Discord Obliterate 'Nitro' Button JS - Nukes the 'Nitro' button that has suddenly appeared around 30th Jan 2020. This is a new script because it has distinct behavior.
Discord Hide Bot Indicators JS - Hides the "BOT" indicators. Note that this may make it harder to check if someone is or is not a bot.
Discord Obliterate Snowsgiving JS - Just no
Discord Obliterate Activities/Statuses JS - Just no
Obliterate 'Message Requests' Button on Discord JS - Nukes the 'Message Requests' button that has suddenly appeared around 6th Dec 2022. This is a new script because it has distinct behavior. This does NOT adjust the Message Requests settings, only removes the button (which otherwise remains visible regardless of settings). Please ensure your settings are adjusted accordingly.
Obliterate 'Birthday' Button on Discord JS - Nukes the 'Birthday' button that has suddenly appeared around 16th May 2023. This is a new script because it has distinct behavior.
Discord Obliterate Avatar Decorations JS - How am I supposed to see avatars in this mess?
Discord Obliterate 'Shop' Button JS - Nukes the 'Shop' button that has suddenly appeared around 12th Oct 2023. This is a new script because it has distinct behavior.
Discord Cleanup Chatbox JS - Removes the Gift and Channel Apps buttons from the chatbox.