FA Webcomic Autoloader

Gives you the option to load all the subsequent comic pages on a FurAffinity comic page automatically. Even for pages without given Links

Midori Tsume
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FurAffinity has a so-so webcomic navigation that involves scrolling down to the comic description and clicking the "<<< PREV | FIRST | NEXT >>>" links (Assuming the artist put them in the description).

This script detects whether such links are on the page, and if so, creates a button that when clicked will fill up the page with the remaining comics in the series.

So if you're on the second page of a 5 page comic, and click the button under the page, the remaining 3 comic pages will load and appear below the second page, so you can read the rest of the comic just by scrolling.

In addition there will now be a "Search for simular Pages" button, which load simular Pages just like explained above, but instead of using the Prev and Next links. It searching for simular pages by comparing the submission names.


  • Loading Comic Pages, with specified Prev and Next links
  • No Infinite loading
  • Show / Hide Links to loaded Pages
  • View all Pages in Fullscreen, navigate in fullscreen using Arrow keys
  • Searching for simular Pages in a series, by comparing submission Names
  • Own Extension Settings Page (Shown at the bottom of the settings list)


Improved the Original Script by TheSofrox to find the Next Page more reliably and also to stop loading if the same Page gets loaded multiple times (To prevent infinite loading). I also added the Option to show / hide the corresponding Links to the comic pages.