craftofexile fix tier mods affecting weights

This script implements the changes proposed in the following reddit posed by wcnsb2010. It tries to fix the weights which are affected by mod tier rating. When using tier rating, mods with only one or few tiers will be less common.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         craftofexile fix tier mods affecting weights
// @namespace
// @version      2024-05-16
// @description  This script implements the changes proposed in the following reddit posed by wcnsb2010. It tries to fix the weights which are affected by mod tier rating. When using tier rating, mods with only one or few tiers will be less common.
// @author       fixcraftofexile
// @match*
// @icon
// @grant        none
// @run-at document-idle
// ==/UserScript==

poec_processColumn = new_poec_processColumn;

poec_necroModifyPoolWithEffects = new_poec_necroModifyPoolWithEffects;

function necro_calc_tier_multiplier(R, M) {
  // R = Tier Rating, M = total number of tiers for this mod
    var tier_multipl = (100 * M) / (100 + R)
    if(tier_multipl > 1.0) {
        tier_multipl = 1.0;
    return tier_multipl;

function new_poec_getGraveyardCuttingPct(R, M) {
  if (M <= 1) {
      return 0.5;
  // R = Tier Rating, M = total number of tiers for this mod
  let cutting_pct = M - 100 * (M-1) / (R + 99);
  return cutting_pct;

function new_poec_necroModifyPoolWithEffects(modpool, effects) {
  if (effects.tiers) {
    effects.tiers = effects.tiers / 100
  if (effects.weight) {
      function (k, v) {
        effects.weight[k] = v / 100;
        if (v < 0) {
          let num = Math.abs(effects.weight[k]);
          effects.weight[k] = 1 / (num + 1)
    function (modId, tiers) {
      let pos_mod = 0;
      let neg_mod = 0;
      let tier_filter = 0;
      if (poec_necroMTypesIndex[modId]) {
          function (ind, mtype) {
            if (effects.weight) {
              if (effects.weight[mtype]) {
                if (effects.weight[mtype] > 1) {
                  pos_mod += effects.weight[mtype]
                } else {
                  if (neg_mod == 0) {
                    neg_mod = (1 / effects.weight[mtype]) - 1
                  } else {
                    neg_mod += (1 / effects.weight[mtype]) - 1
      if (effects.haunted) {
        if (tiers[0].id_mgroup == 16) {
          pos_mod += effects.haunted[0]
      if (effects.prefix) {
        if (tiers[0].atype == 'prefix') {
          pos_mod += effects.prefix[0]
      } else {
        if (effects.suffix) {
          if (tiers[0].atype == 'suffix') {
            pos_mod += effects.suffix[0]
      if (effects.tiers) {
        if (effects.tiers) {
          tier_filter += effects.tiers
      let affect_mod = 1;
      if (pos_mod != 0 || neg_mod != 0) {
        if (pos_mod > 0) pos_mod++;
        if (neg_mod > 0) neg_mod++;
        if (pos_mod == 0) {
          pos_mod = 1
        if (neg_mod == 0) {
          neg_mod = 1
        affect_mod = pos_mod * (1 / neg_mod)
      let cut_tiers = 0;
      if (tier_filter > 0) {
        tier_filter = new_poec_getGraveyardCuttingPct(tier_filter*100, tiers.length);
        cut_tiers = Math.floor(tier_filter)
      let tierNumber = 0;
        function (tk, tv) {
          if (tierNumber <= cut_tiers) {
            modpool[modId][tk].tweight = 0
          } else {
            var tier_multipl = necro_calc_tier_multiplier(effects.tiers * 100, tiers.length);
            modpool[modId][tk].tweight = tv.tweight * affect_mod * tier_multipl;
  return modpool

function new_poec_processColumn(
) {
  var dnow = poec_startDiag('Process column ' + atype);
  var vHtml = '';
  var allWeight = 0;
  var allTiers = 0;
  var allMods = 0;
  var allMTypes = {};
  var allBinds = {};
  var blockGrp = !1;
  var unblockGrp = !1;
  if (poec_affixFilters.inf != undefined) {
    if (poec_affixFilters.inf == '1') {
      blockGrp = !0
    } else {
      unblockGrp = !0
  var filter_is = null;
  var filter_non = null;
    function (key, val) {
      if (key != 'inf') {
        if (val == '1') {
          if (!filter_is) {
            filter_is = '|'
          filter_is += key + '|'
        } else {
          if (!filter_non) {
            filter_non = '|'
          filter_non += key + '|'
  remByILvl[atype] = {
    'tiers': 0,
    'weight': 0
