

// ==UserScript==
// @name           HistogramHeatGraph_html5.user.js
// @namespace      sotoba
// @version
// @description    ニコニコ動画のコメントをグラフで表示(html5版)※コメントをリロードすることでグラフを再描画します
// @homepageURL    https://github.com/SotobatoNihu/HistogramHeatGraph_html5
// @match          https://www.nicovideo.jp/*
// @match          https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/*
// @require        https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.min.js
// @grant          none
// ==/UserScript==

(function () {
    'use strict';

    // default settings
    class NicoHeatGraph {
        constructor() {
            this.MINIMUMBARNUM = 50;
            this.DEFAULTINTERBAL = 10;
            this.MAXCOMMENTNUM = 30;
            this.GRAPHHEIGHT = 30;
            this.GRAPHDEFWIDTH = 856;
            this.barIndexNum = 0;
            this.$canvas = null;
            this.$commentgraph = $('<div>').attr('id', 'comment-graph');
            this.$commentlist = $('<div>').attr('id', 'comment-list');

        drawCoordinate() {
            const $commentgraph = this.$commentgraph;
            const $commentlist = this.$commentlist;
            if (!($('#comment-graph').length)) {
            this.$canvas = $(".CommentRenderer").eq(0);
            const styleString = `
#comment-graph :hover{
-webkit-filter: hue-rotate(180deg);
filter: hue-rotate(180deg);
#comment-list:empty {
display: none;
            const style = document.createElement('style');
            const playerWidth = parseFloat(this.$canvas.css('width')) | this.GRAPHDEFWIDTH;
                background: 'repeating-linear-gradient(to top, #000, #111 5px)',
                border: '1px solid #000',
                borderTo: 0,
                float: 'left',
                fontSize: 0,
                whiteSpace: 'nowrap',
                background: '#000',
                color: '#fff',
                fontSize: '12px',
                lineHeight: 1.25,
                padding: '4px 4px 0',
                pointerEvents: 'none',
                position: 'absolute',
                zIndex: 9999,

        drowgraph(commentData, $canvas) {
            const $commentgraph = this.$commentgraph;
            const $commentlist = this.$commentlist;
            const ApiJsonData = JSON.parse(document.getElementById('js-initial-watch-data').getAttribute('data-api-data'))
            const playerWidth = $commentgraph.width();
            const videoTotalTime = ApiJsonData.video.duration;
            let barTimeInterval;

            //TODO 非常に長い(2,3時間以上)動画の処理
            if (videoTotalTime > this.MINIMUMBARNUM * this.DEFAULTINTERBAL) {
                barTimeInterval = this.DEFAULTINTERBAL;
                this.barIndexNum = Math.ceil(videoTotalTime / barTimeInterval);
            } else if (videoTotalTime > this.MINIMUMBARNUM) {
                this.barIndexNum = this.MINIMUMBARNUM;
                barTimeInterval = videoTotalTime / this.MINIMUMBARNUM;
            } else {
                this.barIndexNum = Math.floor(videoTotalTime);
                barTimeInterval = 1;

            const barColors = [
                '003165', '00458f', '0058b5', '005fc4', '006adb',
                '0072ec', '007cff', '55a7ff', '3d9bff'
            let listCounts = (new Array(this.barIndexNum + 1)).fill(0);
            const listMessages = (new Array(this.barIndexNum + 1)).fill("");
            const listTimes = (new Array(this.barIndexNum + 1)).fill("");
            const lastBarTimeIntervalGap = Math.floor(videoTotalTime - (this.barIndexNum * barTimeInterval));
            const barWidth = playerWidth / this.barIndexNum;

            const MAXCOMMENTNUM = this.MAXCOMMENTNUM;

            for (let item of commentData) {
                if (item.chat === undefined || item.chat.content === undefined) {
                let vpos = item.chat.vpos / 100;
                if (videoTotalTime <= vpos) {
                    vpos = videoTotalTime;
                const section = Math.floor(vpos / barTimeInterval);
                if (listCounts[section] <= MAXCOMMENTNUM) {
                    const comment = item.chat.content.replace(/"|<|&lt;/g, ' ').replace(/\n/g, '<br>');
                    listMessages[section] += comment + '<br>';

            let starttime = 0;
            let nexttime = 0;
            for (let i = 0; i < this.barIndexNum; i++) {
                starttime = nexttime;
                nexttime += barTimeInterval;
                if (i == this.barIndexNum - 1) {
                    nexttime += lastBarTimeIntervalGap;
                const startmin = Math.floor(starttime / 60);
                const startsec = Math.floor(starttime - startmin * 60);
                let endmin = Math.floor(nexttime / 60);
                let endsec = Math.ceil(nexttime - endmin * 60);
                if (59 < endsec) {
                    endmin += 1;
                    endsec -= 60;
                listTimes[i] += `${("0" + startmin).slice(-2)}:${("0" + startsec).slice(-2)}-${("0" + endmin).slice(-2)}:${("0" + endsec).slice(-2)}`;

