Wanikani Double-Check

Allows retyping typo'd answers, or marking wrong when WK's typo tolerance is too lax.

Ceci est l'ensemble des versions pour ce script. Présenter uniquement les versions où le code diffère.

  • v3.1.15 2024-03-13

    Fix icons after WK removal of FontAwesome

  • v3.1.14 2024-02-10

    Ignore hotkeys when target is not the answer field or the document body

  • v3.1.13 2024-01-17

    Fix for SRS popup after WK change

  • v3.1.12 2023-08-31

    Add settings to show/hide retype/change buttons.

  • v3.1.11 2023-08-23

    Add support for WK's new Recent Mistakes feature

  • v3.1.10 2023-08-20

    Added 'didFinalAnswer' event for use by other scripts.

  • v3.1.9 2023-05-23

    Add 1/2sec delay to end of session to prevent dashboard from showing 1 remaining item.

  • v3.1.8 2023-05-09

    Fixed error in modified answers

  • v3.1.7 2023-05-08

    Add support for Kana Vocabulary

  • v3.1.6 2023-05-08

    Support for answer checker changes

  • v3.1.5 2023-05-07

    New fix for mobile keyboard focus, without breaking backspace

  • v3.1.4 2023-05-02

    Temporarily remove fix for mobile keyboard defocus

  • v3.1.3 2023-05-01

    Fix issue that prevents users from adding synonyms during a review.

  • v3.1.2 2023-05-01

    Move event 'didAnswerQuestion' before 'didChangeSRS'.
    Fetch (most) controllers immediately before use, rather than once at page startup.

  • v3.1.1 2023-05-01

    Don't remove focus from input box upon submit, which caused software keyboard to close.

  • v3.1.0 2023-04-18

    Changing version number because GreasyFork is doing something weird. (Or maybe TamperMonkey!?)

  • v3.0.15 2023-04-18

    Fix after WK changed AnswerChecker.evaluate()

  • v3.0.14 2023-04-11


  • v3.0.13 2023-04-11

    Fix event didUnanswerQuestion

  • v3.0.11 2023-04-10

    Update: Add retry for script startup, in case WK isn't done wiring up the controllers yet.

  • v3.0.10 2023-04-10

    Add retry for script startup, in case WK isn't done wiring up the controllers yet.

  • v3.0.9 2023-04-08

    Improved SRS handling

  • v3.0.8 2023-04-08

    Fix double SRS level-up when not in lightning mode.

  • v3.0.7 2023-04-06

    * Added check for correct version of Open Framework
    * Open item info according to settings
    * Don't auto-advance when wrong answer in Lightning Mode* Fix SRS notifications in Lightning Mode
    * Show corrected answer when '+' is pressed multiple times, even when "Show corrected answer" is disabled

  • v3.0.6 2023-04-04
  • v3.0.5 2023-04-04

    * Fixed support for Extra Study.
    * Changed import() to importShim() to support Safari.
    * Now grabs the live answerChecker instead of creating its own copy.

  • v3.0.4 2023-04-03

    Fixing typo from last patch (duh!)

  • v3.0.3 2023-04-03

    Fetch queue-controller each time it's needed, for better compatibility with Reorder Omega.

  • v3.0.2 2023-04-03

    Fix SRS tracking.

  • v3.0.1 2023-04-03

    Fix lightning mode.

  • v3.0.0 2023-04-03

    Rewrite to support new WK changes.

  • v2.3.4 2023-01-13

    Don't capture hotkeys when any input box (such as synonyms) is the active element.

  • v2.3.3 2022-11-29

    Removed checking for script_compatibility_mode on WK.

  • v2.3.2 2022-09-13

    Remove tiny delay when lightning mode is enabled on Reviews.

  • v2.3.1 2022-09-10

    Fix firefox issue where keys are ignored after submitting answer

  • v2.3.0 2022-09-10

    Reduced dependence on jquery.
    Added support for Extra Study.

  • v2.2.41 2022-08-03

    Fix 'shake' response after prior update

  • v2.2.40 2022-08-02

    Added repositioning of answer exception to account for added/removed buttons.

  • v2.2.39 2021-11-23

    Fix audio playback and stats.

  • v2.2.38 2021-11-18

    Fix 'submit' issues after Wanikani change.

  • v2.2.37 2021-10-04

    Fix 'FontAwesome' icons after WK update.

  • v2.2.36 2021-10-02

    Fixed review statistics to match Wanikani's behavior.

  • v2.2.35 2021-10-02

    Fixed review statistics to match Wanikani's behavior.

  • v2.2.34 2021-09-07

    Attempt to remove flicker when lightning mode enabled.

  • v2.2.33 2021-09-07

    Fix Lightning Mode after WK change.

  • v2.2.32 2021-09-07

    Fixed interception of review 'submit' button after WK change.

  • v2.2.31 2021-09-03

    Fix issue with last review not completing.

  • v2.2.30 2021-06-18

    Fix statistics after retyping. Add check for changes to Wanikani's auxiliary_meanings structure to prevent items being submitted incorrectly due to errors.

  • v2.2.29 2021-06-17

    Convert trailing 'n' to 'ん' in answer when Wanikani say it's correct.

  • v2.2.28 2021-06-17

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