Related Links Pager

Navigate sideways! When you click a link, related links on the current page are carried with you. They can be accessed from a pager on the target page, so you won't have to go back in your browser.

Ceci est l'ensemble des versions pour ce script. Présenter uniquement les versions où le code diffère.

  • v1.4.15 2023-09-01

    Add option useTagsInXPath; clean up some unwanted classes

  • v1.4.14 2023-02-01 Disable the use of className on twitch, to ensure the script works on clips page, Expanded comments
  • v1.4.14 2022-11-15 Add option ignoreItalicsInXPath for Wikipedia, Fix: Detect g class even when other classes are present
  • v1.4.12 2022-04-13 Bugfix: splice() -> slice()
  • v1.4.11 2021-01-23 Hide when YouTube is fullscreen, but still allow hover
  • v1.4.10 2020-08-22 Fix license for OpenUserJS (GPL -> AGPL-3.0-or-later, tx Marti)
  • v1.4.9 2020-08-22 Fix license for OpenUserJS (GPL-3.0 -> GPL)
  • v1.4.8 2020-08-22 Fix license for OUJS
  • v1.4.7 2020-08-22 Version bump for OUJS
  • v1.4.6 2020-08-21 Version bump for OUJS
  • v1.4.5 2020-08-04 Better handling of textless links and replacing matches with better matches
  • v1.4.4 2020-06-18 Do not show (n related links) in the tooltip by default
  • v1.4.3 2020-04-26 Only worry about complaining sites when passing by hash
  • v1.4.2 2020-02-22 Fix textContent for Google's new HTML arrangement
  • v1.4.1 2020-01-30 Fix for related links at different depths on Google
  • v1.4.0 2019-12-13 Only skip hash URLs if we are using the hash to pass siblings
  • v1.3.31 2019-11-08 Extra fix to ensure Google's first result is grouped
  • v1.3.30 2019-07-02 Hide when fullscreen on YouTube
  • v1.3.29 2019-02-27 Increase size of prev/next buttons, to make them easier to hit
  • v1.3.28 2018-12-25 Force Google's first suggested link into the same group as the other results
  • v1.3.27 2018-10-04 Fix styling for Google's new <h3> link titles
  • v1.3.26 2018-09-27 Get RelatedLinksPager working without #siblings in Firefox
  • v1.3.25 2018-07-07 A dashed line looks better at more resolutions than a dotted line
  • v1.3.24 2018-06-27 Use a dotted underline instead of background to highlight related links
  • v1.3.23 2018-06-27 Remove the visiting-link highlight after a small delay
  • v1.3.22 2018-06-08
  • v1.3.22 2018-05-23 Enhance discoverability of rollup/down feature
  • v1.3.21 2018-05-23 Reset CSS props for close button (font problem on some sites)
  • v1.3.20 2018-05-23 Reset font for Related Links Pager
  • v1.3.19 2018-05-13 Become less transparent when idle, now that text is hidden
  • v1.3.18 2018-05-12 Bring back the purple highlight when clicking a group, Refactor how styles are added, Do not run in iframes
  • v1.3.18 2018-05-12 Do not show host text for missing favicons, Use times symbol for close button (maybe more consistent?) Conflicts: other/gm_scripts/Related_Links_Pager/Related_Links_Pager.user.js, Don't set any image title, users will hover the link to see the domain, Handle overflow properly, Try to improve favicon alignment on Wikipedia, Bring back the purple highlight when clicking a group, Refactor how styles are added, Do not run in iframes
  • v1.3.12 2018-05-09 Favicon should always take the same size space, even if missing
  • v1.3.10 2018-05-08 Use a different X (previous didn't work well on Mac)
  • v1.3.9 2018-05-05
  • v1.3.9 2018-05-04 FIX groupLinksByClass had been broken by highlight classes
  • v1.3.8 2018-05-03 Only build new pager after click if the URL changed, Add and remove classes instead of changing element style directly, Fix some (but not all) linter errors, Make Prev/Next buttons larger with text; trim tooltip titles; minor title layout, Improve the close button with a unicode cross
  • v1.3.7 2018-05-02 Make title margin symmetrical
  • v1.3.6 2018-05-02 Fix squashed favicon bug, Right-align numbers, Show favicon for current link too, Always use the sans-serif font, Bump version number, Styling improvements, Various styling changes, Bump version number
  • v1.3.3 2018-04-27 Add @license meta
  • v1.3.3 2018-04-27 Some mild cleanup, Some more refactoring, Style the pager box, FIX Should only rebuild pager after _link_ click
  • v1.3.2 2018-04-27 Indent; cleanup with eslint
  • v1.3.1 2018-04-26 Stop using #siblings; add support for pushState, Indent; cleanup with eslint
  • v1.2.4 2016-11-27 Synced from GitHub - Set max height of TOC, so it doesn't fall off the bottom of the page
  • v1.2.3 2015-09-09 Imported from URL
  • v1.2.1 2015-07-07 Imported from URL
  • v1.2.1 2015-01-24 Imported from URL