FYTE /Fast YouTube Embedded/ Player

Hugely improves load speed of pages with lots of embedded Youtube videos by instantly showing clickable and immediately accessible placeholders, then the thumbnails are loaded in background. Optionally a fast simple HTML5 direct playback (720p max) can be selected if available for the video.

< Feedback on FYTE /Fast YouTube Embedded/ Player

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 26.6.2022

Doesn't work on http://heroescommunity.com

This thread has a couple videos to test:

Posted: 26.6.2022

Should work now.

Posted: 26.6.2022

Wowie wowie thanks for the ultra quick update.. It's loading your player now, but still not fully working:
LClick the header link to go to youtube (interesting it shows the fps, 20, which i guess homm3 is rarely high FPS) : Results in this url:
Which yea is not valid

LClick the embedded video (which btw your script resizes to a far too big - basically full width of my browser and I run 1440p, which is roughly triple the default size. not a huge issue though.. Big issue with the leftclick: Just shows the infinite spinning loading icon, never loads.
Middle click: Same result as lclick
Shift+Click: Does load the video in your html5 player . The player could use some improvements though as the normal F key does not fullscreen and there is no fullscreen button. Spacebar does pause the video, though requires additional clicks first to focus the video, else it drops down the page. Double click does fullscreen the video, though there is ~100 milliseconds of audio stutter as it seems to pause, fullscreen, than resume.

2nd embedded video in provided test link same results.
Updated rating to scripr works but has bugs

Posted: 26.6.2022

Also while you state the html5 player supports 720p. This video is only 480p, but I believe your html player only loads the 360p version as it looks quite a bit blurrier than on youtube, and using the built in rclick download video, and inspecting it in mediainfo shows it's indeed 360p.

Posted: 26.6.2022
Edited: 26.6.2022

There was a typo, fixed in the updated version. Fullscreen works for me in both types of players. The double-click pause is the browser's problem, I'll probably add a workaround later. As for the quality, the simple player cannot play separate audio+video tracks that are used by youtube for 480p.

Posted: 26.6.2022

Yea i read about that before.. Youtube in their infinite wisdom does not supply non-dash video/audio compatible with HTML5 player except in 360p and 720p..

Thanks for update, I will retest shortly, getting pizza.

Posted: 27.6.2022
Edited: 27.6.2022

Tested your new version. Awesome job man, pretty much all bugs reported are fixed. I'd tip you in steam points if I could :)

LClick / MClick / Shift Click work per your description. Embedded youtube player plays the video properly at 480p, and can resize with button, or with F key - tho resizing with keyboard still required 2nd click refocus (likely a chrome/youtube bug , not yours). Other common key , alt+enter also does not work. Dunno how much control tampermonkey/chrome allows to you give over hotkeys, but would be a top requested feature to fix if possible.

Only remaining minor issue is the player embedded player forcibly resizes to the full frame width on this particular site, which isn't necessary since you give us good fullscreen control (and looks bad on a forum that uses iframes). Preferably default it to 50% width with say a min 360px. Or if you want to be fancy, offer an option. Can look bad/overplay in certain forums. (looks semi okay in heroescommunity.)

While I'm here giving you good bugs to fix:
A long standing popular site that always had bad/broken youtube embedded is steamcommunity.com. Up until maybe 1-2 months ago, it always had the allowfulscreen tag disabled. Seems they PARTIALLY fixed that on their end now, but only if you visit the direct url.

Base URL: https://steamcommunity.com/?subsection=videos
EG Specific community: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1656780/videos/
suburl tested: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2790668394
--> Clicking on a random video in the base url, you will get a modal popup in a medium sized window, the embedded youtube video within does not have the allow fullscreen tag. So your stuck with whatever rez the window pops up at, which can be very small at times.

Click the header at the top of any video brings you to a "/filedetails/" sub url, which they recently fixed to include the allow fullscreen, so those pages, mostly, are good these days. Thank god for that, could never find a script to fix that, nor code my own.

