Adds a "Show Bookmark" button before the "Edit Bookmark" button on the page where you view a work's bookmarks
Ceci est l'ensemble des versions pour ce script. Présenter uniquement les versions où le code diffère.
AO3 ShowBkmrk v2.0.2
Move the detection of whether the work is bookmarked to the start of the script instead of making it part of what the bookmarks page fetch does. This is to make sure the bookmarks page is only fetched when the user has the work bookmarked
AO3 ShowBkmrk v2.0.1
Add @exclude rule so that userscript doesn't run on /navigate pages
update greasyfork description
AO3 ShowBkmrk v2.0.0
Add a link to view a user's bookmark in the stats area that is present when viewing a chapter (
AO3 ShowBkmrk v1.0.3
Make sure script works on bookmark searches. Add a check to make sure that the script only executes if the existing_edit_btns array has elements in it
AO3 ShowBkmrk v1.0.2
Make sure script only adds a "Show Bookmark" button when there is an "Edit Bookmark" button as opposed to a "Bookmark" button that is used to make new bookmarks
AO3 ShowBkmrk v11.0.1
Fix issue caused by data-remote attribute where bookmark could not be opened in the current tab
AO3 ShowBkmrk v1.0.0-20240314_205205
minor correction of the wording of the description