exist
if ("regular" in dbEntry.entry)
var regularKanjiTemplate = '<a href="http://www.wanikani.com/kanji/{0}" target="_blank"><span rel="tooltip" class="kanji-highlight" data-original-title="Kanji" lang="ja">{0}</span></a>';
var regIrregKanjiJoiningTemplate = '<br> There are also the following ';
var regularTemplate = '<span rel="tooltip" class="reading-highlight" data-original-title="Same On\'yomi Reading">regular</span> Kanji ';
html += regularTemplate;
entryLength = dbEntry.entry.regular.length;
for (i = 0; i < entryLength; i++)
cur = dbEntry.entry.regular[i];
if (i > 0 && i < entryLength-1)
html += ", ";
else if (i == entryLength-1 && i > 0)
html += " and ";
html += regularKanjiTemplate.format(cur);
html += '.';
if ("irregular" in dbEntry.entry)
html += regIrregKanjiJoiningTemplate;
// Generate the table of 'irregular' Kanji from templates, if any exist
if ("irregular" in dbEntry.entry)
var irregularKanjiTemplate = '<span rel="tooltip" class="reading-highlight" data-original-title="Similar On\'yomi Reading (shared historical roots)">irregular</span> Kanji:<table style="text-align:center; line-height:1.7" align="center" width="200px"><td class="span6"><h3>Kanji</h3></td><td class="span6"><h3>Reading</h3></td></tr>{0}</table>';
var rowTemplate = '<tr><td><a href="http://www.wanikani.com/kanji/{0}" target="_blank"><span class="kanji-highlight" lang="ja">{0}</span></a></td><td class="WKPSC-hiragana" lang="ja">{1}</td></tr>';
var tableHTML = "";
entryLength = dbEntry.entry.irregular.length;
for (i = 0; i < entryLength; i++)
cur = dbEntry.entry.irregular[i];
tableHTML += rowTemplate.format(cur[0], cur[1]);
html += irregularKanjiTemplate.format(tableHTML);
// Close the remaining tag and return
html += '</span>';
return html;
// Create the element to be injected, set its id, class and HTML content
function createHTMLElement(dbEntry)
var elmnt;
if (curPage == PageEnum.kanji)
elmnt = document.createElement('aside');
elmnt = document.createElement('blockquote');
elmnt.setAttribute('id', 'WKPSC-extra-information');
elmnt.setAttribute('class', 'additional-info');
elmnt.innerHTML = '<h3><i class="icon-info-sign"></i> Phonetic-Semantic Composition</h3><p>' + generateHTML(dbEntry) + '</p>';
return elmnt;
// Stores the old element, since we might have to clean it up when in the lessons module
var oldElement = null;
// Detects current Kanji, searches DB, and if a match is found, creates and injects the corresponding HTML Element
function addElement(node)
// If required (lessons module), clean up the previously created element
if (!isEmpty(oldElement) && !isEmpty(oldElement.parentNode))
oldElement = null;
// Find the current kanji
var kanji;
if (debugAlwaysUseFirstDBEntry)
kanji = database[0].phonetic;
kanji = getKanji();
if (kanji === null)
scriptLog("Unable to extract the current kanji!");
// Check whether the current kanji is in the database
var dbEntry = searchDBForKanji(kanji);
if (isEmpty(dbEntry)) {
scriptLog("Kanji not in DB. Ignoring.");
// Create custom element
var newElmnt = createHTMLElement(dbEntry);
// Insert element
case PageEnum.kanji:
case PageEnum.reviews:
case PageEnum.lessons:
$('div#supplement-kan-reading div:contains("Reading Mnemonic") blockquote:last').after(newElmnt);
oldElement = newElmnt;
throw Error("Unknown page type!");
document.getElementById("WKPSC_info_btn").addEventListener("click", WKPSC_moreInformation_onClick);
* Kanji Info Pages
function kanjiInfo_init()
GM_addStyle('.WKPSC-hiragana { font-weight: bold; }');
GM_addStyle('.WKPSC-more-information-button-margin { margin-bottom: -10px !important; display:block; }');
GM_addStyle('.WKPSC-more-information-show { margin-top: 40px; margin-bottom: -10px !important; display:block; }');
* Reviews page
function reviews_init()
GM_addStyle('.WKPSC-hiragana { font-weight: normal; }');
GM_addStyle('.WKPSC-more-information-button-margin { margin-bottom: 0 !important; display:block; }');
GM_addStyle('span.reading-highlight { background-color: #474747; } span.kanji-highlight { background-color: #FF00AA; };');
GM_addStyle('span.reading-highlight, span.kanji-highlight {-moz-box-sizing: border-box; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: 0 -3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) inset, 0 0 10px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); color: #FFFFFF; display: inline-block; height: 1.8em; line-height: 1.7em; text-align: center; text-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px; }');
GM_addStyle('.WKPSC-more-information-show { margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: -10px !important; display:block; }');
lessons_init = reviews_init;
/* Snatched from the stroke order script ... */
* Returns the current kanji
function getKanji()
case PageEnum.kanji:
return document.title[document.title.length - 1];
case PageEnum.reviews:
var curItem = $.jStorage.get("currentItem");
if ("kan" in curItem)
return curItem.kan.trim();
return null;
case PageEnum.lessons:
var kanjiNode = $("#character");
if (kanjiNode === undefined || kanjiNode === null)
return null;
return kanjiNode.text().trim();
return null;
* Init Functions
* Set up the hooks needed.
function scriptEventFired(node)
scriptLog("Event fired!");
function scriptInit()
// Add global CSS styles
GM_addStyle('.WKPSC-more-information-button { color: #888888; cursor: pointer; text-align: center; background-image: url("/assets/default-v2/top-inset-shadow-290f5bd0a4f35ec34dd42c6c1f56a2f3.png"); background-position: center top; background-repeat: no-repeat; margin-top: 15px;} }');
GM_addStyle('.WKPSC-more-information-hidden { display:block; visibility:hidden; height:0; }');
// Set up hooks
if (/\/kanji\/./.test(document.URL)) /* Kanji Pages */
scriptLog("Kanji Page");
curPage = PageEnum.kanji;
else if (/\/review/.test(document.URL)) /* Reviews Pages */
scriptLog("Reviews page");
curPage = PageEnum.reviews;
var o = new MutationObserver( function(mutations) {
// The last one always has 2 mutations, so let's use that
if (mutations.length != 2)
o.observe(document.getElementById('item-info'), {'attributes' : true});
else if (/\/lesson/.test(document.URL)) /* Lessons Pages */
scriptLog("Lessons page");
curPage = PageEnum.lessons;
var o2 = new MutationObserver( function(mutations) {
o2.observe(document.getElementById('supplement-kan'), {'attributes' : true});
* Helper Functions/Variables
function isEmpty(value){
return (typeof value === "undefined" || value === null);
if (!String.prototype.format) {
String.prototype.format = function() {
var args = arguments;
return this.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function(match, number) {
return typeof args[number] != 'undefined' ? args[number] : match;
* Error handling
* Can use 'error.stack', not cross-browser (though it should work on Firefox and Chrome)
function logError(error)
var stackMessage = "";
if ("stack" in error)
stackMessage = "\n\tStack: " + error.stack;
console.error(scriptShortName + " Error: " + error.name + "\n\tMessage: " + error.message + stackMessage);
* Start the script