Discussions » Demandes de création de scripts
Imdb.com Open all Message Board Posts
Hey Barby. Why ask a script to do a style's job? ;)
@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml); @-moz-document domain("imdb.com") { .mode-thread .comment { display: block !important; } .mode-thread .comment-summary { display: none !important; } }
Of course, this is if I understand your request correctly. Enjoy.
.board .thread.mode-thread .comment { display: block; } .board .thread.mode-thread .comment-summary { display: none; }
without !important flags.
Wait… this isn't forum.userstyles.org. Took me long enough
Thanks so much Grom. I really wanted this.
I should have thought of that.
You should post it on userstyles.org for others !
Another way also LouCypher thanks!
So glad you both are participating on this forum as well as the others.
Imdb.com Open all Message Board Posts
Would like to have the posts on Message Boards to be automatically all opened as default... which is in "Nest" Mode.
DEFAULT "thread" Mode http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3010926/board/thread/154200104?p=1
Would like it to automatically open in "Nest" Mode... where all the posts are opened and displaying their content.
DEFAULT Mode "thread" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2647258/board/thread/224433737
Please and thankyou.