    function (mgroup, affixes) {
      var gvalid = !0;
      var normal = !1;
      var nobld = 0;
      var infchoose = !1;
      var is_delve = !1;
      if (
        poecd.mgroups.seq[poecd.mgroups.ind[mgroup]].poedb_id == 'delve'
      ) {
        is_delve = !0
      var is_influence = !1;
      if (poecd.mgroups.seq[poecd.mgroups.ind[mgroup]].is_influence == 1) {
        is_influence = !0;
        if (poec_cInfluences) {
          if (poec_cInfluences.indexOf('|' + mgroup + '|') > - 1) {
            if (!poec_baseActive) {
              nobld = 1
            infchoose = !0
          } else {
        } else {
        if (poec_nBase.i == 8201) {
          infchoose = !0
      } else {
        if (!poec_baseActive) {
          normal = !0
        } else {
          if (
            poec_cMethod == 'exalted' &&
            poecd.mgroups.seq[poecd.mgroups.ind[mgroup]].poedb_id == 'delve'
          ) {
            normal = !0
          } else {
            if (
              poec_cMethod != 'fossil' &&
              poecd.mgroups.seq[poecd.mgroups.ind[mgroup]].poedb_id == 'delve'
            ) {
              gvalid = !1
      if (gvalid) {
        if (poecd.mgroups.seq[poecd.mgroups.ind[mgroup]].is_compute == 1) {
          var iscomp = 1
        } else {
          var iscomp = 0
        if (normal) {
          var iscomp = 0
        if (
          poecd.mgroups.seq[poecd.mgroups.ind[mgroup]].is_influence == 1 &&
        ) {
          var iscomp = 0
        if (forceopt) {
          iscomp = 0
        var gtiers = 0;
        var gweight = 0;
        var vGroup = '';
        var addgrpcls = '';
        if (!iscomp) {
          if (poec_groupToggles.indexOf('|' + mgroup + '|') > - 1) {
            addgrpcls = ' toggled'
        if (
          poec_cMethod == 'fossil' &&
          poecd.mgroups.seq[poecd.mgroups.ind[mgroup]].poedb_id == 'delve' &&
          (!poec_cFossils || poec_cFossils == '|')
        ) {
          var iscomp = 0
        if (maxcover) {
          var maxcmods = maxcover
        } else {
          if (metasActive.mul_mods && mgroup == poec_cCraftedGrpID) {
            var maxcmods = 3
          } else {
            var maxcmods = poecd.mgroups.seq[poecd.mgroups.ind[mgroup]].max_chosen
        var showweight = !1;
        if (mgroup == 10) {
          showweight = !0;
          coltitle = 'Unveil'
        if (forceopt) {
          var tgid = atype
        } else {
          var tgid = mgroup
        vGroup += '<div class=\'agroup med_shadow div_stable at_' + atype + ' fo_' + forceopt + ' fw_' + forceweight + ' compute' + iscomp + ' nobld' + nobld + ' iinf' + poecd.mgroups.seq[poecd.mgroups.ind[mgroup]].is_influence + ' selectable mgrp mgrp' + mgroup + ' ' + addgrpcls + '\' atype=\'' + atype + '\' gid=\'' + tgid + '\' maxc=\'' + maxcmods + '\'>';
        vGroup += '<div class=\'header line\' onClick=\'poec_toggleOptAgroup(this)\'>';
        if (forcetitle) {
          var grptitle = forcetitle
        } else {
          var grptitle = poecl.mgroup[mgroup]
        if (!coltitle) {
          coltitle = atype
        vGroup += '<div class=\'label\'><div>' + grptitle + '</div></div>';
        vGroup += '<div class=\'right\'><div>' + applyLang('Tiers') + '</div></div>';
        vGroup += '<div class=\'right\'><div>' + applyLang('iLvl') + '</div></div>';
        if (iscomp || is_influence || forceweight || showweight) {
          vGroup += '<div class=\'right\'><div>' + applyLang('Weight') + '</div></div>';
          if (poec_cVMode == 'd') {
            vGroup += '<div class=\'right capitalize\'><div>' + coltitle + ' %</div></div>';
            if (iscomp || is_influence) {
              vGroup += '<div class=\'right\'><div>' + applyLang('Weight %') + '</div></div>'
        if (atype == 'corrupted') {
          vGroup += '<div class=\'right\' title=\'' + applyLang('Chance to achieve with a vaal orb') + '\'><div>' + applyLang('Vaal %') + '</div></div>'
        } else {
          vGroup += '<div class=\'grp\' title=\'' + applyLang('Modifier Group') + '\'><div>G</div></div>'
        vGroup += '</div>';
        var nvaffix = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < affixes.length; i++) {
          var skip_affix = !1;
          if (is_delve && iscomp) {
            if (poec_cFossils != null) {
