Instagram Download Button

Add the download button and the open button to download or open profile picture and media in the posts, stories, and highlights in Instagram

< Commentaires sur Instagram Download Button

Avis: OK - le script fonctionne, mais souffre de quelques problèmes

Posté le: 2023-12-06


Posté le: 2023-12-06

i have the same problem

Posté le: 2023-12-06

I typed the solution under your review

Posté le: 2023-12-08

i tried your solution not workin

Posté le: 2023-12-08

the script work one account but not working on the second account seems like instagram is testing on some accounts

Posté le: 2023-12-08

In firefox is working for any stories, on chrome doesn't.

Posté le: 2023-12-08

In firefox is working for any stories, on chrome doesn't.

not working on edge either

Posté le: 2023-12-08

it's not working on other browsers because of the headers line, maybe questioning chatGPT or Bard you can get a solution for those browsers too.
I did the correction for firefox because I use only it. Also, firefox is not disallowing ublock from run on youtube, like chrome is.

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