Greasy Fork is available in English. hide certain employers

Provides an option on Indeed to select employers that you are uninterested in working for and collapse their openings in search results

< Commentaires sur hide certain employers

Avis: Mauvais - le script ne fonctionne pas

Posté le: 21/09/2016
Édité le: 22/11/2016

It's ' Hit Hider by Company' !


It's like Google Hit Hider by Domain (Search Filter / Block Sites) from the great, incomparable Jefferson Scher -- but for!

Just like Google, Indeed had previously offered such a great feature -- and just like Google, silently removed it after they realized how many of their 'clients' (advertisers) would not get their SEO links clicked:

So 'Thank you' for reviving such a great feature.

Posté le: 22/09/2016

Glad you find it useful. :smiley:

Posté le: 22/10/2016

Hi again.

Hey, this isn't working for me... For example, this link:,+NY Should show a post for company 'Fox News'.

I click on the 'hide results' link, and get the popup box to confirm -- but nothing happens.

I reload the page, post is still not hidden.

Firefox 47.0.1 Greasemonkey 3.9 your script

Posté le: 04/04/2017

Hi Azazello,

Sorry about the problems you had with the script. I'm a little flaky, so I'm responding way late, but I did look at the issue at the time and IIRC I wasn't able to reproduce the problem. I wonder if perhaps there was an issue with some A/B testing going on; perhaps you were seeing a slightly different version of Indeed? In any case, if you run into this problem again, please feel free to let me know. Sorry again that it wasn't working for you!

Posté le: 04/01/2020

Indeed has changed their site layout since 2016 (not surprising). Here is an updated version of the script that worked for me.

Posté le: 11/02/2023

Don't get what's changed but now there's a delay when you hit 'D" on hover to hide.
Before it was very responsive, now I have to hit D several times for it to hide, faster to just hover and click than to hit the shortcut key.

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