YouTube Web Tweaks

This script optimizes YouTube's performance by modified configs, shorts redirect and much more!

< Commentaires sur YouTube Web Tweaks

Question / commentaire

Posté le: 2023-01-13

in previous update it says "Re-enabled the Shorts button in homepage. But if you want to remove shorts button, just install this userstyle using stylus."

i dont quite understand what does it means by stylus, can you explain or maybe add option to remove shorts button?

Posté le: 2023-01-15

Please read the entire info about the recommended scripts and styles to install. And also, Read comments while watching was included in the YouTube Web Tweaks script. So can you uninstall the read comments while watching script and keep YouTube web tweaks updated?

Posté le: 2023-01-19

can you consider adding this script instead of the current one?
since i think it have better UI button and control, also more responsible and less resource from my experience

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