/* ==UserStyle==
@name Filmweb Hide & Seek
@namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/636724-cml99
@version 1.2.5
@description Pozwala ukryć wybrane sekcje na podstronach filmów, osób, postaci i światów.
@description:en Allows to hide chosen sections on movie, person, character and world subpages.
@author CML99
@license CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0
@preprocessor stylus
@homepageURL https://greasyfork.org/scripts/423091-filmweb-hide-seek
@supportURL https://greasyfork.org/scripts/423091-filmweb-hide-seek/feedback
@var checkbox cmlHoverShow "✓ Pokaż po najechaniu" 0
@var checkbox cmlEmbedHeaders "☐ Wyróżnij sekcje" 0
@var checkbox cmlSmallerSections "⇲ Zmniejsz szerokie sekcje" 0
@var checkbox cmlHideFooterHome "✕ Usuń główną pod stronami" 0
@var checkbox cmlHideAds "✕ Usuń natrętne reklamy" 0
@var checkbox cmlHideMinorSections "✕ Ukryj pojedyncze elementy" 0
@var checkbox cmlHideRateboxRoles "✕ Ukryj role przy ocenie filmu" 0
@var checkbox cmlHideTrailerNews "✕ Ukryj zwiastuny w artykułach" 0
@var checkbox cmlHideWorthlessCritics "✕ Ukryj niewarte obserwowania" 0
@var select cmlHidePosterRibbons "✕ Wstążki plakatów" ["none:nie ukrywaj*", "unchecked:zostaw oceny i chcę zobaczyć", "rated:zostaw tylko oceny", "full:ukryj całkowicie"]
@var select cmlHideEpisodes "✕ Sezony i odcinki" ["none:nie ukrywaj", "partial:zostaw nagłówek*", "full:ukryj całkowicie"]
@var select cmlHideReviews "✕ Recenzje" ["none:nie ukrywaj", "partial:zostaw nagłówek*", "full:ukryj całkowicie"]
@var select cmlHideGallery "✕ Galeria" ["none:nie ukrywaj*", "partial:zostaw nagłówek", "full:ukryj całkowicie"]
@var select cmlHideVideos "✕ Wideo" ["none:nie ukrywaj", "partial:zostaw nagłówek*", "link:zostaw linki", "full:ukryj całkowicie"]
@var select cmlHideCast "✕ Obsada / Odtwórcy" ["none:nie ukrywaj*", "partial:zostaw nagłówek", "full:ukryj całkowicie"]
@var select cmlHideTopRoles "✕ Ranking ról" ["none:nie ukrywaj*", "partial:zostaw nagłówek", "full:ukryj całkowicie"]
@var select cmlHideFilmography "✕ Filmografia" ["none:nie ukrywaj*", "partial:zostaw nagłówek", "full:ukryj całkowicie"]
@var select cmlHideCharacters "✕ Postacie" ["none:nie ukrywaj", "partial:zostaw nagłówek*", "full:ukryj całkowicie"]
@var select cmlHideDescription "✕ Opisy" ["none:nie ukrywaj", "partial:zostaw nagłówek*", "full:ukryj całkowicie"]
@var select cmlHideInfo "✕ Info / Stan" ["none:nie ukrywaj", "partial:zostaw nagłówek*", "full:ukryj całkowicie"]
@var select cmlHideCuriosities "✕ Ciekawostki" ["none:nie ukrywaj", "partial:zostaw nagłówek*", "full:ukryj całkowicie"]
@var select cmlHideRelated "✕ Powiązane tytuły" ["none:nie ukrywaj*", "partial:zostaw nagłówek", "full:ukryj całkowicie"]
@var select cmlHideUsualPartners "✕ Często pracuje" ["none:nie ukrywaj", "partial:zostaw nagłówek*", "full:ukryj całkowicie"]
@var select cmlHideCriticsVotes "✕ Oceny krytyków" ["none:nie ukrywaj", "partial:zostaw nagłówek*", "full:ukryj całkowicie"]
@var select cmlHideUserReviews "✕ Recenzje użytk." ["none:nie ukrywaj", "partial:zostaw nagłówek*", "full:ukryj całkowicie"]
@var select cmlHideKnownFor "✕ Znane role" ["none:nie ukrywaj", "partial:zostaw nagłówek*", "full:ukryj całkowicie"]
@var select cmlHideBornToday "✕ Urodzeni tego dnia" ["none:nie ukrywaj", "partial:zostaw nagłówek*", "full:ukryj całkowicie"]
@var select cmlHidePhotosYears "✕ Zmiany osoby" ["none:nie ukrywaj", "partial:zostaw nagłówek*", "full:ukryj całkowicie"]
@var select cmlHideTakePart "✕ Weź udział" ["none:nie ukrywaj", "partial:zostaw nagłówek*", "full:ukryj całkowicie"]
@var select cmlHideNews "✕ Newsy" ["none:nie ukrywaj", "partial:zostaw nagłówek*", "full:ukryj całkowicie"]
@var select cmlHideForum "✕ Forum" ["none:nie ukrywaj*", "partial:zostaw nagłówek", "full:ukryj całkowicie"]
@var select cmlHideContrib "✕ Twórcy strony" ["none:nie ukrywaj", "partial:zostaw nagłówek*", "full:ukryj całkowicie"]
@var select cmlHideWorldTitles "✕ Listy prod. świata" ["none:nie ukrywaj", "partial:zostaw nagłówek*", "full:ukryj całkowicie"]
@var select cmlHideWorldPopular "✕ Rank. prod. świata" ["none:nie ukrywaj", "partial:zostaw nagłówek*", "full:ukryj całkowicie"]
@var select cmlHideTopFilms "✕ Pop. produkcje" ["none:nie ukrywaj*", "full:ukryj całkowicie"]
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("filmweb.pl") {
/* --- FW General --- */
#cmlPlaceholder { display: none; }
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
