MyAnimeList (MAL) Track Missing Relations

Allows to find missing relations and entries with wrong episode/chapter count

< Commentaires sur MyAnimeList (MAL) Track Missing Relations

Question / commentaire

Posté le: 2016-04-25

Script not working?

I have Hai to Gensou no Grimgar added to my list but it does not detect the sidestory "Hai to Gensou no Grimgar Special"

Posté le: 2016-04-26

I just tried it - everything works fine:

Maybe you added it to your Plan to Watch list, which can be excluded in script settings?
Go to script settings, and check the Ignore Entries section:

Posté le: 2016-04-26

It seems to be working now.. Not sure why it wasn't working before. I guess it might be due to my browser running for like the past 12 days? Sidenote, what's the difference between a deep scan and a regular scan?

Posté le: 2016-04-27
Édité le: 2016-04-27

Deep Scan setting allows to scan not only the entries from your list, but also their direct relations. This will result in finding more missing relations, but it will also require more time in comparison with the regular scan.

I've added this to the script's description now.

In other words, if you have an entry X in your list, and X has a relation to Y, and Y also has a relation to another entry Z, then: Regular scan: Only X->Y will be displayed in script results. Deep scan: X->Y and X->Z will be displayed in script results.

Also, if Z has relations to other entries, they won't be displayed.

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