Reddit - Top Comments Preview (old & new design) JS - Preview to the top comments on Reddit (+ optional auto-load comments and images, auto-hide sidebar)
Reddit - Hide sidebar JS - Autohides Reddit sidebar and adds a button to toggle view
- load images from thumbnails JS - Show images instead of thumbnails (+ endless scrolling with AutoPager)
- Autopager JS - Autopager for
Reddit - restart failed Never Ending Reddit at old position JS - When using the "Reddit Enhancement Suite" with "Never Ending Reddit" option, at some point the next page cannot be loaded anymore. Currently your only option is to reload Reddit and start from the top. This script searches bottom up for the next working entry it can use as starting point. This way you can continue browsing from the same position.
Reddit - auto pause NeverEndingReddit every X pages JS - Pauses NER every X pages for you to reload Reddit at the new position and unpauses it after the reload. Helps stopping the ressources-guzzling which slows down the browser.
grant-none-shim.js JS (Bibliothèque) -