[AO3] Actually Relevant Characters

Sorts and highlights works based on how relevant the tagged character seems in the work's tags and summary.

Ceci est la version du script où le code a été mise à jour. Présenter toutes les versions.

  • v1.2.2 2023-10-26

    A quick update that makes it so any sort of character/relationship tags that are only mentioned/implied are made slightly transparent for quality of life, regardless of if they're tags for the character you're searching for.

  • v1.2.1 2023-10-24

    Quick fix to stop the issue where a work would be both bumped and dropped to the bottom of the page, making for some wonky formatting.

  • v1.2 2023-10-18

    Improved sorting and significantly cleaner code! Some bugs were also fixed regarding characters with multiple names (ex. "Character Name | Alias").

  • v1.1 2023-10-14

    Minor fix to domain handling, whoops!

  • v1.0 2023-10-14

    Hello! Did a significant update of around 3/4 of the code to have more bug-repellent (no more throwing errors on empty summaries or individual works!) and there are now three different "tiers" of relevancy, with a functioning points system deciding just how relevant a work is.

  • v0.8 2023-09-28