              if (poec_cFossils.length > 1) {
                if (poec_cFossils.indexOf('|' + affixes[i].id_fossil + '|') > - 1) {
                  skip_affix = !1
                } else {
                  skip_affix = !0
          if (affixes[i].ubt) {
            if (affixes[i].ubt != poec_nBase.i) {
              skip_affix = !0
          if (exmods != '' && affixes[i].exkey) {
            if (exmods == affixes[i].exkey) {
              skip_affix = !0
          if (!skip_affix) {
            if (mgroup == 999) {
              var ntiers = 1;
              var milvl = 1
            } else {
              var ntiers = poecd.tiers[affixes[i].id_modifier][poec_cBase].length;
              var milvl = poecd.tiers[affixes[i].id_modifier][poec_cBase][poecd.tiers[affixes[i].id_modifier][poec_cBase].length - 1].ilvl
            var addcls = '';
            if (nvaffix % 2 == 0) {
              addcls += ' even'
            } else {
              addcls += ' odd'
            var htypes = '';
            var ctypes = '';
            var mmtgs = '';
            var clstypes = '';
            var is_blocked = !1;
            var is_bld = !1;
            var num_more = 0;
            var num_less = 0;
            var affect_mod = null;
            var pos_mod = null;
            var neg_mod = null;
            var cat_mod = 0;
            var harvest_found = !1;
            var filter_block = !1;
            var has_cats = '|';
            var amodgroups = affixes[i].modgroups;
            var attrgroups = '';
            for (zy = 0; zy < amodgroups.length; zy++) {
              addcls += ' amodgrp_' + amodgroups[zy];
              attrgroups += '|' + amodgroups[zy]
            attrgroups = attrgroups.substring(1, attrgroups.length);
            if (affixes[i].mtypes) {
              if (poec_isSlam && (metasActive.no_caster || metasActive.no_attack)) {
                if (poec_isSlam) {
                  if (
                    metasActive.no_caster &&
                    affixes[i].mtypes.indexOf('|13|') > - 1 &&
                    !poec_cBuild[affixes[i].id_modifier] &&
                    affixes[i].id_modifier != poec_cCasterModID
                  ) {
                    addcls += ' block';
                    is_blocked = !0
                  if (
                    metasActive.no_attack &&
                    affixes[i].mtypes.indexOf('|3|') > - 1 &&
                    !poec_cBuild[affixes[i].id_modifier] &&
                    affixes[i].id_modifier != poec_cAttackModID
                  ) {
                    addcls += ' block';
                    is_blocked = !0
            var tamgs = poec_getAMGs(
            if (tamgs) {
              for (var h = 0; h < tamgs.length; h++) {
                if (amglist.indexOf('|' + tamgs[h] + '|') > - 1) {
                  addcls += ' block';
                  is_blocked = !0
            var necropolis_tier_filtering = null;
            var filter_found = !1;
            if (affixes[i].mtypes) {
              if (affixes[i].mtypes.length > 1) {
                var mtypes = affixes[i].mtypes.substring(1, affixes[i].mtypes.length - 1).split('|');
                var bypasstypes = {};
                if (fossilHybrids) {
                  for (var q = 0; q < fossilHybrids.length; q++) {
                    var match_fail = !1;
                    for (var r = 0; r < fossilHybrids[q].ids.length; r++) {
                      if (
                        affixes[i].mtypes.indexOf('|' + fossilHybrids[q].ids[r] + '|') > - 1
                      ) {
                      } else {
                        match_fail = !0
                    if (!match_fail) {
                      for (var r = 0; r < fossilHybrids[q].ids.length; r++) {
                        bypasstypes[fossilHybrids[q].ids[r]] = !0
                      if (fossilHybrids[q].pos == 0) {
                        addcls += ' block';
                        is_blocked = !0
                      } else {
                        if (fossilHybrids[q].pos != 1) {
                          if (pos_mod == null) {
                            pos_mod = fossilHybrids[q].pos
                          } else {
                            if (poec_cFosMode == 'a') {
                              pos_mod += fossilHybrids[q].pos
