JR Crowdsource keyword/ranking mturk.com scripts

A userscript for crowdsource keyword and ranking hits. It should be working for the keywords for any Google location. Also it will work for the ranking hits. It will even work for the choose the best URL hits.

< Feedback on JR Crowdsource keyword/ranking mturk.com scripts

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 25.1.2015

Crowdsource Search: Loc & Keyword - Google Acct Required hits not working

Is there a way to get this HIT to work with the script? When the hit is accepted and I press search, the output takes me to a link such as "http://www.search/search?ion=0&num=50&q=ed+young+jr&jrio=feetwalk&ttt=1" and not google

Posted: 25.1.2015

Thanks for letting me now about this. I already have a fix for this. I just need to test it for chrome and make sure it still works for everything else. If everything is fine I'll update it in a few hours today.

Posted: 25.1.2015

Wow! Fast response JohnnyRS .. .Thank you very much for this script BTW it is beautiful

Posted: 26.1.2015

All working! Thanks!

Posted: 5.3.2015
Edited: 5.3.2015

oops think i posted in th wrtong place

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