Greasy Fork is available in English.

AO3: Add button to Show Bookmark

Adds a "Show Bookmark" button before the "Edit Bookmark" button on the page where you view a work's bookmarks

// ==UserScript==
// @name           AO3: Add button to Show Bookmark
// @namespace
// @version        2.0.2-20240612_153032
// @description    Adds a "Show Bookmark" button before the "Edit Bookmark" button on the page where you view a work's bookmarks
// @author         w4tchdoge
// @homepage
// @match          *://*chapters/*
// @match          *://*works/*
// @match          *://*/bookmarks
// @match          *://*
// @exclude        *://*works/*/navigate
// @license        AGPL-3.0-or-later
// @history        2.0.2 — Move the detection of whether the work is bookmarked to the start of the script instead of making it part of what the bookmarks page fetch does. This is to make sure the bookmarks page is only fetched when the user has the work bookmarked
// @history        2.0.1 — Add exclude rule so that userscript doesn't run on /navigate pages
// @history        2.0.0 — Add a link to view a user's bookmark in the stats area that is present when viewing a chapter (
// @history        1.0.3 — Make sure script works on bookmark searches. Add a check to make sure that the script only executes if the existing_edit_btns array has elements in it
// @history        1.0.2 — Make sure script only adds a "Show Bookmark" button when there is an "Edit Bookmark" button as opposed to a "Bookmark" button that is used to make new bookmarks
// @history        1.0.1 — Fix issue caused by data-remote attribute where bookmark could not be opened in the current tab
// @history        1.0.0 — Initial commit
// ==/UserScript==

(async function () {
	`use strict`;

	const current_page_url = new URL(window.location);
	const bkmrk_page_check = current_page_url.pathname.includes(`bookmarks`);

	const is_work_bookmarked = (() => {
		try {

			const element_iwb = document.querySelector(`a.bookmark_form_placement_open`).textContent.toLowerCase().includes(`edit`);
			return element_iwb;

		} catch (error) {

			return false;


	if (bkmrk_page_check && Boolean(document.querySelector(`a[id^="bookmark_form_trigger"]`))) {

		// create array of the parent elements of the li element that makes up the native edit bookmark buttons
		const existing_edit_btns = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(`*:has(> li > [id^="bookmark_form_trigger"][href*="edit"])`));

		// Check if the array exists and has elements
		if (Array.isArray(existing_edit_btns) && Boolean(existing_edit_btns.length)) {
			// console.log(`existing edit buttons exist on this page`);
Add "Show Bookmark" Button userscript:
One or more "Edit Bookmark" buttons exist on this page.
Proceeding to add "Show Bookmark" buttons next to them.`

			// proceed to iterate on each element in existing_edit_btns to make and insert a new show bookmark button
			existing_edit_btns.forEach(function (elm, i, arr) {
				// get the original li element which the link is a child of and make it a const so it cant be changed
				// orig is needed as a reference for the new "Show Bookmark" li elm to be added before
				const orig = elm.querySelector(`li`);

					// clone orig to modify it and make the new show bookmark button element
					li_elm = orig.cloneNode(true),
					// make a variable specifically for the a element so i dont have to call a querySelector everytime
					a_elm = li_elm.querySelector(`a`);

				// remove the data-remote as it prevents the bookmark from being opened in the current tab

				// get the original a element id and change it for the new one
				const a_elm_id = a_elm.getAttribute(`id`).replace(`bookmark_form`, `show_bookmark`);

				// get the original a element href and change it for the new one
				const a_elm_link_href = a_elm.getAttribute(`href`).replace(`/edit`, ``);

				// get the original a element textContent and change it for the new one
				const a_elm_text = a_elm.textContent.replace(/edit/i, `Show`);

				// modify the cloned element using the a_elm_* variables to make the new "Show Bookmark" button
				a_elm.setAttribute(`id`, a_elm_id);
				a_elm.setAttribute(`href`, a_elm_link_href);
				a_elm.textContent = a_elm_text;

				// add the new "Show Bookmark" button before the edit bookmark button

		} else {
Add "Show Bookmark" Button userscript:
No "Edit Bookmark" buttons exist on this page.`

	if (!bkmrk_page_check && Boolean(document.querySelector(`dd.bookmarks a`)) && !is_work_bookmarked) {

		// console.log(`branch B`);

Add "Show Bookmark" Button userscript:
User does not have the work bookmarked.`

	if (!bkmrk_page_check && Boolean(document.querySelector(`dd.bookmarks a`)) && is_work_bookmarked) {

		// console.log(`branch A`);

		const bookmark_page_href = document.querySelector(`dd.bookmarks a`).getAttribute(`href`);

		const bkmrk_fetch_resp_txt = await (async () => {
			const fetch_resp = await fetch(bookmark_page_href);
			const resp_text = await fetch_resp.text();
			return resp_text;

		// console.log(bkmrk_fetch_resp_txt);
		const html_parser = new DOMParser();
		const html_bookmark_page_html = html_parser.parseFromString(bkmrk_fetch_resp_txt, `text/html`);
		// console.log(html_bookmark_page_html);
		const edit_bookmark_elem = html_bookmark_page_html.querySelector(`a[id^="bookmark_form_trigger"]`).cloneNode();

		// console.log(edit_bookmark_elem);

		// const work_is_already_bookmarked = edit_bookmark_elem.href.includes(`edit`);
		// if (!work_is_already_bookmarked) {
		// console.log(`
		// Add "Show Bookmark" Button userscript:
		// User does not have the work bookmarked.`
		// );
		// }
		// if (work_is_already_bookmarked) {

Add "Show Bookmark" Button userscript:
User has the work bookmarked.`
			show_bookmark_href = edit_bookmark_elem.getAttribute(`href`).split(/\/edit/i).at(0),
			all_public_bkmrks_link = document.querySelector(` dl.stats dd[class^="bookmark"]:has(>a)`);

		// console.log(show_bookmark_href);

		const dt_user_bookmark_elem = Object.assign(document.createElement(`dt`), {
			id: `show_user_bookmark_dt`,
			className: `user_bookmark`,
			innerHTML: `User Bookmark:`

		const dd_user_bookmark_elem = Object.assign(document.createElement(`dd`), {
			className: `user_bookmark`,
			id: `show_user_bookmark_dd`,
			innerHTML: (() => {
				const element = Object.assign(document.createElement(`a`), {
					href: `${show_bookmark_href}`,
					id: `show_user_bookmark_a`,
					innerHTML: `View`
				return element.outerHTML;

		all_public_bkmrks_link.after(dt_user_bookmark_elem, dd_user_bookmark_elem);

		// }