if cmlHideFooterHome {
#site:not([data-linkable="home"]) .page.HomePage[data-linkable="home"] { display: none; }
#site:not([data-linkable="home"])[data-linkable="filmMain"] .vodPage[data-linkable="vod"] { display: none; }
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
if cmlHideAds {
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display: none !important;
/* anti adb */
.qqxxt { display: none !important; }
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
if cmlHideRateboxRoles {
.filmRatingBox__extraPart .boxOpener.isOpen { display: none; }
.userVotesPage--userVotes .preview.previewCard.previewFilm .preview__detail--genres { display: initial !important; }
.userVotesPage--userVotes .preview.previewCard.previewFilm .preview__originalTitle { display: initial !important; }
.userVotesPage--userVotes .userVotesPage__result .myVoteBox__rightCol { display: none; }
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
if cmlHidePosterRibbons == unchecked and !cmlHoverShow {
.isInit.ribbon:not(.ribbon--role)[data-state="unchecked"] { display: none; }
if cmlHidePosterRibbons == rated and !cmlHoverShow {
.isInit.ribbon:not(.ribbon--role):not([data-state="rated"])[data-state="nwts"] { display: none; }
if cmlHidePosterRibbons == full and !cmlHoverShow {
.isInit.ribbon:not(.ribbon--role) { display: none; }
if cmlHidePosterRibbons == unchecked and cmlHoverShow {
.filmPoster:not(:hover) .isInit.ribbon:not(.ribbon--role)[data-state="unchecked"] { display: none; }
if cmlHidePosterRibbons == rated and cmlHoverShow {
.filmPoster:not(:hover) .isInit.ribbon:not(.ribbon--role):not([data-state="rated"])[data-state="unchecked"],
.filmPoster:not(:hover) .isInit.ribbon:not(.ribbon--role):not([data-state="rated"])[data-state="wts"],
.filmPoster:not(:hover) .isInit.ribbon:not(.ribbon--role):not([data-state="rated"])[data-state="nwts"] { display: none; }
if cmlHidePosterRibbons == full and cmlHoverShow {
.filmPoster:not(:hover) .isInit.ribbon:not(.ribbon--role) { display: none; }
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
if cmlHideWorthlessCritics {
.recommendedCriticsSection, .homeVotesCriticsSection { display: none; }
.myPage .variantAction { display: none; }
.myPage .eventsSection__header--followed { padding: 0.65rem 1rem 0; }
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.myPage .eventsSection__header--followed .page__subtitle a::before { font-size: 1.5rem; content: "Oceny znajomych"; }
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
.page[data-group="filmPage"], .page[data-group="personPage"], .page[data-group="characterPage"], .page[data-group="worldPage"] {
if cmlHideMinorSections {
.filmInfo__awards, .filmWhereToWatchLinkSection, .personAwardSection, .filmPosterSection__awards,
.characterWorldSection, .characterOnTvSection { display:none; }
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
if cmlHideTrailerNews {
.newsMainSection .videoPlayer { display: none; }
if cmlHideVideos == link {
.page[data-group="filmPage"], .page[data-group="personPage"], .page[data-group="characterPage"], .page[data-group="worldPage"] {
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width: 50%; height: auto;
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.videosSection {
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display: none;
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.page[data-group="worldPage"] .videosSection__grid--3 { margin: 0 0 -1rem !important; }
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
if cmlHideTopFilms == full {
.subpage-filmsPage { #filmsPopularFilms, #playFilmsPage { display: none; } }
.subpage-serialsPage #serialsPopularSerials { display: none; }
@-moz-document domain("filmweb.pl") {
/* --- FW Film/Serial/Game Page --- */
#cmlPlaceholder { display: none; }
.page[data-group="filmPage"] {
.page__section .page__header { padding-top: 0.25rem; padding-bottom: 0.25rem; }
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margin-bottom: 0.25rem; margin-top: 0.25rem;
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max-width: 728px; left: calc( (100% - 728px) / 2 ); overflow: hidden;
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border-radius: 10px; margin-bottom: 0.5rem; margin-top: 0rem; background-color: rgba(64,64,64,0.15);
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.page__section--dark .videosSection { margin-bottom: 0rem; }
