Discussions » Demandes de création de scripts

Need help with a simple script

Posté le: 29/06/2014

Need help with a simple script

I just want to set the attributes of en element from fixed to relative idk what im doing wrong

// ==UserScript==
// @name Reyanime no fixed bars
// @version 1.0
// @author Roxz
// @description Hace que las barras no se muevan al hacer scroll
// @include http://reyanime.com/*
// @include https://reyanime.com/*
// ==/UserScript==

function () {
var barra = document.getElementById("top-barra"),
negro = document.getElementById("negro"),
blue = document.getElementById("izq-blue-fixed");

barra.style.position = "relative";
negro.style.position = "relative";
blue.style.position = "relative";


Posté le: 29/06/2014
Édité le: 29/06/2014

Missing '(' before function (). Needs to be (function () { script })();

Posté le: 29/06/2014

(function () {
var barra = document.getElementById("top-barra"),
negro = document.getElementById("negro"),
blue = document.getElementById("izq-blue-fixed");

barra.style.position = "relative";
negro.style.position = "relative";
blue.style.position = "relative";


Like that? Cause it's not working either.

Posté le: 29/06/2014


(function () {
var barra = document.querySelector(".top-barra"),
negro = document.querySelector(".negro"),
blue = document.querySelector(".izq-blue-fixed");

barra.style.position = "relative";
negro.style.position = "relative";
blue.style.position = "relative";


Posté le: 29/06/2014

That worked. Thanks. Whats the difference between getElementById and queryselector? When do you use querySelector?

Posté le: 29/06/2014
Édité le: 29/06/2014

The elements you wanted to target have no id name, only a class name.

Posté le: 29/06/2014

Thanks. I keep testing it and it doesnt work consistently on some subdomains the "negro" stays fixed does that happen cause not all the var are all together on the same page?

Posté le: 29/06/2014

Give me the url for which that occurs on and I will check it out.

Posté le: 29/06/2014

for example http://reyanime.com/dokidoki-precure-la-pelicula-1/

I made a separate script just with the var negro and it works on that page but if I add the rest of the vars it doesnt.

Posté le: 29/06/2014
Édité le: 29/06/2014

Try this:

(function () {
var negro = document.querySelector(".negro"),
barra = document.querySelector(".top-barra"),
blue = document.querySelector(".izq-blue-fixed");

if (negro) negro.style.position = "relative";
if (barra) barra.style.position = "relative";
if (blue) blue.style.position = "relative";


Also try this // @include http://reyanime* instead of // @include http://reyanime.com/*
Will include more pages.

Posté le: 29/06/2014

Thanks again. I tried the if thing but i guess my syntax was off.

Posté le: 29/06/2014
Édité le: 29/06/2014

If using Greasemonkey 0.9.8 or above, try this (copy/paste):

// ==UserScript==
// @name Reyanime no fixed bars
// @version 1.0
// @author Roxz
// @description Hace que las barras no se muevan al hacer scroll
// @include /^https?://reyanime.*$/
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==

(function () {
var negro = document.querySelector(".negro"),
barra = document.querySelector(".top-barra"),
blue = document.querySelector(".izq-blue-fixed");

if (negro) negro.style.position = "relative";
if (barra) barra.style.position = "relative";
if (blue) blue.style.position = "relative";


Posté le: 30/06/2014

Or, you can do it with style injection:

// ==UserScript==
// @name Reyanime no fixed bars
// @version 1.0
// @author Roxz
// @description Hace que las barras no se muevan al hacer scroll
// @include http://reyanime.com/*
// @include https://reyanime.com/*
// ==/UserScript==

(function () {
	var $css = document.createElement ('style');
	$css.textContent = '\
	.top-barra,.negro,.izq-blue-fixed {\
		position:relative !important;\
	document.head.appendChild ($css);
Posté le: 06/07/2014

Thanks both guys. Since my last comment the issue was alrready solved.

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