That said, your script breaks them in my Firefox install. My chrome is heavily modified with a lot of other scripts and augmented steam , which breaks steam community in various other fun ways.. But my firefox is ULTRA default, stock, vanilla, as I use it primary for work stuff where stability/testing is key. So no scripts/no adblock/nothing should be interfering except your scrip/tampermonkey. (It's my own only tampermonkey script, fresh install).
The video area just appears blank, video won't load at all, not even a spinning icon. Disabling the script instantly fixes them.

On chrome, with augmented steam:
Videos load fine, but they appear BEHIND the page elements, if any. This is not due to your script, probably a recent bug in augmented steam. But your script does affect this site:
Without script: Embedded video appears full browser width. Mostly looks okay as long as the page is not scrolled, if scrolled , some overlap but kinda okay depending on resolution.
With script: Embedded video's load, but are left aligned, and about 50% width, so looks a little worse if scrolled as most posts overlap.
Funny it's the reverse of the heroes forum where hte video is too wide, here' the full width looks fine since the site does not use frames except the modal popup ones.
Dunno if there some flag "alwaysontop" to resolve this. But probably easy enough to force a

tag to the element to make it look better.

Augmented steam has a toggle "force videos to be mp4 format" but this appears to have no effect on steamcommunity, only affects steampowered.com.
Posted: 27.6.2022

Click Options in the bottom right corner of any intercepted thumbnail and see if configuring the width helps.

steamcommunity popups have a working fullscreen button here because my script overrides the original's attributes, so I guess something else might be interfering. Works both in Chrome and Firefox so I couldn't reproduce the problem. I'm reluctant to fix issues caused by other scripts because even if I fix one now it might break later. There are scripts similar to mine, AFAIK, maybe they'll be more cooperative.

BTW I don't see the benefit of using my script on steam community site because there is no long list of iframes that slow down the page, the site shows just one iframe after explicitly opening the popup. Personally, I configure the script (in userscript settings) to run only on sites that actually show multiple iframes at once.

Posted: 27.6.2022

Oh nice, actually never noticed that options button before. It's quite small and transparent so easy to miss. Setting it to "original" size does fix the full-width issue on heroescommunity.

Well the benefit is that we could view any video in fullscreen mode in just 2 clicks. Atm that's not possible. And no, it's not my other scripts interfering, I've tested it on a clean install on firefox, and waterfox too.

Try here:
Click the speedrun video. In the modal popup, fullscreen button is disabled.

But if you click the header link : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2790668394
Than yea, on that page the fullscreen button works.

Would be a minor improvement, but nice to have.

I have a super high end system, so page load with a ton of videos isn't an issue. It's just annoying when I can't fullscreen them. Your script fixes heroes community, and various other sites, but not all.

Posted: 27.6.2022

The fullscreen button works for me in both cases so I don't know what to fix...

Posted: 27.6.2022

Strange. I tested it a lot of configurations over the years, never worked. What's your browser version / OS version ?

Posted: 27.6.2022

Chrome stable and canary, Firefox stable, Windows 10, Violentmonkey beta.

Posted: 27.6.2022

AH! So there is the difference.
Tampermonkey results as I described before.
Violent monkey on my fresh firefox install works you describe - fixes fullscreen button both modal popup, and direct link. (I deleted tampermonkey to be sure no conflicts)

I checked that setting you say is required on the homepage too, I have default settings, so yea it's enabled. I don't see the equivalent setting in violentmonkey, but I only took a 30 second glance, so it's perhaps hidden somewhere. Regardless, the default works.

And it indeed is your script fixing it. Disabling the script results in the fullscreen being disabled in the modal popup. (Though works in the 2ndary direct link)

So yea, for some reason the modal popup doesn't get the allowfullscreen tag in tampermonkey, but it does in violentmonkey, under latest stable firefox, windows 10.

Posted: 27.6.2022

I've added a workaround for Tampermonkey, however your videos have enablejsapi=1 in their URLs and my script always skipped them by default. You can find an inactive video thumbnail intercepted by my script, click its Options and uncheck the Safe option. Unfortunately there's no way to show the options on an already playing video.

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