            // TODO なぜかthis.barIndexNum以上の配列ができる
            listCounts = listCounts.slice(0, this.barIndexNum);
            const listCountMax = Math.max.apply(null, listCounts);
            const barColorRatio = (barColors.length - 1) / listCountMax;


            for (let i = 0; i < this.barIndexNum; i++) {
                const barColor = barColors[Math.floor(listCounts[i] * barColorRatio)];
                const barBackground = `linear-gradient(to top, #${barColor}, #${barColor} ` +
                    `${listCounts[i]}px, transparent ${listCounts[i]}px, transparent)`;
                const barText = listCounts[i] ?
                    `${listMessages[i]}<br><br>${listTimes[i]} コメ ${listCounts[i]}` : '';
                    .css('background-image', barBackground)
                    .css('float', 'left')
                    .data('text', barText)

        addMousefunc($canvas) {
            const $commentgraph = this.$commentgraph;
            const $commentlist = this.$commentlist;

            function mouseOverFunc() {
                    'left': $(this).offset().left,
                    'top': $commentgraph.offset().top - $commentlist.height() - 10

            function mouseOutFunc() {

                'mouseenter': function (val) {
                        'left': $(this).offset().left,
                        'top': $commentgraph.offset().top - $commentlist.height() - 10
                'mousemove': function (val) {
                        'left': $(this).offset().left,
                        'top': $commentgraph.offset().top - $commentlist.height() - 10
                'mouseleave': function () {

            /* 1 Dom Style Watcher本体 監視する側*/
            const domStyleWatcher = {
                Start: function (tgt, styleobj) {
                    function eventHappen(data1, data2) {
                        const throwval = tgt.css(styleobj);
                        tgt.trigger('domStyleChange', [throwval]);

                    const filter = ['style'];
                    const options = {
                        attributes: true,
                        attributeFilter: filter
                    const mutOb = new MutationObserver(eventHappen);
                    mutOb.observe(tgt, options);
                    return mutOb;
                Stop: function (mo) {

            function catchEvent(event, value) {
                const playerWidth = parseFloat(value);
                const barIndexNum = $('.commentbar').length;
                $('.commentbar').width(playerWidth / barIndexNum);

            const target = document.getElementsByClassName('CommentRenderer')[0];
            if (target) {
                target.addEventListener('domStyleChange', catchEvent);//イベントを登録
                domStyleWatcher.Start(target, 'width');//監視開始


        async getCommentData() {
            const ApiJsonData = await JSON.parse(document.getElementById('js-initial-watch-data').getAttribute('data-api-data'));
            if (!ApiJsonData) {
            const threads = ApiJsonData.comment.threads;
            const normalCommentId = threads.findIndex(c => c.label === 'default');

            const server = threads[normalCommentId]["server"];
            const threadId = threads[normalCommentId]["id"];

            const url = `${server}/api.json/thread?thread=${threadId}&version=20090904&res_from=-1000&scores=1`
            const params = {
                mode: 'cors',
            const data = await fetch(url, params)
                .then(response => response.text())
            return JSON.parse(data);

        load() {
            const self = this;
            this.getCommentData().then(data => {
                    this.canvas = $('.CommentRenderer').eq(0);
                    self.drowgraph(data, this.canvas)
            )//.catch(console.log("load failed"))

        reload() {

    // Main
    const heatgraph = new NicoHeatGraph();

    window.onload = () => {
        //reload when start button pushed
        const startButtons = document.getElementsByClassName('VideoStartButtonContainer')
        for (let startbutton of startButtons) {
            startbutton.addEventListener('click', () => {
                console.log("comment reload.")
            }, false)

        // reload when reload button pushed
        const reloadButtons = document.getElementsByClassName('ReloadButton')
        for (let reloadButton of reloadButtons) {
            reloadButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
                console.log("comment reload.")
            }, false)
        const links = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
        for (const link of links) {
            link.addEventListener('click', () => {
