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Github release webhook not work
If the file you want it to grab is only in the release, and not in git, then it won't find it. This is a limitation with how it works right now.
If the file you want it to grab is only in the release, and not in git, then it won't find it. This is a limitation with how it works right now.
the file is also in git repo, but not in default main branch https://github.com/ilyydy/tampermonkey-script/tree/csdn. Is the file must in default branch?
It will be looking at whatever URL you gave it to sync to.
It will be looking at whatever URL you gave it to sync to.
I tried set URL as https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ilyydy/tampermonkey-script/csdn/csdn.user.js and https://github.com/ilyydy/tampermonkey-script/raw/csdn/csdn.user.js , but both not work
It will be looking at whatever URL you gave it to sync to.
My github action push script to 'csdn' branch and then create release. I guess may the push is a little late or github cache problem. Is there some way to check?
Around 30m ago, I released csdn@0.0.3 https://github.com/ilyydy/tampermonkey-script/releases, but received such response
request playload is below