JR Mturk Panda Crazy

Collects panda's for you at a certain cycle instead of timers. Lot of organizing of panda's and grouping them together to start and stop them at once.

< Commentaires sur JR Mturk Panda Crazy

Question / commentaire

Deleted user 61796
Posté le: 01/09/2016

Requester ID

Is it possible to add a requester ID?

Posté le: 01/09/2016

At this point there is not an easy way to add a job with a requester ID. It's mostly for adding panda's. Only need requester ID's for search mode. I might add a way to do this later but for now some people have added it by inputting the requester ID in the add job input field. The script thinks it's a group ID so it accepts it. It obviously breaks it as a panda but you can go to the details section and fill in the requester ID. Change it to search mode and it should work correctly from there.

Deleted user 61796
Posté le: 01/09/2016

Thanks, easy enough.

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