                            } else {
                              pos_mod = pos_mod * fossilHybrids[q].pos
                        if (fossilHybrids[q].neg != 1) {
                          if (neg_mod == null) {
                            neg_mod = fossilHybrids[q].neg
                          } else {
                            neg_mod = neg_mod * fossilHybrids[q].neg
                for (var j = 0; j < mtypes.length; j++) {
                  clstypes += ' mt' + mtypes[j];
                  if (poecd.mtypes.seq[poecd.mtypes.ind[mtypes[j]]] == undefined) {
                    console.log('j:' + j);
                    console.log('mtypes[j]:' + mtypes[j]);
                  var jbase = poecd.mtypes.seq[poecd.mtypes.ind[mtypes[j]]].jewellery_tag;
                  if (jbase == 0 || (jbase == 1 && poec_cIsJewelleryBase == !0)) {
                    htypes += '<div class=\'mt tmt' + mtypes[j] + ' sml_shadow\' title=\'Fossil/Harvest Tag\'>' + poecl.mtype[mtypes[j]] + '</div>';
                    poecFilterPresence[mtypes[j]] = !0
                  if (!is_blocked) {
                    if (fossilSets && iscomp) {
                      if (fossilSets.block[mtypes[j]]) {
                        addcls += ' block';
                        is_blocked = !0
                      } else {
                        if (bypasstypes[mtypes[j]] == undefined) {
                          var poedbid = poecd.mtypes.seq[poecd.mtypes.ind[mtypes[j]]].poedb_id;
                          if (fossilModsCalc[poedbid] != undefined) {
                            if (fossilModsCalc[poedbid].pos != 1) {
                              if (pos_mod == null) {
                                pos_mod = fossilModsCalc[poedbid].pos
                              } else {
                                if (poec_cFosMode == 'a') {
                                  pos_mod += fossilModsCalc[poedbid].pos
                                } else {
                                  pos_mod = pos_mod * fossilModsCalc[poedbid].pos
                            if (fossilModsCalc[poedbid].neg != 1) {
                              if (neg_mod == null) {
                                neg_mod = fossilModsCalc[poedbid].neg
                              } else {
                                neg_mod = neg_mod * fossilModsCalc[poedbid].neg
                  if (poec_cCataBase) {
                    var poedbid = poecd.mtypes.seq[poecd.mtypes.ind[mtypes[j]]].poedb_id;
                    if (poec_catRepo[poedbid] != undefined) {
                      if (poec_cCatalyst == poec_catIRepo[poedbid]) {
                      if (
                          '|' + poecd.catalysts.seq[poec_catRepo[poedbid]].id_catalyst + '|'
                        ) > - 1
                      ) {
                      } else {
                        has_cats += poecd.catalysts.seq[poec_catRepo[poedbid]].id_catalyst + '|';
                        ctypes += '<div class=\'mt cat cmt' + poecd.catalysts.seq[poec_catRepo[poedbid]].id_catalyst + '\' title=\'Catalyst : ' + poecl.catalyst[poecd.catalysts.seq[poec_catRepo[poedbid]].id_catalyst] + '\'><img src=\'images/ui/catsml_' + poecd.catalysts.seq[poec_catRepo[poedbid]].id_catalyst + '.png\'/></div>'
                  if (peoc_cGraveyardEffect) {
                    if (peoc_cGraveyardEffect.weight) {
                      if (peoc_cGraveyardEffect.weight[mtypes[j]]) {
                        if (peoc_cGraveyardEffect.weight[mtypes[j]] >= 1) {
                          pos_mod += peoc_cGraveyardEffect.weight[mtypes[j]]
                        } else {
                          if (neg_mod == null) {
                            neg_mod = (1 / peoc_cGraveyardEffect.weight[mtypes[j]]) - 1
                          } else {
                            neg_mod += (1 / peoc_cGraveyardEffect.weight[mtypes[j]]) - 1
                  if (filter_is) {
                    if (filter_is.indexOf('|' + mtypes[j] + '|') > - 1) {
                      filter_found = !0
                  if (filter_non) {
                    if (filter_non.indexOf('|' + mtypes[j] + '|') > - 1) {
                      filter_block = !0

            if (peoc_cGraveyardEffect) {
              if (peoc_cGraveyardEffect.tiers) {
                necropolis_tier_filtering += peoc_cGraveyardEffect.tiers