if cmlHideEpisodes == full { .filmSeasonsAndEpisodesSection { display: none; } }
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if cmlHideGallery == full { .gallerySection { display: none; } }
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if cmlHideTopRoles == full { .filmTopRolesSection { display: none; } }
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if cmlHideTakePart == full { .filmTakePartSection, .quizSection .page__container { display: none; } }
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if cmlHideInfo == full { .filmOtherInfoSection { display: none; } }
if cmlHideCuriosities == full { .curiositiesSection { display: none; } }
if cmlHideRelated == full { .filmMainRelatedsSection { display: none; } }
if cmlHideCriticsVotes == full { .filmCriticsVotesSection { display: none; } }
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if cmlHideContrib == full { .page__wrapper--grid [data-group="g13"].page__group { display: none; } }
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if cmlHideVideos == partial { .videosSection div:not(:nth-of-type(1)) { overflow: hidden; height: 0; opacity: 0; } }
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.filmCastSection div:not(:nth-of-type(1)) { overflow: hidden; height: 0; opacity: 0; }
.filmCastSection .page__navigation { display: none; }
if cmlHideTopRoles == partial {
.filmTopRolesSection .page__container--paddingless { overflow: hidden; height: 0; opacity: 0; }
.filmTopRolesSection .page__navigation { display: none; }
if cmlHideCharacters == partial { .filmCharactersSection div:not(:nth-of-type(1)) { overflow: hidden; height: 0; opacity: 0; } }
if cmlHideDescription == partial { .descriptionSection div:not(:nth-of-type(1)) { overflow: hidden; height: 0; opacity: 0; } }
if cmlHideInfo == partial { .filmOtherInfoSection div:not(:nth-of-type(1)) { overflow: hidden; height: 0; opacity: 0; } }
if cmlHideCuriosities == partial { .curiositiesSection div:not(:nth-of-type(1)) { overflow: hidden; height: 0; opacity: 0; } }
if cmlHideRelated == partial { .filmMainRelatedsSection div:not(:nth-of-type(1)) { overflow: hidden; height: 0; opacity: 0; } }
if cmlHideCriticsVotes == partial { .filmCriticsVotesSection .crs { display: none; } }
if cmlHideUserReviews == partial { .userReviewSection .flatReview { display: none; } }
if cmlHideTakePart == partial {
.filmTakePartSection .page__container--paddingless, .filmTakePartSection .polaroid--horizontal { display: none; }
.quizSection .polaroid { overflow: hidden; height: 0; opacity: 0; }
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.filmMainNewsApi div:not(:nth-of-type(1)) { overflow: hidden; height: 0; opacity: 0; }
.filmMainNewsApi .atmGrid.atmGrid--1x2x2 { --atm-grid-gap-size: 0.25rem; }
if cmlHideForum == partial { .forumSection div:not(:nth-of-type(1)) { overflow: hidden; height: 0; opacity: 0; } }
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.filmSeasonsAndEpisodesSection div:not(:nth-of-type(1)) { overflow: hidden; height: 0; opacity: 0; }
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if cmlHoverShow {
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height: auto; opacity: 1;
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display: inherit;
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if cmlSmallerSections {
@media screen and (min-width: 1151px) {
.page__section--dark .videosSection, .filmCastSection, .filmTopRolesSection, .filmCharactersSection {
max-width: 1056px; left: calc( (100% - 1056px) / 2 ) ; overflow: hidden;
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@media screen and (max-width: 1151px) {
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max-width: 728px; left: calc( (100% - 728px) / 2 ); overflow: hidden;
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.page__wrapper--grid [data-group="g4"].page__group .gallerySection { margin-left: calc( (100% - 728px) / 2 ); }
@-moz-document domain("filmweb.pl") {
/* --- FW Person Page --- */
#cmlPlaceholder { display: none; }
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margin-top: 0.5rem !important; margin-bottom: 0.5rem !important;
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max-width: 728px; left: calc( (100% - 728px) / 2 ); overflow: hidden;
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border-radius: 10px; margin-bottom: 0.5rem; margin-top: 0rem; background-color: rgba(64,64,64,0.15);
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