
Hook most functions on runtime via the function name

Ce script ne devrait pas être installé directement. C'est une librairie créée pour d'autres scripts. Elle doit être inclus avec la commande // @require

// ==UserScript==
// @name         FunctionHooker.js
// @namespace
// @version      0.1
// @description  Hook most functions on runtime via the function name
// @author       You
// @match        *://*.*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

class FunctionHooker {
    constructor() {
        this.hooks = new Map();
        this.originalName = "";
    getOriginal(functionName) {
        return this.hooks.get(functionName);

    hook(targetFunction, hookFunction) {
        const isString = typeof targetFunction == "string";
        // TODO: isString is used to eventually distinct a target function passed as a direct reference
        // to a function from the user passing a function name as a string
        // problem is there is no way to go from a function reference to a proper function name string

        const isFullyQualifiedName = targetFunction.indexOf('.') != -1;
        this.originalName = targetFunction;
        if (isFullyQualifiedName) { this.hookFullyQualified(targetFunction, hookFunction); return; }

        const originalFunction = window[targetFunction];

        if (originalFunction) {
            this.hooks.set(targetFunction, originalFunction);
            window[targetFunction] = hookFunction;
        } else {
            throw new Error(`Function '${targetFunction}' does not exist in the 'window' object.`);

    unhook(functionName) {
        const isFullyQualifiedName = functionName.indexOf('.') != -1;
        if (isFullyQualifiedName) { this.unhookFullyQualified(functionName); return; }
        const originalFunction = this.hooks.get(functionName);

        if (originalFunction) {
            window[functionName] = originalFunction;
        } else {
            throw new Error(`Function '${functionName}' is not hooked.`);

    resolveFullyQualifiedFunctionName(functionName) {
        const functionNames = functionName.split('.');
        let resolvedFunction = window;

        for (const name of functionNames) {
            resolvedFunction = resolvedFunction[name];

            if (!resolvedFunction) {
                throw new Error(`Function '${functionName}' does not exist.`);

        return resolvedFunction;

    hookFullyQualified(functionName, hookFunction) {
        const resolvedFunction = this.resolveFullyQualifiedFunctionName(functionName);
        const originalFunction = resolvedFunction;

        this.hooks.set(functionName, originalFunction);

        const parentObject = functionName
        .slice(0, -1)
        .reduce((obj, prop) => (obj[prop] ? obj[prop] : obj), window);

        const functionNameLeaf = functionName.split('.').pop();
        if (typeof parentObject[functionNameLeaf] != 'function') { debugger; throw new Error(`Function '${this.originalName}' is not hooked.`); }
        parentObject[functionNameLeaf] = hookFunction;

    unhookFullyQualified(functionName) {
        const resolvedFunction = this.resolveFullyQualifiedFunctionName(functionName);
        const originalFunction = this.hooks.get(functionName);

        if (originalFunction) {
            const parentObject = functionName
            .slice(0, -1)
            .reduce((obj, prop) => (obj[prop] ? obj[prop] : obj), window);

            const functionNameLeaf = functionName.split('.').pop();
            parentObject[functionNameLeaf] = originalFunction;

        } else {
            throw new Error(`Function '${functionName}' is not hooked.`);