BlueSky Correct Terminology

Ensures BlueSky is using the correct terminology by replacing all instances of "post" with "skeet".

Ceci est la version du script où le code a été mise à jour. Présenter toutes les versions.

  • v1.0.7 2024-11-14
    • Fixed profile names in skeets not actually being skipped correctly
  • v1.0.6 2024-11-14
    • Fixed a regression in 1.0.5 causing the script to stop working
  • v1.0.5 2024-11-14
    • Fixed profile names unintentionally being replaced
  • v1.0.4 2024-11-14
    • Fixed alt text being replaced when shouldReplaceSkeetContent is false
  • v1.0.3 2024-11-14
    • Fixed skeet writing incorrectly being affected
  • v1.0.2 2024-11-14

    - **Fixed** some instances of "reposts" not being replaced due to BlueSky making it really hard to identify skeet content correctly

  • v1.0.1 2024-11-14
    • Fixed "Posts" and "posts" not being replaced.
  • v1.0 2024-11-14