              if (peoc_cGraveyardEffect.prefix && atype == 'prefix') {
                pos_mod += peoc_cGraveyardEffect.prefix
              if (peoc_cGraveyardEffect.suffix && atype == 'suffix') {
                pos_mod += peoc_cGraveyardEffect.suffix
              if (peoc_cGraveyardEffect.haunted && mgroup == 16) {
                pos_mod += peoc_cGraveyardEffect.haunted
            if (!filter_found && filter_is) {
              filter_block = !0
            if (blockGrp && !is_influence) {
              addcls += ' block';
              is_blocked = !0
            if (unblockGrp && is_influence) {
              addcls += ' block';
              is_blocked = !0
            if (filter_block) {
              addcls += ' block';
              is_blocked = !0
            if (curEssence) {
              var eblock = !1;
              for (zy = 0; zy < amodgroups.length; zy++) {
                for (zw = 0; zw < curEssence.modgroups.length; zw++) {
                  if (curEssence.modgroups[zw] == amodgroups[zy]) {
                    eblock = !0
              if (curEssence.atype == atype && eblock) {
                addcls += ' block';
                is_blocked = !0
            if (pos_mod != null || neg_mod != null) {
              if (peoc_cGraveyardEffect && pos_mod !== null) {
              if (peoc_cGraveyardEffect && neg_mod !== null) {
              if (pos_mod == null) {
                pos_mod = 1
              if (neg_mod == null) {
                neg_mod = 1
              if (peoc_cGraveyardEffect) {
                neg_mod = 1 / neg_mod
              affect_mod = pos_mod * neg_mod
            if (cat_mod > 0) {
              affect_mod = 1 + parseFloat(cat_mod)
            var modtags = '';
            var modifier = 1;
            if (affect_mod != null) {
              if (affect_mod > 1) {
                affect_mod = Math.round(affect_mod * 1000) / 1000;
                modtags += '<div class=\'wt cat_' + poec_cCatalysts + ' mr sml_shadow\'>x' + affect_mod + '</div>'
              } else {
                if (affect_mod < 1) {
                  affect_mod = Math.round(affect_mod * 1000) / 1000;
                  var strval = String(affect_mod);
                  modtags += '<div class=\'wt ls sml_shadow\'>x' + strval.substring(1, strval.length) + '</div>'
              modifier = modifier * affect_mod
            var tweight = 0;
            var oweight = 0;
            var htiers = '';
            var untiers = ntiers;
            var tallweight = 0;
            var mxlvl = 0;
            var modreq = !1;
            if (mgroup == 999) {
            } else {
              if (poec_cUniqueNotable) {
                if (affixes[i].notable == '1') {
                  attrgroups += '|unique_notable';
                  addcls += ' amodgrp_unique_notable'
              let cut_tiers = 0;
              let cut_weight = 0;
              let remaining_weight = 0;
              if (necropolis_tier_filtering) {
                //let cutting_pct = poec_getGraveyardCuttingPct(necropolis_tier_filtering);
                let number_of_tiers = 0;
                for (
                  var j = 0;
                  j < poecd.tiers[affixes[i].id_modifier][poec_cBase].length;
                ) {
                  var htilvl = parseInt(poecd.tiers[affixes[i].id_modifier][poec_cBase][j].ilvl);
                  if (poec_cILvl && htilvl > poec_cILvl) {
                  } else {
                // old tier cutting
                //cut_tiers = Math.floor(number_of_tiers * cutting_pct);
                // new tier cutting
                cut_tiers = Math.floor(new_poec_getGraveyardCuttingPct(necropolis_tier_filtering*100, poecd.tiers[affixes[i].id_modifier][poec_cBase].length));

                if (cut_tiers > 0) {
                  let tierNumber = 0;
                  for (
                    var j = 0;
                    j < poecd.tiers[affixes[i].id_modifier][poec_cBase].length;
                  ) {
                    var htilvl = parseInt(poecd.tiers[affixes[i].id_modifier][poec_cBase][j].ilvl);
                    var bhtweight = parseInt(poecd.tiers[affixes[i].id_modifier][poec_cBase][j].weighting);
                    if (poec_cILvl && htilvl > poec_cILvl) {
                    } else {
