Add YouTube Video Progress

Adds a progress bars (or dots) at bottom of video, a progress text which includes video quality and subtitle indicators, and a chapter title box on the YouTube video page.

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Posté le: 2022-05-22

All I need is the progress bar to be shown. Nothing else. So I need the info bar in the page to be disabled and removed.
Also, I'd like to have the progressbar displayed below the video player, that way it won't cover the bottom few pixels of the video.

Posté le: 2022-05-23


  • Added setting to show progressbar below video frame, instead of within video frame.

  • Added setting to disable progressbar (which also disable chapter box).

Posté le: 2022-05-23

Thank you for this update.

Another thing I've noticed, it doesn't work well on livestreams

Posté le: 2022-05-23

I've also noticed that the bar is not showing up in embedded videos. This could be because I have set the bar below the video.
Maybe that particular setting could be ignored on embedded videos?

Posté le: 2022-05-23

Also, is it possible to have the bar update smoothly like the default one?

Posté le: 2022-05-23

I noticed that css you mean to use on the info bar below the video does some changes to other elements on the page. For example, the like/dislike buttons in the comments are much bigger than usual.

Posté le: 2022-05-24

New update: the "show progressbar below video" setting has been changed to apply only when not in fullscreen mode.

Another thing I've noticed, it doesn't work well on livestreams

Well, livestreams don't have video duration in the first place. IOTW, it never ends. So obviously, the progressbar is not applicable. Even YouTube's own progressbar "doesn't work" in this case.

I've also noticed that the bar is not showing up in embedded videos.

This script never does support embedded YouTube videos, and there's no plan to support it. If it's to be supported, it would be a low priority one.

Also, is it possible to have the bar update smoothly like the default one?

Yes, but it will never be implemented, because it's CPU intensive and it would be bad for slow systems.

the like/dislike buttons in the comments are much bigger than usual.

That's been fixed on this update.

Posté le: 2022-05-24

Well, livestreams don't have video duration in the first place. IOTW, it never ends. So obviously, the progressbar is not applicable. Even YouTube's own progressbar "doesn't work" in this case.

The default works pretty well actually.

Also, is it possible to have the bar update smoothly like the default one?
Yes, but it will never be implemented, because it's CPU intensive and it would be bad for slow systems.

I used css transition to do that. But the your script keeps setting the width to 0 when the bar is reappearing, so the transition is pretty bad when the bar appears. But other than that there are no issues.

If you think it's too much cpu intensive then maybe add a warning when enabling it?

Posté le: 2022-05-25

The default works pretty well actually.

Then I don't know what you meant by "doesn't work".

If you think it's too much cpu intensive then maybe add a warning when enabling it?

It will never be implemented, sorry.

Posté le: 2022-05-25

by "doesn't work" I meant your script. It's always full even though I clicked at the beginning

Posté le: 2022-05-26

If you meant clicking at the progressbar created by this script, it'll never work as it never function as a video seeker. It's just as an indicator.

Posté le: 2022-05-26

I click on the regular bar but the bar created by this script is always full

Posté le: 2022-05-26

As I said earlier, progressbar is not applicable for live streams, and it works just like YouTube's own progressbar which is also always full.

If you think it doesn't show the same thing as YouTube's own progressbar for live streams, please do provide a screenshot and the URL of the video, so that I can see the problem you're seeing from my system.

Posté le: 2022-05-26

In livestreams you can go back and forward (some streams have that feature disabled though)

Just open any livestream, and go back a few minutes/hours. Your bar doesn't change to reflect that.

Posté le: 2022-05-26

I would like to add that if a stream goes for over 12 hours, you can't go back prior to that.

Posté le: 2022-05-27

I do not see the problem you are having in my system, based on only the information you've provided.

Posté le: 2022-05-31

i noticed that livestreams add like an hour over what the length would be.

after the last few updates i noticed you've added the chapter text below the video on the right,
the option to hide those extra text labels doesn't hide that chapter text.

additionally, would it be possible to make the progress bar appear with those breaks as the default one, when there are chapters?

Posté le: 2022-06-25


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