MOOMOO.IO Insane Mod! *Discontinued since Jan 2018*

Better Minimap, Hat & Accessory Toolbar, Auto Heal, Double Hit, Easy Bow, Rainbow Hat, Hotkeys

< Commentaires sur MOOMOO.IO Insane Mod! *Discontinued since Jan 2018*

Question / commentaire

Posté le: 2017-11-30

Script issue *PLEASE READ*

Recently I downloaded your script and experienced one issue. The table or square in the top left which allows you to disable and enable Autoheal and quicly switch your hats sometimes just disapears at times then reapears. Maybe this is not an issue with the script but if it is please fix! Love the Autoheal and detailed map.

Posté le: 2017-12-02

You must be pressing F, F hides and shows the Toolbar

Posté le: 2017-12-02

Unfortunately I can't make it so that it doesn't Show and Hide when your chatting at the moment but hopefully it will be a future updated!

Posté le: 2017-12-04

Thanks! maybe can make a settings box on the start screen to enable/disable hotkeys and such

Posté le: 2017-12-05

TigerYT if u use "if ( == 'chatBox') return;" in the keydown thing it will stop it if you are chatting

Posté le: 2017-12-05
Édité le: 2017-12-05


TigerYT if u use "if ( == 'chatBox') return;" in the keydown thing it will stop it if you are chatting


Posté le: 2017-12-05
Thanks! maybe can make a settings box on the start screen to enable/disable hotkeys and such

Good idea, I will think about it.

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