                      if (tierNumber <= cut_tiers) {
                        cut_weight += bhtweight
                      } else {
                        remaining_weight += bhtweight
              var tierNumber = 0;
              for (
                var j = 0;
                j < poecd.tiers[affixes[i].id_modifier][poec_cBase].length;
              ) {
                var htilvl = parseInt(poecd.tiers[affixes[i].id_modifier][poec_cBase][j].ilvl);
                var bhtweight = parseInt(poecd.tiers[affixes[i].id_modifier][poec_cBase][j].weighting);
                var sanceff = 0;
                if (sanctifiedActive) {
                  sanceff = bhtweight * ((htilvl - 40) / 100)
                var htweight = Math.round((bhtweight + sanceff) * modifier);
                if (cut_weight > 0) {
                  if (tierNumber <= cut_tiers) {
                  } else {

                if (peoc_cGraveyardEffect) {
                  if (peoc_cGraveyardEffect.tiers) {
                    //if (tierNumber > cut_tiers) {
                      var tier_multipl = necro_calc_tier_multiplier(peoc_cGraveyardEffect.tiers * 100, poecd.tiers[affixes[i].id_modifier][poec_cBase].length);
                      htweight = Math.round(htweight * tier_multipl * 1) / 1

                var otweight = parseInt(poecd.tiers[affixes[i].id_modifier][poec_cBase][j].weighting);
                oweight += otweight;
                var addtcls = '';
                if (poec_cBuild[affixes[i].id_modifier] != undefined) {
                  if (poec_cBuild[affixes[i].id_modifier] == htilvl) {
                    if (
                      poecd.mgroups.seq[poecd.mgroups.ind[mgroup]].is_influence == 0 ||
                        poecd.mgroups.seq[poecd.mgroups.ind[mgroup]].is_influence == 1 &&
                        iscomp == 1
                    ) {
                      addtcls += ' bld';
                      foundBlds[affixes[i].id_modifier] = !0;
                      is_bld = !0
                if ((poec_cILvl && htilvl > poec_cILvl) || tierNumber <= cut_tiers) {
                  addtcls = ' block';
                  remByILvl[atype].weight += htweight
                } else {
                  tweight += htweight;
                  if (htilvl > mxlvl) {
                    mxlvl = htilvl
                  if (poec_cSettings[affixes[i].id_modifier] != undefined) {
                    if (poec_cSettings[affixes[i].id_modifier] != null) {
                      if (poec_cSettings[affixes[i].id_modifier].l == htilvl) {
                        addtcls += ' req';
                        modreq = (ntiers - j);
                        foundReqs[affixes[i].id_modifier] = !0
                  if (poec_cImps[affixes[i].id_modifier] != undefined) {
                    if (poec_cImps[affixes[i].id_modifier] == ntiers - j) {
                      addtcls += ' bld';
                      foundImps[affixes[i].id_modifier] = !0
                if (modreq) {
                  if ((ntiers - j) < modreq) {
                    addtcls += ' areq'
                tallweight += htweight;
                htiers += '<div class=\'affix line tier tier' + (ntiers - j) + ' ntiers' + ntiers + ' ilvl' + htilvl + ' aid' + affixes[i].id_modifier + addtcls + ' vex' + affixes[i].vex + '\' modgrp=\'' + attrgroups + '\' tier=' + (ntiers - j) + ' aid=\'' + affixes[i].id_modifier + '\' ilvl=\'' + poecd.tiers[affixes[i].id_modifier][poec_cBase][j].ilvl + '\' atype=\'' + atype + '\' onClick=\'poec_toggleReqAffix(this)\'>';
                if (poecd.tiers[affixes[i].id_modifier][poec_cBase][j].alias) {
                  var ffname = poec_checkTrans(poecd.tiers[affixes[i].id_modifier][poec_cBase][j].alias)
                } else {
                  var ffname = poecd_parseMName(
                    poec_checkTrans(affixes[i].name_modifier, poecl.mod[affixes[i].id_modifier]),
                if (poec_nBase.g == 11 || poec_nBase.g == 15) {
                  ffname = poec_parseMapName(ffname)
                htiers += '<div class=\'label\'><div>' + ffname + '</div></div>';
                htiers += '<div class=\'right\'><div>' + (ntiers - j) + '</div></div>';
                htiers += '<div class=\'right\'><div>' + htilvl + '</div></div>';
                if (iscomp || is_influence || forceweight || showweight) {
