RARBG Show thumbnail & Bigger preview images (all site variants)

Show torrent's thumbnail directly on torrents list & Load bigger preview images. Run on all different variants of RARBG site (since they keep change site's URL). Lazy preload preview image for faster browsing.

< Commentaires sur RARBG Show thumbnail & Bigger preview images (all site variants)

Avis: Bon - le script fonctionne correctement

Posté le: 2021-11-25

very useful!

feature request: can you make adding thumbnails optional.

bug report: you added logic to avoid showing previewer outside of bottom window, but you should also do the same for the right side of the window. expanding on your code this is what i came up with, but it doesn't work quite right. when hovering over right side of a link with a long title, it can result in flickering. hopefully you can fix and merge it.

// Avoid showing previewer outside of bottom window
var b = scrollY + document.scrollingElement.clientHeight - pop.children[0].height - yoffset;
if (y > b) y = b;
// Avoid showing previewer past the right side of the window
var r = scrollX + document.scrollingElement.clientWidth - pop.children[0].width - xoffset;
if (x > r) x = r;

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