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Changes to the downloadURL and updateURL

Posté le: 2024-06-08
Édité le: 2024-06-08

Currently, this is how they both look like

// @downloadURL
// @updateURL

But after I updated the script name, from always HD to Always HD, tampermonkey/greasyfork no longer recognized the script as installed, so previous users of this script also can't update the script, even though when they install it on greasyfork it doesn't matter if downloadURL and updateURL exists or not, because greasyfork automatically add these two tags.

Can we have the script name removed from both?

That way it would be like

// @downloadURL
// @updateURL

I believe that it would fix the issue I mentioned above where tampermonkey/greasyfork no longer recognizes the script as installed just because of a name change so that current users of the script wouldn't have to manually install the script again.

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