                  htiers += '<div class=\'right fcomp\'><div class=\'weight\' aval=\'' + htweight + '\' oval=\'' + otweight + '\'>' + htweight + '</div></div>';
                  if (poec_cVMode == 'd') {
                    htiers += '<div class=\'right fcomp\'><div class=\'apct\'></div></div>';
                    if (iscomp || is_influence) {
                      htiers += '<div class=\'right fcomp\'><div class=\'roll\'></div></div>'
                if (atype == 'corrupted') {
                  htiers += '<div class=\'right fcomp\'><div class=\'vaal\'></div></div>'
                } else {
                  htiers += '<div class=\'grp\'><div></div></div>'
                htiers += '</div>'
            var tmtypes = '';
            if (iscomp) {
              if (affixes[i].mtypes) {
                if (affixes[i].mtypes.length > 1) {
                  tmtypes = affixes[i].mtypes;
                  var mtypes = affixes[i].mtypes.substring(1, affixes[i].mtypes.length - 1).split('|');
                  for (var j = 0; j < mtypes.length; j++) {
                    if (allMTypes[mtypes[j]] == undefined) {
                      allMTypes[mtypes[j]] = {
                        'weighting': 0,
                        'tiers': 0
                    allMTypes[mtypes[j]].weighting += tweight;
                    allMTypes[mtypes[j]].tiers += ntiers
            if (!is_blocked) {
              if (!is_bld) {
                if (iscomp || forceweight) {
                  allWeight += tweight;
                  allTiers += untiers;
                gtiers += untiers;
                if (affixes[i].vex == 0) {
                  gweight += tweight
              if (!iscomp && poec_cMethod != 'annul') {
                foundReqs[affixes[i].id_modifier] = !1
            } else {
              if (iscomp || poec_cMethod == 'annul') {
                foundReqs[affixes[i].id_modifier] = !1
              if (
                poec_cMethod == 'annul' &&
                (metasActive.nchg_pre || metasActive.nchg_suf)
              ) {
              } else {
            if (untiers != ntiers) {
              var ftiers = untiers + ' <span class=\'obs\'>(' + ntiers + ')</span>'
            } else {
              var ftiers = ntiers
            if (tallweight != tweight) {
              var fweight = tweight + ' <span class=\'obs\'>(' + tallweight + ')</span>'
            } else {
              var fweight = tweight
            if (mxlvl != milvl) {
              var filvl = mxlvl + ' <span class=\'obs\'>(' + milvl + ')</span>'
            } else {
              var filvl = milvl
            if (poec_cSettings[affixes[i].id_modifier] != undefined) {
              if (poec_cSettings[affixes[i].id_modifier] != null) {
                addcls += ' req'
            if (poec_cBuild[affixes[i].id_modifier] != undefined) {
              if (poec_cBuild[affixes[i].id_modifier] != null) {
                addcls += ' bld'
            if (poec_cImps[affixes[i].id_modifier] != undefined) {
              if (poec_cImps[affixes[i].id_modifier] != null) {
                addcls += ' bld'
            if (ntiers <= 1 && mgroup != 999) {
              var show_name = poecd_parseMName(
                poec_checkTrans(affixes[i].name_modifier, poecl.mod[affixes[i].id_modifier]),
            } else {
              var show_name = poecl.mod[affixes[i].id_modifier]
            if (untiers <= 0) {
              addcls += ' block'
            if (affixes[i].meta != null) {
              addcls += ' ismeta'
            var addfos = '';
            if (affixes[i].id_fossil) {
              addfos = '<div class=\'fos\' title=\'' + poecl.fossil[affixes[i].id_fossil] + ' Fossil\'><img src=\'images/ui/fossil_' + affixes[i].id_fossil + '.png\'/></div>'
            var addess = '';
            if (mgroup == poec_cEssGrpID) {
              if (
                poecd.essences.seq[poecd.essences.ind[poecd.essences.dir[poec_cBase][affixes[i].id_modifier]]] == undefined
              ) {
              } else {
                var essname = poecd.essences.seq[poecd.essences.ind[poecd.essences.dir[poec_cBase][affixes[i].id_modifier]]].name_essence;
                addess = '<div class=\'fos\' title=\'Essence of ' + essname + '\'><img src=\'images/ui/essence_' + essname + '.png\'/></div>'
