Posté le: 12/04/2019

new kahoot hack

can there be a kahoot hack that gets the correct answer

Posté le: 27/10/2021


Posté le: 27/10/2021

I'm looking for this as well, let me know if you find it!

Posté le: 21/05/2023

I'm looking for this as well, let me know if you find it!

https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/466793-kahoot-answer-bot is a script I made, I have not tested it.

Posté le: 25/05/2023

I'm looking for this as well, let me know if you find it!

Forgot to press on ‘Quote’.


Warning: Has not been tested. A review with a picture of the console would be appreciated.

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