Google Search Better Privacy

Delete unnecessary params and add useful params on Google Search.

< Commentaires sur Google Search Better Privacy

Avis: OK - le script fonctionne, mais souffre de quelques problèmes

Posté le: 2015-09-12

BUG when using google reverse image search

when using the google reverse image search and i click on the second page, the page is empty without entries or the page switches to the google start page

Posté le: 2016-05-13

Did this get worked out?

Posté le: 2017-11-19
Édité le: 2017-11-19

This is true. Also when modifying the search term in reverse image search, the reverse image search turns into at normal google search, without the image. And when clicking on a "visually similar" picture, that image does not open. Instead, it just opens the visually similar images page. I am using Greasemonkey in Firefox.

Posté le: 2019-06-22

Now it's working fine... I'm using to upload the image and get the url.

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