            if (poecd.mdefs[affixes[i].id_modifier] != undefined) {
              addcls += ' mdef'
            var mgshow = '';
            for (zy = 0; zy < amodgroups.length; zy++) {
              if (allBinds[amodgroups[zy]] == undefined) {
                allBinds[amodgroups[zy]] = bind_cnt;
                bindGrpCounts[atype][bind_cnt] = 0;
              addcls += ' bg' + allBinds[amodgroups[zy]];
              mgshow += ',' + allBinds[amodgroups[zy]]
            if (poec_cUniqueNotable) {
              if (affixes[i].notable == '1') {
                addcls += ' bg9999';
                mgshow += ',N'
            mgshow = mgshow.substring(1, mgshow.length);
            var maeven = '';
            if (
              poecd.maeven.bmods[poec_cBase + '-' + affixes[i].id_modifier] !== undefined
            ) {
              addcls += ' maeven';
              maeven = '<div class=\'mvico\' mvid=\'' + poecd.maeven.bmods[poec_cBase + '-' + affixes[i].id_modifier] + '\'></div>'
            var tamgcls = poec_getAMGcls(tamgs);
            if (poec_nBase.g == 11 || poec_nBase.g == 15) {
              show_name = poec_parseMapName(show_name)
            vGroup += '<div class=\'affix line main maid' + affixes[i].id_modifier + ' ' + clstypes + ' ' + addcls + ' ' + tamgcls + ' vex' + affixes[i].vex + '\' amg=\'' + poecd.modifiers.seq[poecd.modifiers.ind[affixes[i].id_modifier]].amg + '\' amodgrp=\'' + attrgroups + '\' bindgrp=\'' + mgshow + '\' untiers=\'' + untiers + '\' oweight=\'' + oweight + '\' tweight=\'' + tweight + '\' aid=\'' + affixes[i].id_modifier + '\' ntiers=\'' + ntiers + '\' wgtmod=\'' + modifier + '\' atype=\'' + atype + '\' mtypes=\'' + tmtypes + '\' onClick=\'poec_toggleAffixTiers(this)\'>';
            vGroup += '<div class=\'label\'><div>' + maeven + show_name + htypes + mmtgs + ctypes + modtags + addfos + addess + '</div></div>';
            vGroup += '<div class=\'right\'><div>' + ftiers + '</div></div>';
            vGroup += '<div class=\'right\'><div>' + filvl + '</div></div>';
            if (iscomp || is_influence || forceweight || showweight) {
              vGroup += '<div class=\'right fcomp\'><div class=\'weight\' aval=\'' + tweight + '\'>' + fweight + '</div></div>';
              if (poec_cVMode == 'd') {
                vGroup += '<div class=\'right fcomp\'><div class=\'apct\'></div></div>';
                if (iscomp || is_influence) {
                  vGroup += '<div class=\'right fcomp\'><div class=\'roll\'></div></div>'
            if (atype == 'corrupted') {
              vGroup += '<div class=\'right fcomp\'><div class=\'vaal\'></div></div>'
            } else {
              vGroup += '<div class=\'grp\'><div class=\'num\'>' + mgshow + '</div></div>'
            vGroup += '</div>';
            vGroup += htiers
        vGroup += '<div class=\'total line\'>';
        vGroup += '<div class=\'label\'><div>Total</div></div>';
        vGroup += '<div class=\'right\'><div class=\'gtiers\'>' + gtiers + '</div></div>';
        vGroup += '<div class=\'right\'><div>&nbsp;</div></div>';
        if (iscomp || is_influence || forceweight || showweight) {
          vGroup += '<div class=\'right fcomp\'><div class=\'weight\' aval=\'' + gweight + '\'>' + gweight + '</div></div>';
          if (poec_cVMode == 'd') {
            vGroup += '<div class=\'right fcomp\'><div class=\'apct\'></div></div>';
            if (iscomp || is_influence) {
              vGroup += '<div class=\'right fcomp\'><div class=\'roll\'></div></div>'
        if (atype == 'corrupted') {
          vGroup += '<div class=\'right fcomp\'><div class=\'vaal\'></div></div>'
        } else {
          vGroup += '<div class=\'grp\'><div></div></div>'
        vGroup += '</div>';
        vGroup += '</div>';
        if (nvaffix > 0) {
          vHtml += vGroup
  vHtml += '<input type=\'hidden\' id=\'allweight_' + atype + '\' value=\'' + allWeight + '\'/>';
  vHtml += '<input type=\'hidden\' id=\'alltiers_' + atype + '\' value=\'' + allTiers + '\'/>';
  vHtml += '<input type=\'hidden\' id=\'allmods_' + atype + '\' value=\'' + allMods + '\'/>';
  vHtml += '<div class=\'hidden\' id=\'allmtypes_' + atype + '\'>' + JSON.stringify(allMTypes) + '</div>';
  poec_endDiag('Process column ' + atype, dnow);
  return vHtml