Discussions » Demandes de création de scripts

Can someone create a script for me? PLEASE. I'll pay $100!!

Posté le: 2018-04-14

Can someone create a script for me? PLEASE. I'll pay $100!!

There's a website called OnlyFans.com. In that website, people create accounts where they can upload images and/or videos, but you have to pay a subscription to individually get access to a persons content. It's pretty much like YouTube, but you pay to see people's content. So is there someone out there who can please write a script to bypass the paywalls to people's accounts. Much appreciated.

Posté le: 2018-04-14

It's not possible with userscript. However that website has a lot of security issues.

Posté le: 2018-04-17

@Cukurgalva said: It's not possible with userscript. However that website has a lot of security issues.

Do you have a different suggestion?

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